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Bible Trivia and Bible Facts Including things about Jesus.

Discover intriguing stories, trivia, truth, and biblical insights that are revealed in the Bible.

Facts in the Bible are intriguing and have much truth, insights, and inspiration.

​Here are intriguing Bible trivia insights and truth into some Bible facts.

Discover the facts and insights into the events of the Bible story of the End of Times revealed in Revelation.

Only God knows when the events of the end times will occur.
Even Jesus does not know.

The scripture reveals that knowledge will greatly increase.

This started during World War II and has steadily increased logarithmically.

The Jewish nation was dispersed throughout the world without having its own country.

As a result of WWII, Israel returned as a nation with its own sovereign country.

Israel declared Jerusalem its capital in 1950.
America and the world finally recognized Jerusalem in 2017.


This is an intriguing Bible fact that has come true about open homosexuality being prevalent.

This openness started in the 1970s.  Fifty years later it is just common everyday acceptable behavior.
Same-sex marriage is legal. The media and movies endorse it.
It is out of the closet, the room, the house, and into the public streets.


The Bible reveals that false prophets will appear, stating they are Jesus or God.

The first false prophet revealed was Ryes Evans in 1650.

The last false prophet was Gabbie Hanna in 2022.

At least four dozen other self-proclaimed prophets claimed to be Jesus during those years.

The most famous self-proclaimed Jesus was Charles Manson.

There will be a falling away in the "Church.".

A few mega-churches will survive, but many small ones will close.

The "good news" will be preached to all the world.

Jesus comes and takes all the believers into the air to meet with him.

Here's a Bible fact: All believers will be judged for their works.
   They are judged as to whether the work glorifies God.
   Spreading the "Good News" is good work that glorifies God and building an empire making cars is not good work.

The anti-Christ and false prophet will be revealed and rule over the remaining non-believers for 7 years.

   144,000 Jews will be sealed to Christ and serve Him during those 7 years.

   All the non-believers and those who lived after those 7 years will experience the "white judgment.".

The events of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials, and 2 witnesses will occur.

The Battle of Armageddon will happen next.

Satan will be thrown into a "bottomless pit" for 1,000 years, and Jesus will reign for 1,000 years of peace.

Later, Satan will be let loose. He will fight heaven and be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

The book of Revelation reveals that Jesus will come with a new earth for all the righteous believers to live on.

​Here are intriguing trivia insights into some Bible truths.

I found these three pieces of Bible trivia and unknown Bible facts.


Two books in the Bible do not have the word "God" in them.

The Song of Solomon and The Book of Esther.

The word "trinity" is not mentioned in the Bible.

However, members of the Trinity are mentioned individually.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The word "rapture" does not appear in the Bible.

It is referred to in many ways, but not as "the rapture".

What is "salvation" (being saved)?

Salvation is discovering the truth and learning about "The Good News".

It is believing in the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Read the Bible and discover that salvation is a gift from God (grace), not something earned, bought, or given for good works.

Salvation is Christ's rescue, saving us from the consequences of our sins.

Salvation prevents the believers from going through the horrible seven-year Tribulation period.

It is deliverance from the physical threat of being thrown into an everlasting fire.

Salvation entails the believer asking God in prayer for salvation.

It is asking for forgiveness for sins committed and the repentance of sins.

In other words, knowing the truth of Jesus changes one's life, from disobeying God to obeying God's 

Being saved means being accepted by God into a new world. Some believe it to be New Jerusalem or Heaven.

The tribulations are going to be awful.

It's a seven-year period of destruction, death, war, famine, economic chaos, and Christian persecution.

One of the insights of the Bible is that the Tribulation is a time of trouble like never before.

The Bible reveals that 50% of Earth's inhabitants will die by sword, hunger, and other reasons.

The revelation of the Bible also states that 33% of all vegetation will be burned up.

The sun and the moon will be blotted out where they can't be seen due to the dirty atmosphere.

The False Prophet and the Anti-Christ, led by Satan, appear and run the world for a while.

The bloody battle of Armageddon between the followers of God and the followers of Satan will occur.

God will complete his discipline of Israel.

It ends with the final judgment upon the unbelieving citizens of the world.

