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Easy Bible History Quiz

Test yourself on these easy Bible history quiz questions.

Peaking is OK. We are not all Biblical scholars.

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  1. How did the early believers express their very first forms of scripture?
    a. Verbally (orally) in songs, poems, and other narratives.
    b. Wrote on vellum and plant material using ink.
    c. Drew on walls using chalk or Kaolinite.

    a. Verbally.
    The first forms of scripture were expressed verbally starting with Adam and Eve.


  2. What texts were the Bible created from?
    a. The writings of Nostradamus.
    b. Ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.
    c. Aramaic scrolls found in the tombs beneath Jerusalem.

    b. Hebrew and Greek.
    The Bible is created from ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.


  3. What is another name for the ancient scriptural manuscripts?
    a. Codex.
    b. Pretext.
    c. Anecdotes.

    a. Codex.
    Other names for scriptural manuscripts include Codex or scrolls.


  4. This Bible version was translated from the Hebrew Bible into Greek.
    a. Gnostic Gospels.
    b. Septuagint.
    c. Vulgate.

    b. Septuagint.
    The Septuagint was a translation made from Hebrew into Greek.


  5. Which section of the Bible was primarily written in Hebrew?
    a. Old Testament.
    b.  Apocrypha.
    c. New Testament.

    a. Old Testament.
    The Old Testament was primarily written in Hebrew.


  6. Which section of the Bible was primarily written in Koine Greek?
    a. Old Testament.
    b. Apocrypha.
    c. New Testament.

    c. New Testament.
    The New Testament was primarily written in Greek.


  7. Which English Bible version was printed in the year 1611?
    a. The Vulgate.
    b. The King James Version.
    c. The Catholic Canon as approved by Pope Damasus I.

    b. King James.
    The first version of the King James Bible was published in 1611.

  8. What currently used Bible version is in the "public domain"?
    a. The Watchtower.
    b. Original King James Bible.
    c. The New International Version.

    b. King James.
    The original King James Version is in the public domain.


  9. Which section of the Christian Bible originated in the ancient religion of Judaism?
    a. The Gospels.
    b. Apocrypha.
    c. Old Testament.

    c. Old Testament .
    The Old Testament originated in Judaism and has been used by Jews ever since. The Jewish people prefer to call the Old Testament the First Testament because it came before the Second Testament.


  10. What was the first complete Bible written in English?
    a. Tyndale Bible.
    b. King James Version.
    c. Vulgate Translation.

    a. Tyndale Bible.
    The Tyndale Bible was the first complete English language version.


  11. The early Christian churches utilized this Latin Bible.
    a. The Hebrew Bible.
    b. Vulgate.
    c. Septuagint .

    b. Vulgate.
    The Latin Vulgate was the most popular Bible used by the early Christian churches.


  12. What is the Jewish Bible commonly called?
    a. Torah.
    b. Tanamaka.
    c. New Testament.

    a. Torah.
    The Jewish Bible is sometimes called the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible known as the Law of Moses. The complete Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The Tanach has three sections, The Torah, The Neviim, and Ktuvim.


  13. What happened to the first few authors who translated the Bible into English?
    a. The church praised their efforts.
    b. The church hung them on the cross for heresy against God.
    c. They were burned at the stake for blasphemy against the church.

    c. Burned at the stake.
    The first few scholars who translated the Bible into English were burned at the stake by the church. The church did not like the idea of the common man being able to read the Bible for themselves.


  14. These groups of manuscripts were found in a cave near the sea.
    a. Masoretic sea text.
    b. Dead Sea Scrolls.
    c. Holy Aramaic scriptures.

    b. Dead Sea scrolls.
    The Dead Sea scrolls were found in a cave.


  15. This monarch finally allowed Bibles to be printed in English.
    a. Queen Mary I         (1553).
    b. Queen Elizabeth I  (1558).
    c. King James VI       (1611).  aka James VI (Scotland)  aka James I (England).

    c. King James.
    King James,
    allowed Bibles to be printed in English. He authorized and insisted on a new translation that would be small enough for an individual to carry and written in the language of the day, that the common person could understand.


  16. Which Bible book is considered the oldest and first book written?
    a. Genesis.
    b. Exodus.
    c. Job

    c. Job.
    Job is believed to be the first Bible book written.


  17. When was it estimated that the first manuscripts were written?
    a. 3500 BC.
    b. 2000 BC.
    c. 1400-1200 BC.

    c. 1400 to 1200 BC.
    It has been estimated that the first manuscripts started appearing between 1400 to 1200 BC.  The first manuscript to be written is believed to be the Book of Job.


  18. This is the first English Bible, divided into chapters and numbered verses.
    a. Geneva.
    b. Bishops.
    c. King James.

    a. Geneva.
    The Geneva Bible was the first version having chapters and numbered verses. It was written in 1560. William Wittingham led several other scholars in creating the Bible after Queen "Bloody" Mary died. She persecuted Christians. The Bible was popular until the King James version appeared in 1611.


  19. Who was the first person to write part of the Bible in English?
    a. Wycliffe.
    b. Darby.
    c. Vulgate.

    a. Wycliffe.
    John Wycliffe was the first person to attempt to translate the books of the Bible into English. This was considered heresy against the church and he was burned at the stake for it by the church.


  20. When did the Ten Commandments come into being?
    a. 31st century BC (Adam).
    b. 21st century BC (Noah).
    c. 14th century BC (Moses).

    c. 14th Century BC.
    The Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets by the finger of God in the 14th Century BC.  God gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai. They were kept in the Ark of the Covenant. God made two sets because Moses got mad and destroyed the first set. Wow! That must have been a scene.

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"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

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