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Bible Time Line

The timeline of Earth's creation according to the Bible and other sources.

The Bible's Timeline of Earth's Creation

The protestant Bilble indicates that Earth has existed for 6,000 to 10,00 years.
Some scientists, zoologists, archeologists, and other religions have a difference of opinion.

Consider the following information gathered from the internet and words from this author:
Bible time can be confusing with the length of "time" being argued over.

A day in the Bible starts at sunset and ends at sunset the following day.

  • However, the third hour is three hours after sunrise and not three hours after sunset.

  • Days were split into two 12-hour sections, no matter how long the days or nights were.

  • It was 12 hours from sun up to sundown and 12 hours from sundown to sun up.

  • The hours' length was variable due to the year's seasons when nights were shorter or longer than days.

  • Summer day hours were longer (more minutes) than the night hours.

  • The winter day hours were shorter (fewer minutes) than the nighttime hours.

The Roman Day (the one we use) starts at midnight and ends the following midnight.

  • During the time of ancient Rome, they had variable hour lengths as well.

  • There are several intriguing things about the calendar and days of the week.

  • Parts of the world, present and past, use the moon to record time.

  • Some use the sun.

  • There are the Julian Calendar, Gregorian Calendar, Roman-Byzantine, Egyptian, Iranian, Islamic, Jewish, Turko-Mongol, and Western calendars.

  • Ten days were lost on the calendar when the Pope decreed to change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in October 1582.

  • The Gregorian sun calendar is used by the modern world in most countries.
    Most of the Islamic world uses the moon calendar.

  • Removing the ten days allowed the calendar to keep the vernal equinox from March 11 to March 21.

In the past, a day in the Bible was of variable length.

  • In some cases in the Bible, a day means a year.

  • In other cases, a day is a thousand years long.

  • Perhaps this is why the Bible has some to believe the Earth's creation was 6,000 years ago, and the scientific community believes Earth was created much further back in time.

  • It is hard to discredit the scientific community.

  • It is much easier to believe that the Bible may not be understood when looking at timelines.

"Seeing is believing." "Reading is faith."


Reading someone's rendition that an event happened a thousand years ago is hard to believe if physical evidence does not support it.

  • So which is correct, someone's recollection or the physical evidence?

  • In some cases, perhaps neither is being correctly interpreted.

  • In the case of creation, it makes more sense to agree with the science.

  • It is more difficult to believe that a 6,000-year-old story is accurate, understood, and properly translated.

  • So there we have it. There are two ways of looking at the past. Biblical Faith and Scientific Interpretation.

  • Which is correct? Which is the real interpretation? It's one or the other.

  • Science has at times been proven false. Faith, at times, has no proof.

  • Perhaps both are true to some degree. Maybe neither is correct.

  • The reality is that, most likely, it's just that we don't understand either method.

The Bible was written over the course of 1500 years.

  • Experts can't decide on the exact years when the ancient manuscripts and Biblical Scriptures were written.

  • Also, it is not known who the specific authors are for some books.

  • The early Biblical Scriptures and Old Testament writings date from around 1650 BC to 1000 BC.

  • Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC.

  • Moses or Aides are acknowledged as the authors of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible).

  • Moses somehow was aware of all the things before his time.

  • He most likely learned through traditional, oral stories passed down from generation to generation.
    Or perhaps it was given to him on Mount Sinai by God and the angels during the Exodus.
    Then again, there is evidence that written language was used as far back as Abraham.

    It is not known for sure how the Bible stories got to Moses.

If we believe the story of Noah and the Flood wiping out the planet, everything flows from Noah.


  • All people on Earth (and all animals) drowned except the eight in Noah's family and the mammals God told Noah to take aboard the Ark.

  • It is believed that all of humanity is the descendant of Noah and his family, consisting of only eight members.

  • All the animals, as well as the human race, are descendants of the Ark.

  • Noah, like Moses, had to have been knowledgeable of the entire Biblical past from the beginning of God's creation up to the time of the voyage on the Ark.

There is no evidence that his knowledge was in written documents.
Did he have manuscripts on the Ark? We don't know.

It is most probable that all stories and traditions were passed down from Adam and Eve through each generation orally.