If you are "saved," you are saved from the Tribulation and the fires of Hell.

Jesus will come to get the "saved" and take them away in the "rapture" before the tribulation.

During the Tribulation, there will be only non-believers, except those who converted.

Many will be greatly persecuted during the tribulation but will see the truth and turn to God.

The rapture is at the core of the Bible. What are the Bible facts about it?

The rapture is the true hope of all Christians.

This is when Jesus comes and takes his followers with him to everlasting life.

It is an end-of-times event that occurs.

It happens after Jesus builds a place for believers to live.

The Rapture is when Jesus comes back to get his believers.

There is an understanding among some that believers are exempt and will never see the Tribulation.

Others understand that the rapture occurs after the Tribulation.

Jesus will come in the clouds.

He will resurrect the believers who are dead and meet them in the clouds.

He will also bring the living believers to meet him in the clouds.

They are taken to the seat of Christ. The Bema seat.

At the Bema seat, the believers will receive rewards for good works.

Jesus will later take his believers to the new home that He has built.

The rapture happens before the 7-year Tribulation of God's wrath on Earth.

The rapture happens before the judgment and the second coming.

The rapture happens before the false prophet and the antichrist come to power.

No one but God knows when this will take place.

Below are some intriguing stories, trivia, and biblical insights.​

China prints the most Bibles.

Over 100 million are sold worldwide annually.

The Bible is estimated to be printed in 724 different languages.

​​The Bible is the most stolen book in history.

However, it is also the most purchased book in history.

Swearing on the Bible in a court of law is against the Bible.

Swearing is taking an oath.

Therefore, one should "affirm" and not "swear.".

"I affirm allegiance.". Not "I swear allegiance.".

"I affirm to tell the truth."  Not "I swear to tell the truth, so help me, God.".

Matthew 5:33-37.

Cannibalism is a little-known Bible trivia.

The first occasion was when God was angry with the followers and declared that part of their punishment was starvation.
It would come about that the followers would eat the flesh of their children.
Deuteronomy 28:53-57

On the second occasion, the King hears the story of two women making a pact to eat each other's child.
2 Kings 6:26-29

The oldest known biblical writing is the Ketef Hinnom Inscription.

The inscription is believed to have been created during the 7th century BC.

It is a silver scroll rolled up as an amulet.

The unbelievable thing is that the writing is too small to be read by the naked eye.

The inscription is the same as in Numbers 6:24.

What is the biblical truth about which day of the week is the Sabbath?

Christians believe that it is Sunday.

Jews say that it is Saturday.

Muslims have it on Friday.

Many believe it is not important which physical day it is. Pick a day and observe it.

Some interpret the New Testament and say that the Sabbath no longer exists.

Some interpret the Old Testament and say that it still exists and is on the seventh day, Saturday.

Click below for a lengthy explanation.
Especially read the last paragraph.

The original languages of the manuscripts are Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

The Old Testament is mainly in Hebrew and was written before the birth of Jesus.

The New Testament is mainly in Greek and was written after the birth of Jesus.

Aramaic was spoken during the time of Jesus.

This was the time between the Old and New Testaments. "The silent period."

The mother language of Jesus was Aramaic.

Aramaic was the common language of Judea in the first century AD.

Jesus would have spoken Aramaic with a Galilean accent as his native tongue, being from there.

It is a foregone conclusion that Jesus was multilingual.

He would have spoken Hebrew. It was the religious language used in the synagogues and temples during that time.

In Matthew and Mark, Jesus is recorded using Aramaic terms and phrases.

In Luke 4:16, Jesus was recorded as reading Hebrew from the Bible at a synagogue.

Greek and Latin were common globally used languages in trade and economics during the time of Jesus.

Jesus was a tradesman before preaching and then traveled when preaching.

He must have been familiar with several languages.

The Hebrew language does not have small or capital letters.
It is the language in which the Old Testament is written.

The language has only 22 letters, all one size.

Hebrew was the spoken and written language of the Israelites.

Ancient Hebrew also had no vowels, only consonants.

It was called the "Language of Judah."

It's referenced as Judahite in the Book of Kings.

The language died out of general spoken use around 200 AD.

