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Extreme Bible Character Quiz

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Very hard Bible Quiz about Bible Characters.


  1. Who approved and oversaw the stoning of Steven, the first martyr?
    a. King Herod the Great.
    b. Saul of Tarsus.
    c. Pontius Pilate.

    b. Saul
    Saul of Tarsus oversaw the stoning, of Steven. Later Saul converted and became known as Paul the Apostle.

    Acts 8:1-14


    Abraham told the king that Sarah was his sister.

    Who was the king?
    a. King David.
    b. Ole King Saul.
    c. Abimelech, King of Gerer.

    c. Abimelech.
    Sarah was beautiful and Abraham was sure that he would be killed because of that. Abraham told Abimelech, King of Gerer, that Sarah was his sister. So Abimelech took her for his wife. God intervened before Abimelech lay with Sarah. God explained who she was and Abimelech gave Sarah back to Abraham.

    Genesis 20

    Who wanted to be tied to an X-shaped cross instead of nailed to a standard T-shaped cross?

    This is not authenticated in the bible.  Tradition says this disciple wanted to suffer more. He was tied to a cross in Patras, Greece, and was crucified by Aegeas, the governor of the region at the time. Also, tradition states that the X was turned sideways.
    a. Paul
    b. Andrew
    c. Peter

    b. Andrew.
    Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, wanted to be tied instead of nailed to a cross. He felt inferior to Jesus and wanted to suffer more.

  4. She lived in the temple all her life.
    She saw Mary and Joseph bring baby Jesus for purification.
    a. Deborah
    b. Anna
    c. Judith

    b. Anna.
    Anna was a widow and a prophetess who lived in the temple all her life. She met Jesus as a baby when Mary and Joseph brought young Jesus to the temple. Anna recognized Jesus as the Christ right away.

    Luke 2:22-40

  5. Who made the contribution to Christianity with the Vulgate translation?
    a. Isosceles
    b. Aristotle
    c. Saint Jerome of Dalmatia.

    c. Saint Jerome.
    Saint Jerome of Dalmatia created the Latin Vulgate translation.


  6. God put this man to death for "spilling his seed.".
    The man did not want to impregnate his sister-in-law.
    a. Onanb.
    b. Judahc.
    c. Shemd.

    a. Onanb.
    Onanb spilled his seed because he did not want to impregnate his sister-in-law, Tamar. God killed him for doing this. Tamar had no male children to inherit the estate. Her husband, Er, had died and Onanb was obligated to impregnate Tamar. He refused to carry out the tradition. 


  7. An earthquake opened doors and loosened Paul's chains.
    Which disciple was in jail with him?
    a. Silas.
    b. Timothy.
    c. Barnabas.

    a. Silas.
    Silas was in a Roman prison with Paul because they exorcised a spirit out of a slave fortune-teller who was making money for her owners.


  8. Who is the father of Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul?
    a. Shem.
    b. Simeon.
    c. Reuben.

    b. Simeon.
    Simeon was the father to these men.


  9. While building something, an axe head fell into the river.
    Who broke off a stick and set it on the water's surface?
    The axe head miraculously
    floated to the top.

    a. Noah.
    b. Moses.
    c. Elisha.

    c. Elisha.
    Elisha ​fixed an axe head that fell into the river and miraculously came to the surface.


  10. Who pushed a dagger so deep into the belly of the obese Eglon, King of Moab, that the dagger completely disappeared and went unnoticed by the guards?
    a. Samson.
    b. Ussiah.
    c. Ehud.

    c. Ehud.
    Ehud ​ pushed a dagger into the obese King of Moab. It went in so deep it could not be seen. The guards were not aware how he died at first and Ehud made his escape.


  11. Who slew the Giant at Gath?
    The giant had six fingers on every hand and six toes on every foot.
    a. Jonadab, a relative of David.
    b. Jonathan, the nephew of David.
    c. David (he slew a second giant).

    b. Jonathan.
    David's nephew Jonathan, son of David's brother Shimeah, slew this giant.

    2 Samuel 21:21

  12. This man denied supplies to David's army.
    The wife of Nabal persuaded David not to kill her husband.
    David married this woman after her husband suddenly died. 

    Who is this woman?
    a. Abigail.
    b. Jael.
    c. Jehosheba.

    a. Abigail.
    Abigail persuaded David not to kill her husband Nabal, for not giving up his supplies. Abigail told Nabal how she intervened and saved his life. Nabal went stone-cold stiff with a heart attack and ten days later he died. After Nabal died, David married her.

    1 Samuel 25


  13. This female "double spy" drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera, the Canaanite general.
    Sisera sought refuge in her tent after retreating from the Israelite army.
    a. Delilah.
    b. Jezebel.
    c. Jael.

    c. Jael.
    Jael drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera a Canaanite general.


  14. What two midwives were assigned by the Egyptian king to attend to Israelite women during childbirth?
    Their instructions were to kill all males that were born.
    They refused because they were believers.
    Who were they?

    a. Gomer and Hagar.
    b. Shiphrah and Puah.
    c. Oholah and Oholibah.

    b. Shiphrah and Puah.
    Shiphrah and Puah were midwives assigned by the Egyptian king to attend to Israelite women during childbirth. The king commanded that all boys be killed.