The assumption is that all Biblical history, knowledge, and traditions were passed down orally to Moses through the ancestry of Noah after the great flood.

We can only speculate, as the earliest known written artifact found dates back to 3500 BC.

  • So, the theory is that the creation story would have been passed down orally through the generations of Adam's descendants to Noah, and then from Noah's descendants to Moses, who put them in writing.

  • Noah was born approximately 700 years after the creation of Adam.
    There would have been at least 700 years of oral pass down from Adam to Noah.
    The lineage was Adam, Seth, Methuselah, Lemech, and Noah.
    Lemech was Noah's father. Methuselah was Noah's grandfather. Seth was Noah's fifth grandfather. Adam was the sixth grandfather.

  • This oral pass-down is believed because no ancient documents were found that were written before the existence of Moses.

  • It is a common belief that written language did not exist before Moses.

  • Another theory is that God told Moses about ancient times, from the time of the Creation to the Exodus, when Moses talked with God and the Angels on Mount Sinai.

  • How are we to know?
    This is where it takes faith to believe the documents of Moses, to be real, true, and authentic.


No matter the method, Moses had to have gotten this information somehow to write about it.

  • If stories were passed down orally, how accurate were the 1600 years of oral tradition from Creation until the Flood?

  • I remember in grade school, the teacher whispered something into the ear of the student near the right side of her desk.
    She whispered it to the student beside her.

    The whisper went around the room until it ended up at the last student, in the room near the left side of her desk.
    Of course, you know the outcome of this little demonstration.

  • Instead of the dog getting a treat from the youngest boy in the family for doing good tricks, the young boy got a dog from his family because he didn't play tricks on his family and was a good boy.

  • There were 22 students in the class.
    That's only twenty-two renditions of the story.

  • How many renditions are there in 1600 years?
    One would expect an entirely different story after 1600 years of being passed down.
    But the amazing thing is that the story has not changed.

  • Writing documents accurately is one thing.

  • Telling a story orally for 1600 years without variations is something else.

  • Just thought-provoking.

  • Something is amiss when putting the Bible creation up against the science creation.

  • It always comes down to putting faith in the Bible or the scientific community. Which is real? Maybe neither.

  • However, we must recognize that the scientific community has been slowly but continuously proving the Bible over the past 100 years.

Is science 100% accurate? Surprise! It's not.

  • It turns out that all these dating methods have flaws. They are not exact sciences.

  • They do not agree with each other and can be thousands, or in some cases, millions of years, in error or apart from one another.

  • The scientific explanation of Earth's creation started as a "theory" in the 1800s by one man, a mathematician, that others bought into.

  • The theory didn't evolve based on scientific evidence but only on "reasoning" to explain Earth's creation using the logic of the day.

  • One geologist bought into it and developed the radiometric dating system.

  • Two geologists in the 1950s bought into it and developed a radiocarbon dating system.

  • Since then, several other dating systems have developed, using uranium, samarium, potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, fission track, uranium-thorium, chlorine-36, luminescence, beryllium, and others.

  • It turns out that many dating methods have significant inaccuracies and inconsistencies, with discrepancies spanning millions of years.

The dating systems are improperly applied.

The scientific community uses these dating systems to support their "theory" of a 5-billion-year-old Earth.

"Darwin's evolution" nonsense has been disproven and debunked many times over.

  • Scientists cannot agree with a single theory about the Earth's creation.
    They are still arguing over it. is one source. There are several theories. You can read about them on the internet.

    The two prominent theories are the Core Accretion and the Disk Instability Models.

  • The U.S. Geological Survey is the nation's largest biological science and civilian mapping agency.

    It collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides a scientific understanding of natural resource conditions, issues, and problems.
    They are the ones that have "scientifically" determined the age of the earth.

Here is the direct quote from their web page.

"So far, scientists have not found a way to determine the exact age of the earth."

When you read their website, you find out that the age of the earth is determined by rocks that are not from this planet.

Note that there is a limited sampling of those rocks from a limited number of sources.
The theory is that the Earth must be the same age as other materials found in outer space.  Really?

Here is a theoretical story to ponder:

  • Henry Bessemer created a thin sheet of steel in 1881.
    The sheet was stored for future use.

