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Easy Biblical Facts Quiz with Trivia

Try answering these easy Bible trivia questions and facts.

It is OK to peak. We are not all Biblical professors.


  1. What is one of the unbelievable things about the Bible?
    a. Bibles cannot be destroyed by fire.
    b. It is the most stolen book in history.
    c. It is, unfortunately, the least-sold book in the world.

    b. Most stolen book.
    The Bible is the most stolen book.

  2. Who was Jesus' step-father?
    a. Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth.
    b. Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch.
    c. Elijah, the prophet.

    a. Joseph.
    Joseph was a humble man and believer. He was a descendant of King David. He lived through the scandal of having a pregnant wife out of wedlock. What ridicule he and Mary must have gone through.


  3. Who took the body of Jesus after he died?
    a. The 12 apostles.
    b. The family of his mother Mary.
    c. Joseph of Arimathea.

    c. Joseph of Arimathea.
    He was a member of the Sanhedrin and a secret follower of Jesus. He donated his own grave for the burial. Joseph had the help of Nicodemus who also was a secret follower of Jesus. Both of these men came out of hiding and showed their devotion to Jesus knowing the full impact of be ridiculed and the dangers they put themselves in.


  4. ​What was Peter's profession before he became a disciple?
    a. Tent maker.

    b. Fisherman.
    c. Farmer.

    b. Fisherman.
    He was a partner with his brother Andrew. Peter was also called Simon and often referred to as Simon Peter.


  5. What country prints the most Bibles?
    a. China
    b. England

    c. United States

    a. China.
    China prints the most Bibles.

  6. What does repentance NOT mean?
    a. Reviewing your sins and regretting them.
    b. Asking God for forgiveness of those sins.
    c. Forgiveness of sins by doing good things.
    d. Repentance is committing to change from sinful ways.

    c. Forgiveness of sins.
    . The forgiveness of sins through doing good things is not repentance.


  7. How many original transcripts of the Bible are in existence?
    a. None.
    b. One, it is in the basement vault, at the Vatican.
    c. The original Torah is kept in a museum in Jerusalem.

    a. None.
    There are no original transcripts of the Bible.

  8. What is the way to enter Heaven?
    a. Doing good work will get you into Heaven.
    b. Being a good person is the key to getting into Heaven.
    c. Obeying the 10 Commandments is the only way into Heaven.
    d. The path to Heaven is being ethical, attending church, and saying your prayers.
    e. Believing in Jesus, confessing and repenting sins, and asking God to let you into Heaven.

    e. Believing in Jesus.
    The way to Heaven is believing in Jesus.

  9. Who is well known for placing free Bibles in hotels and motels?
    a. The Gideons.
    b. Knights of Columbus.

    c. The Jehovah's Witnesses.

    a. The Gideons.
    The Gideons are well known for placing free Bibles in hotels and motels.

  10. The Old Testament has five classifications.
    a. Beginning, 2nd quadrant, middle, 3rd quadrant, and ending.
    b. By the eras of priests, judges, Jesus, prophets, and revelation.
    c. Pentateuch, history, poems, major prophets, and minor prophets.

    c. Pentateuch, history, poems, major prophets, and minor prophets are the five classifications of the Old Testament.

  11. What is the special name given to the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt donkey?
    a. Ash Wednesday.
    b. Palm Sunday.
    c. Good Friday.

    b. Palm Sunday.
    This is when Jesus entered Jerusalem during the week that he was tried and crucified. There was much celebration and people waved and laid down palm branches before him. The people thought he had come to overthrow Rome.


  12. Explain the purpose of baptism.
    a. Baptism identifies a person as a member of their church.
    b. It's a religious "rite" that permits one to enter Heaven.
    c. It's a public declaration of religious purification and cleansing of sin.

    c. It's a public declaration.
    Baptism is the public declaration of believing in Jesus. It symbolizes the death of one's sin and the resurrection of a new life in Jesus.

  13. What is the closest definition of an agnostic?
    a. This is a person who hates religion.
    b. Someone who believes in Satan and Devil worship.
    c. Agnostics believe that the existence of a God is unknown.

    c. Agnostics believe the existence of God is unknown.

  14. This man believed he wrestled with God and won.
    a. Samson.
    b. Jacob.
    c. Job.

    b. Jacob.
    Jacob believed he wrestled all night with God. God pushed Jacob's hip out of place. Some scholars believe it was an angel with a message from God. This "messenger"
    changed Jacob's name to Israel. As a result a new nation is born.

  15. What is the "Day of the Lord"?
    a. Sunday.
    b. This is the day Jesus was arrested, crucified, and resurrected.
    c. A time of judgment on the sinners and preparation for the second coming of Jesus.

    c. A time of judgment.
    The Day of the Lord is a time of judgment on the sinners and preparation for the second coming of Jesus. Great punishments will happen such as war. It will be a period of "Divine Wrath." Afterwards Earth will be restored.

  16. Explain the "Passion of Christ.".
    a. The week when Jesus entered Jerusalem, is arrested, tortured, crucified, and risen.
    b. The story of Jesus' birth.
    c. The story of Jesus'

    a. The week of Jesus' last days.
    The last few days of Jesus' life. From when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey to when he had risen from the dead while lying in a burial cave.

  17. Give the best definition of an atheist.
    a. Someone hating to go to church.
    b. Someone who does not believe in a god.
    c. Someone who practices devil worship.

    b. Someone who does not believe in God.
    An atheist does not believe in God. An atheist will never enter Heaven. The first step to get into Heaven is to believe in God.

  18. What occurred at the Pentecost?
    a. Jesus ascended into Heaven.
    b. Eyes of fire appeared above the disciples.
    c. 120 followers of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit.

    c. 120 followers (disciples) were filled with The Holy Spirit.
    At the Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. There was a great wind. Tongues of fire appeared above their heads and they began to speak in foreign tongues.


  19. Who will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
    a. Serial killers.
    b. Child molesters.
    c. Atheist church members.
    d. Murderers, rapists, adulterers, and homosexuals, will not enter heaven.

    c. Atheists.
    Atheist church members will not be able to enter Heaven. Everyone else can enter, if they recognize Jesus as their savior, repent, and ask for forgiveness.

  20. What is the best explanation of salvation?

a. Being saved from sin and eternal death, by having faith in Jesus Christ.

b. Stop doing bad things, and start doing good things.

c. Keep the Sabbath holy and attend church every Sunday.

a. Being saved from sin.
Salvation is being saved from sin because Jesus died for our sins. You must believe in Jesus Christ, ask for salvation, and repent your sins.

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For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

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