It was revived as an everyday language in the 1900s.

A derivative has survived (aka "Modern Hebrew") and is the "Official Language" of Israel.

Hebrew is written from right to left.

All Middle Eastern languages are written that way.

The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is organized into four main sections:

The Bible is also called the Mikra by the Jews.

It is called the Pentateuch (Five Books), aka “Five Books of Moses,” by the Protestants.

The word Tanakh is derived from the first letters of the three main sections of the original Masoretic Hebrew texts.

The Torah (the Laws).

The Neviʾim (the Prophets).

The Ketuvim (the Writings).

There are a total of 24 books.

The truth about the beasts.


Revelation reveals the future story of several beasts.

Revelation reveals that Satan puts on his best act at the end of times and pretends that he is God.

It is put forth that the Antichrist is Jesus (The Beast of the Sea).

The false prophet is the Holy Spirit (The Beast of the Earth).

The First Beast will symbolically come out of the sea (sea of, or masses, of humanity).

It will be given power by the dragon (Satan).

This beast will rule for 42 months.

Some people believe this period re-established the Roman Empire.

The first beast will have seven heads, 10 horns, and 10 crowns. (Several political powers.)

The beast, symbolically, is the culmination of a leopard, bear, lion, and 10 horns.

The Second Beast will come out of the earth and be given power by Satan.

He presides over the world's economic and religious agendas.

Being over the religion of the world, he is called the "false prophet.".

This beast is symbolically described as having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon.

In other words, he appears gentle like a lamb, but behind the scenes is a real "devil.".

He causes all people to symbolically receive the mark of the beast "in their right hand or their forehead.".

Some believe that this will be the Catholic Church.

Revelation does not describe how the Third Beast originates.

It is described as having seven heads and ten horns.

It is also described as being colored scarlet with a harlot who reigns over the Kings of the Earth riding it.

It is believed to be seven world powers, whose purpose, is to unite the world's nations.

Some believe it to be the League of Nations, now known as the United Nations.

A godless man will preside over this coalition of nations and rule the world during the Tribulation.

The story in the book of Revelation calls him "The Antichrist".

He presides over a political agenda with an evil government in power at the end of times.

In the beginning, he will broker peace between Israel and all of the world.

The mantra to get the world to buy into his leadership is "peace and harmony.".

He will say he is God, demand worship of him, and persecute those who believe in the true God.

Some believe that this is when 144,000 Jewish believers will preach the Gospel.

Jesus returns for the second (2nd) time at the end of the beast's reign.

There will be a great war between Jesus and Satan.

Satan will be tossed into the lake of fire, along with the false prophet and the antichrist.

Revelation reveals the story of the 144,000.

They are Hebrew males.

All are virgins.

They come from the 12 tribes of Israel. There will be twelve thousand from each tribe.

During the Tribulation and End of Times, these believers will be protected by God.

They will not have the mark of the beast on them.

They will evangelize during the Tribulation.

They will be the leaders on Earth during the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Here are some more stories and trivia I've discovered by searching the internet.


Animal Sacrifices

The question is, when did the Israelites last perform animal sacrifices?

According to the New Testament and church history, it was around 70 CE (AD).

This is when Rome went into Jerusalem and destroyed the temple for the second time.

Only the temple in Jerusalem was the authorized place for sacrifices.

When the temple was destroyed, so were the practices of burnt offerings.

The world's largest ancient biblical manuscript is the Codex Gigas.

It weighs 165 pounds.

It is composed of 310 leaves.

The claim is that it is made of vellum from the skins of 160 donkeys, or perhaps calfskin.

It covers 142.6 m2 (1,535 sq ft) in total.

The manuscript has red, blue, yellow, green, and gold colors.

It's also known as the "Devil's Bible" because of its rendition of the devil on page 577.

It contains scripture from the Old Testament, and New Testament, works by Joseph Flavius, a medical book, a calendar, and several other items of interest.

The world's largest modern Bible is the Louis Waynai Bible.

It weighs over 1,000 pounds.

It is a King James version.

Created in Los Angeles by Louis Waynai; a Hungarian immigrant, during 1928-1930.

Mr. Waynai gave the Bible to a church in Fort Worth.