  • In 1981, Ford Motor Company purchased that sheet of steel.
    Ford created a new prototype vehicle that never went into production.
    They used this piece of steel, created in 1881, to manufacture a prototype in 1981.
    Don't get ahead of me in this story.

  • In the future year of 3981, a construction crew excavated a plot of land in Detroit to build a high-rise building.
    The workers dig up a weird-looking vehicle.
    They have no idea what it is.
    They are curious about its age and call in the science crew.


  • The dating system used during the year 3981 is very accurate and precise to the exact year.
    How old does their dating system say that the vehicle is?
    Are you ahead of me yet?
    Their dating system showed that the vehicle was built in 1881, not in 1981, when Ford built it.
    Do you get it?


  • The dating system determined the age of the steel. 
    It did not determine the age of the vehicle.
    Do you see the correlation of this story to Earth's creation?
    The rocks are older than the planet they created.
    Another interesting piece of trivia is that some moon rocks are older than the Earth.

How accurate is the scienetific community.


As always, with the scientific community, anyone who goes against their "Golden Standard" gets unheard, ridiculed, shunned, and laughed at.

  • Pythagoras theorized that the earth was round. 
    He was shunned by the scientists of the day for making that statement. The scientist said, "This can't be real."


  • Aristarchus figured out in 300 BC that the earth revolved around the sun.
    This revelation was against the "Scientific Norm" of the sun rotating around the Earth. And they said, "Not true."
    The scientific community shunned Aristarchus, laughed him out of the meetings, and discredited him.


  • Copernicus went further.

    He proposed that we are part of the solar system and that all the planets revolve around the sun.

    It took decades before the scientific community finally accepted it.  

  • Semmelweis, an obstetrician, published evidence that when doctors washed their hands before examining or treating patients, there was less illness and mortality.
    It went against the medical approach at the time.  No one believed him.

    Yet, in his hospital, he was proven correct.
    Our human nature was at its finest.


  • And the list of "scientific misinformation", goes on and on, until someone is brave enough to challenge it.

The scientific community still has the self-egotistical "We know better than you" and "Don't challenge what we think we know" attitude.  

  • The evidence is there to challenge the scientists if we look.

  • According to the Christian interpretation of the Bible, Earth was formed 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.

  • Since then, life was created, the flood happened, and Jesus came and went.

  • The Genesis creation story is a viable explanation of the scientific world.

  • Modern "rogue scientists", like those listed above, are going against the egos of the mainstream scientific community, but are being proven to be correct in showing that the Bible creation is.

  • The mainstream scientific community does not want to look at the evidence and admit they are wrong.

  • A side note, watch the documentary "Is Genesis History?" There are also several books out.

Scientific Timeline

Timeline of American geochemists Patterson and Tilton, using their dating system:

Earth's timeline.

  • Below is all speculation. Different historians and learned people have different timetables.

  • The assumption is that scientific radioactivity and carbon dating are accurate.

  • A belief is that the ancient Biblical year equals the modern year in length.

Earth was Created.
Microbe life is evident.

Fungi life found.

Plant life Formed.

Land animals.

Fish came about.

Dinosaurs appeared.

Primates on Earth.

Apes appeared.
Stone tools found.

Fire and cooking.

Modern Humans.

Oldest pictograph.

Oldest hieroglyphic.

Oldest Hebrew Text.

Oldest Cuneiform.

Chinese inscription.

Hebrew manuscripts.

More "scrolls" written.

Oldest text in Ink.

The oldest paper text.

4.4 bil. yrs

3.5 bil. yrs

1.5 bil. yrs
800 mil. yrs

600 mil. yrs
500 mil. yrs
100 mil. yrs

65 mil. yrs

8 mil. yrs

4 mil. yrs
3 mil. yrs

1.5 mil. yrs

800 th. yrs

5.5 th. yrs

5.1 th. yrs

4.3 th. yrs

4.0 th. yrs

3.3 th. yrs

3.2 th. yrs

2 th. yrs

2 th. yrs

900 yrs


Irish physicist and mathematician Lord Kelvin,
are scientists who believe the Earth was created 
20-40 million years ago.