    Exodus 1:15-21


  15. This queen refused to appear nude before the court.
    It was a request of her drunken husband, King Xerxes also known as King Ahasuerus.
    The king then replaced her with a Jew.

    a. Simone.
    b. Jezebel.
    c. Vashti.

    c. Queen Vashti.
    Queen Vashti refused to appear nude for her husband in court. She was dethroned and no longer allowed to be in the king's presence.

    Esther 1:1-22


  16. Who became king when he was eight years old?
    He reigned for 31 years and removed idol worship.
    a. Josiah.
    b. Amon.
    c. Jehoahaz.

    a. Josiah.
    Josiah was a descendant of David. He became king when he was only eight years old. He reigned for thirty-one years. Josiah started rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem and ordered all idols to be destroyed.

    2 Chronicles 34


  17. What did not happen at the slaughter of Amorites in Gibeon at the hands of Joshua?
    a. Hailstones from heaven killed many Amorites.
    b. The Israelites killed many with their swords.
    c. The Amorites committed suicide.

    c. The Amorites.
    The Amorites did not commit suicide.


  18. A Syrian commander captured a young Israeli girl.
    She told her mistress to contact Elisha in Samaria, who could cure her husband (the commander) of his leprosy.
    Who is the husband?

    a. Rimmon.
    b. Naaman.
    c. Mordecai.

    b. Naaman.
    Naaman was a Syrian commander who went to Elisha in Samaria to be healed of leprosy.


  19. In 1986, a clay seal was found outside Jerusalem.
    It has the name of a scribe from the Bible.
    The seal dates to the correct timeline.

    a. Delaiah.
    b. Elnathan.
    c. Elishama.

    b. Elnathan.
    A clay seal was found of a scribe named Elnathan.


  20. God blinded Saul. Whom did God provide to pray for and heal him?
    a. Ananias.
    b. Peter.
    c. Thomas.

    a. Ananias.
    Saul was led to Ananias who cured his blindness.


  21. Jeremiah was imprisoned in a Cistern at Malkijah.
    It was full of mud. Who rescued him?
    a. King Zedekiah.
    b. Shephatiah, son of Mattan.
    c. Pashhur, son of Malkijah.

    c. Pashhur.
    Pashhur, son of Malkijah, rescued Jeremiah from a muddy cistern.


  22. One of Saul's concubines lost two sons she begot from Saul.
    David hung them on the mountainside, leaving them to rot and be eaten by animals.
    Who was the mother who stayed with the remains until God gave her a sign?
    a. Gibeah.
    b. Rizpah.
    c. Mephibosheth.

    b. Rizpah
    Armoni and Mephibosheth were sons of Saul and Rizpah whom David killed for their father's sins.

  23. The church met in this wealthy Laodicean's house.
    a. Nympha.
    b. Lydia.
    c. Priscilla.

    b. Lydia.
    The church met in Lydia's house.


  24. Who was the person who traveled far, bringing many spices, gems, and gold to King Solomon because of his fame?
    This person also wanted to test his wisdom with some tough questions. 
    a. The King of Saudi Arabia.
    b. The Queen of Sheba.
    c. The Prince of Ethiopia.

    b. Queen of Sheba
    The Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon to learn how wise he was.


  25. Which king chose Shechem as Israel's capital?
    This king also constructed two golden calves.
    He placed them north and south and said,
     "This is your God; stay out of Jerusalem.".
    a. Rehoboam
    b. Jeroboam
    c. Ahijah

    a. Rehoboam
    Rehoboam constructed two golden calves as worship idols.


  26. There was a drought. There was no water and little food.
    God told this prophet to go to a certain widow's home in Zarephath and ask for bread and water.
    Afterward, God provided a flour pot and an oil jug that never went empty.

    Who was the prophet?

    a. John the Baptist.
    b. Jeremiah
    c. Elijah

    Elijah went to the widow Zarephath's house for food and water.

    1 Kings 17:7-16

  27. Naboth owned a vineyard next to the palace.
    Who used false testimony to have Naboth killed so that her husband could take ownership of the vineyard?
    a. Bathsheba
    b. Potiphar's wife
    c. Jezebel

    c. Jezebel
    Jezebel had Naboth killed so that King Ahab could have his vineyard.

    1 Kings 21


  28. The Philistines sent the Israelites a cart without a driver.
    Two milk cows pulled the cart.
    The cart had five gold tumors, five gold rats, and one other item.
    What was the other item?

    a. A Golden Calf.
    b. An original copy of the Tanakh.
    c. The Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments.

    c. Ark of the Covenant
    The cart also contained the Ark of the Covenant, five gold tumors, and five gold rats. The Philistines sent the cart without a driver and it went to the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.

    1 Samuel 6:1-18


  29. The king of Syria sent a large army with horses and chariots to Dothan to kill Elisha.
    They arrived late at night and surrounded the city.
    What did Elisha do to spoil their plans?
    a. He caused a great thundering noise in the sky and caused lightning bolts to strike the invaders.
    b. He caused a firewall to erupt between the city and the invading army.
    c. He blinded the entire army of invaders and led them away to another city.

    c. Elisha blinded the enemy army.
    2 kings 6

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​​For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Romans 10:10

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