The church later passed it on to Abilene Christian University in Texas.

Popular punishment was death in the early years of the Catholic and English Churches.

It was illegal to print or even possess Bibles that were printed in English.

The church wanted full control of its subjects, and the "government" backed it.

The Bible was generally in Latin, only the church had it, and only priests could read it.

Anyone who did not fully follow the rules of the "church" or who dared to speak against the "church" ended up being executed.

The church was more interested in its self involvement than preaching the truth about Jesus.

​More tidbits of Bible trivia, information, insights, and understanding.


The Gideons are a well-known religious organization that spreads the truth.

They place Bibles in hotels and motels for free.

Gideon was a judge and warrior whom God called upon.

He freed the Israelites from the Midianites.

What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

The Bible reveals that the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) comes upon a believer when he believes in the truth of Jesus.

The spirit gives the believer certain gifts and takes control of one's abilities.

The Holy Spirit overcomes the believer's soul.  This gives the believer a genuine understanding of the truth.

The guidance of the Holy Spirit is required to understand and interpret the Scriptures.

Generally, this occurs when someone is "Saved", "Converted", or "Called to service" by God.

Believe it or not, many villains in the Bible had a certain hair color.

RED Hair. Perhaps, this is why Irish girls with red hair are said to be "hot-tempered."

Cain killed Abel.  He is believed to have red hair.

Esau set out to kill his brother Jacob and was described in the Bible as red, like a fur coat.
Genesis 25:25

David had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and then murdered her husband, Uriah.
2 Samuel 11:1-17

Salome the dancer asked King Herod for John the Baptist's head on a platter and was said to be a redhead.

The Gutenberg Bible was the first complete Bible printed on a printing press.

It is a copy of the Vulgate, which was written in Latin.

It was printed about 1450 AD on a movable metal type printing press.

Printed by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany.

The word is that about fifty copies have been discovered.
Harvard has a copy.


The Old Testament has five sections:

They are Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets.

The New Testament has five sections:

They are the Gospels, Acts, Letters of Paul, General Epistles, and Revelation.

The Pentateuch is the first division of the Bible.

The Pentateuch is a collection of the first five books of the Bible.

Moses wrote the Pentateuch. Therefore, it is known as the Mosaic Laws.

These are the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The Gospels are the first division of the New Testament.

The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament.

These are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

They reveal the truth, about the ministry of Jesus.

Three major religions believe in the Old Testament.

They are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. (aka, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims)

Yes, that's right, Muslims recognize the Old Testament.

The Muslims have the Koran; which was received by Muhammad.

But, they also recognize the Old Testament as valid scripture.

Muslims follow the Old Testament, sort of.

Muslims believe the Christian Bible is a revelation from God, but that man has corrupted it.

They believe the angel Gabriel dictated the Koran to Muhammad and is the non-corrupted revelation of God.

Therefore, the Koran is their truth and it supersedes the Bible.

They believe Jesus was a prophet and a great speaker, but not the Messiah.

Like the Jewish community, Muslims believe the Messiah is yet to come.

We must remember that Father Abraham, the first Jew, began God's church.

The roots of the three religions are traced back to Abraham.

1. Judaism: The original Jewish faith became fully consecrated with God's visitation with Moses.

The "Laws of Moses" were created for the followers of the Old Testament (Torah).

2. Islam: This faith started with Gabriel's visitation with Mohammad.

The Koran came into being.

3. Christianity: Jesus arrived as the Messiah for the entire world.

The New Testament came about for the Jews and Gentiles.

Why are God's people referred to as Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew?

The Bible first refers to God's people as Hebrews and states that Abraham was a Hebrew.

Hebrews are traceable to Noah.

The name is a derivative of Eber, a descendant of Noah. (Hebrew)

Abraham's grandson, Jacob, had his name changed to Israel. (Striving with God). (Israelite)

The twelve sons of Jacob created the twelve tribes of Israel.

However, one son, Judah, strayed from the pack, and his tribe became Judahites. (Jews)

Eventually, all the tribes converted to Judaism, following Judah's line.

Unfortunately, the Assyrians attacked and took ten of the twelve tribes to the north into captivity.