Buddhists believe that the Earth
has no beginning or end.


Muslim Koran indicates that Earth was created
50 thousand years ago.


Hindu Text suggests that Earth was created
150 trillion years ago.


Christian Bible implies that Earth was created
6-10 thousand years ago.


​Timeline according to the Christian Bible (Best Estimate).


Get the complete timeline here.


God created Earth.
Genesis:1       Year 1        4004 BC

Cain Killed Abel.
Genesis:4         1000         3004 BC

Lamech sired Noah at age 182.
Genesis:5          1056        2948 BC

Noah built an Ark at 600 years old.
Genesis:7          1656        2348 BC

All Humans on Earth die in a flood, except Noah's family of 8 adults.

Noah Died at age 950.
Genesis:9          2006       1998 BC

Amram sired Noah at age 65.
Exodus:2           2477       1527 BC

Book of Job written.
Job:1                 2504       1500 BC

Moses led the Exodus at age 80.
Exodus:1           2557       1447 BC

Ten Commandments revealed.
Exodus:20         2604        1400 BC

Moses died at age 120.
Deut:34             2597        1407 BC

The Hebrew Bible was created.
3400          400 BC​
It consists of 24 parchment scrolls.


"The Silent Era".
Nothing was written for 400 years between the Old and New Testaments.

Septuagint Bible
Greek Text.       3974            30 BC

Jesus is born.
Luke:2               3945              1 AD

Jesus is crucified.
Matthew:27       3977            33 AD

The last apostle John
Died at 93.        
4070             66 AD

According to the Hebrew Scrolls                                 

​The "Dead Era or Betrothal Era" began at the Crucifixion.
Since then, the world has been waiting for the return of Jesus.

Vulgate Bible
  Latin Translation. Handwritten.
4386          382 AD

The Hebrew Bible -Tanakh.
   It is finalized and authorized.
   4454          450 AD

Catholic authorized Latin Vulgate.
   4504          600 AD

Latin Vulgate (First printed Bible).
   The first Gutenberg printing.
   5359         1455 AD

Tyndale Bible
   The first English translation.
    5434         1530 AD

King James Bible

  The most popular Bible.

   5515         1611 AD

Revised Standard

  King James Revision.
   5805        1901 AD

Since 1901, hundreds of translations have been made.

There are 6,000 years of Earth's biblical history, divided into the first, middle, and last years.


During the first 2,500 years, there has been no discovery of any biblical documents written.
The assumption is that all scripture must have been passed down by oral tradition from Adam and Eve, through the family of Noah, and finally to Moses.

Biblical scripture or manuscripts were only physically written during the middle 1,500-year period.
Moses is believed to have written down all this orally passed-down scripture.
He wrote this history down in manuscripts and codices.

That scripture makes up the first five books of the modern Old Testament and is called the Pentateuch.
This is the foundation and source of the Jewish religion.


During those middle 1,500 years, there were 400 silent years between the writing of the Old and New Testaments.
There is no evidence of documents being written during the years of the silent period. 
These "silent years" were between Malachi at about 430 BC and Luke at about 50 AD.
It is assumed that eight men wrote the entire New Testament between 50 AD and 95 AD.


During the last 1,500 "dead years," there have not been any newly written documents.
Copies and translations have been made, but no new revelations, manuscripts, or documents have been made, according to the mainstream Christian community.
Other religions recognize new material, and the mainstream Christian fellowship is skeptical of its authenticity.
The Mormons have the Book of Mormon, and the Islamic world has the Koran, to name two.
Are they the real truth from the heavenly maker of the earth and humanity?  The believers think so.


During those past 1,500 years, since the apostles' deaths, no "new" documented written biblical history has come forth.

This is because of the "wedding story" Jesus explained to his disciples before his crucifixion.

Jesus is the "groom" and has left to go and prepare a "new home" for his "bride" (the believers).

All will be quiet during this "betrothal period" until the day Jesus comes back to get his believers.

That day is unknown and determined by God.
The Bible even states that Jesus does not know the day.

During this betrothal intermission, we are to straighten ourselves out with God.

If someday people standing or sitting next to you instantly disappear, you need to worry.

 Welcome to Bible Quiz and Bible Facts.

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