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Bible Facts and Fun Bible Trivia

Learn about the history of the Bible, the people of the Bible, and the biblical stories inside the Bible.

Physical Bible Information: Bible facts and Bible Trivia.  What do you know about the physical Bible?
Inside the Bible: Intriguing and fascinating Biblical information and stories worth reading.
Bible Personalities: There are over 3,000 Bible characters with extremely fascinating personalities.
Bible HistoryThe Bible didn't just appear one day. Are you curious about the creation of the Bible?

Bible Trivia - Facts: Interesting trivia of things in the Bible. You might be amazed at what's in the Bible.

Click on the Menu bar, the Links above, or the Icons below to supplement your Bible knowledge.


 History of the Holy Bible and how it developed.

Black Holy Bible.webp

Facts about the Physical  aspects of the Bible.

Beduin with donkey.webp

The characters, people, and personalities of the Bible.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.
He will not leave you or forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6

 Welcome to Bible Quiz and Bible Facts.

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