These became known as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

Through marriage, assimilation, wars, the scattering of the tribes, and other social events, the tribes essentially disappeared.

The tribes of Judah and Benjamin survived in the south, keeping Judaism alive.

Jesus is from the tribe of Judah.

The first recognized official Bible of the Church printed in English was the Great Bible of 1539.

The Last Word in the New Testament is "Amen." Revelation 22:21.

The Last Word in the Old Testament is "Curse." Malachi 4:6.

No original transcriptions of the Bible have been discovered.

There are many true copies of the ancient scriptures. There are no originals.

Four important codices contain the Bible, including the Apocrypha.

Codex Sinaiticus, 325 AD (?),  majority of the Old Testament, complete New Testament, parts of the Apocrypha.

Codex Alexandrinus, 4th Century (?), 630 pages of the Old Testament and 143 pages of the New Testament.

Codex Vaticanus, 5th Century (?), 21 parchment leaves of the New Testament.Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, 5th Century (?), 145 pages of the New Testament and 64 of the Old Testament.

Who are the Wise Men among the Bible People?


The Bible does not specify how many wise men visited baby Jesus.

It states that the "Magi" came to visit with no particular number of Magi given.

It could have been any number, but at least two because the word Magi is plural and Magus is singular.

Matthew 2:1-16

The story of the Magi that brought three gifts to Jesus.

So the assumption is made that three gifts meant that three Magusi made the visitation.

The three gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

It could have been any number of packages of these gifts.

They could have been small enough to put in one small bag.

Tradition, not the truth of the Bible, gave names to the Magi.

They were given the names of Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar.

Tradition, not the Bible, calls the Magi wise men and sometimes kings.

The only fact that the Bible tells us is that the visitors were Magi.

Magi is plural, more than one. Magus is singular.

The translation of Magus is "powerful".

It can also mean "magician" or "wise man."

A Zoroastrian priest was called a magus in ancient Persia.

The Magi came from the east.

They brought three gifts.

The Magi used a star as their guide.

Everything else is tradition based on very loose suppositions and not the truth of the Bible.

Are religious traditions based on Bible Truth?


Here is a summary of traditional beliefs that are not necessarily based on the truth:

There are three Magi based on the giving of three gifts.

They were kings.

Tradition gave the Magi names.

Their travel mode was walking.

The trek to visit Jesus took two years.

They were skilled astrologists and astronomers.

They were Ethiopian, Persian, and Indian.

They were descendants of Noah (but, really, aren't we all?).

They came from a tribe in eastern Mesopotamia, possibly as far as the Orient.

A bishop in Cologne claims to have discovered their skulls. (A stretch even for tradition.)

Bible people receive communication in dreams from God.


There are 21 dreams in the Bible that are popular.

Some of the most popular are:

Jacob's ladder:

Jacob sees angels going between earth and heaven on a ladder.

Some believe this symbolizes the believing descendants going to heaven.

Genesis 28:12

Daniel's four beasts:

God judges four beasts, and Jesus is given dominion over them.

Daniel 7.

The wife of Pontius Pilate dreams about the true messiah:

A nightmare concerning the trial of Jesus because she knows he's innocent.

Matthew 27:19.

Joseph's first visit:

Joseph is told not to divorce Mary, as she is carrying the Savior.

They were not married at the time but betrothed.

The proper translation says Mary was a young woman, not specifically a virgin.

Being "betrothed and a young woman" makes the rightful assumption that she was a virgin.

But is that the truth? The Bible does not directly state that.

Matthew 1:18.

Magi's Warning:

A dream warned them not to visit King Herod.

Herod wants to know where the baby messiah is so that he can kill him.

Matthew 2:1-12.

Joseph's warning:

Joseph is warned in a dream to leave for Egypt because Herod will slay all the young babies.

Matthew 2:13-14.

Joseph's second visit:

Joseph dreams that Herod is dead and that they can now return to Israel.

Matthew 2:19-21.

What is the earliest Bible writing in existence?


The earliest original biblical writing still in existence is the Ten Commandments. (Perhaps)

Moses was the first to possess the stones. The finger of God wrote them.

Those stone tablets were placed inside the original Ark of the Covenant.

The story is that the ARK is in a bunker under Ethiopia's Church of Our Lady, Mary of Zion.

The church is fenced in and off-limits to the public.

It is guarded and protected by the authority of the Ethiopian government.

The word is that you will die from supernatural forces or the trained monks at the church while attempting to enter the bunker uninvited.

A British officer during WWII said he entered the bunker during the war and believed the Ark to be a copy.

Is it the truth, a hoax, a theory, a legend, a tradition, or a reality?

You decide.

Communion (The Lord's Supper) is an important symbol initiated by Jesus at the Last Supper.

The Lord's Supper (Communion) symbolizes the Last Supper of Jesus and commemorates his death.

It is called the Eucharist, or sometimes Mass.

Unleavened bread and wine were served at the Last Supper of Jesus.
The bread had no yeast, and it was wine and not grape juice.

Many believe wine should be served at communion and bread should be broken. That is what Jesus did.

To be 100% accurate and in line with Jesus, one cup was shared amongst all the disciples.

However, some churches use individual, nonbroken crackers and small paper cups of grape juice.

It's more hygienic and easier to manage in large congregations. It's the symbolism that's important.

The bread represents the broken body that Jesus endured for us.

The wine represents the blood that Jesus shed for us.

Jesus implied that communion should be done periodically, in remembrance of Him.

The Bible does not give specific instructions as to when or how often to take communion.

The idea is to take it often enough to keep the believer's focus on Jesus and his sacrifice.

To participate in communion, you must be a believer and have confessed your sins beforehand.

It is to be taken with reverence, love, and a deep passion for gratitude for what Jesus did for us.

It is the remembrance of his sacrifice, given to save us from our sins, and the true pathway to heaven.

When your dead, you're dead.

The Bible teaches that when you die, you do not go off into the wild blue yonder into paradise, purgatory, or heaven.
When you die you are literally, stone-cold dead. As the expression goes, you are laid to rest.  LAID TO REST.

Your body is resting in a deep sleep, coma-like, existence, waiting to be resurrected at the rapture.

You are dead and you know nothing, you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, you are unaware of anything around you, and there is no concept of time. Time stops for you.
In one way or another, your body becomes dust but somehow your energy or soul that defines who you are is preserved in a temporary state of deep sleep.

When you die you are exactly like what a coma is, out cold, unaware of anything. 
This author experienced being in a coma for two weeks after surgery as a teenager.
One second I was on the Guerney and
fell asleep. The next second I was resurrected sitting in a hospital bed.
I noticed many flowers in the room, many get-well cards hanging everywhere, and a banner that said
"Come back to us soon."
The TV was on and my parents were sitting in chairs to my left. Dad was watching TV and Mom was reading a book.

I was shocked because I noticed they changed their clothes and must have left and gone home during my surgery.

So, I spoke and said, "Why did you guys go home".  They were equally shocked when they heard me speak.
For two weeks I lay in a bed
oblivious to anything. I was unconscious, didn't know that many kids from school came to see me, didn't realize two weeks had passed, and I was unaware of anything.
It was like I was dead, in a deep sleep, for two weeks.


I blinked and two weeks passed that I did not consciously experience.  That is what death is like.

Death is like a blink. One moment you are conscience and die. The next moment in a blink you are alive again.

You will be moving through the air, going toward Jesus, without a memory, of what happened during the blink.

​Read this for a better explanation.

There is a story of an animal in the Bible that talked.

Balaam's donkey talked while they were traveling.

The donkey saw a spiritual being before him.

The being wouldn't move and blocked the donkey's way.

The donkey wouldn't move, so Balaam beat the donkey.

The donkey turned his head and spoke, chastising Balaam for beating him.

Numbers 22: 21-39.

A big fish was a sea-going transport in the Bible.

Tradition states that a giant fish, perhaps a whale, transported Jonah to Nineveh.

The Bible specifically states it was a big fish, not a whale.

By the way, whales are not fish, they are water mammals like seals, walruses, and sea lions.

This story is in the first chapter of Jonah.

"If you want to be wise, read the Bible. If you want to be safe believe in the Bible. If you want to be right, obey the Bible."

A quote from Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California

 Welcome to Bible Quiz and Bible Facts.

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