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Children's Comprehensive Bible Question Quiz

The answers are below the question.
Don't look at the answer until after you guess.  Well, unless you have to.

100 mixed general Bible trivia information questions for children.

Answer these questions about the physical Bible.


  1. What is the total number of books in the New and Old Testaments?
    a. Two (2) books.
    b. Forty (40) books.
    c. Sixty-six (66) books.

    c. 66
    There are 66 books in the Bible.


  2. What year was the original King James Bible published?
    a. 1492
    b. 1611
    c. 1776

    b. 1611.
    The King James Bible was published in the year 1611.


  3. Which language was most of the original Old Testament written in?
    a. Farsi
    b. Hebrew
    c. Egyptian

    b. Hebrew.
    The Old Testament was primarily written in Hebrew.


  4. Which language was most of the original New Testament written in?
    a. Latin
    b. Greek
    c. Roman

    b. Greek.
    The New Testament was primarily written in Koine Greek.


  5. The first book in the Bible.
    a. Alpha
    b. Genesis
    c. Moses

    b. Genesis
    The first book in the protestant Bible is Genesis, which Moses is given credit for writing.


  6. The last book in the Bible.
    a. Omega
    b. John 3
    c. Revelation

    c. Revelation
    The last book in the protestant Bible is Revelation. John is given credit for writing.


  7. A few Bibles have a third section added between the testaments.
    What is this middle section called?
    a. Beatitudes.
    b. Apocrypha.
    c. Books of law.

    b. Apocrypha.
    The third section of scripture has been added to some the Apocrypha.


  8. What are the first words in the Bible?
    a. "In the beginning ...".
    b. "On the first day ...".
    c. "God made Adam and Eve."

     a. "In the beginning".
    The first few words of the Bible are "In the beginning...".


  9. How are the words shown in some Bibles that Jesus spoke?
    a. Written in italics.
    b. His words are in 
    c. Words are in red letters.

    c. Red Letters.
    The words that Jesus spoke are written in red ink.


  10. What are the first four books of the New Testament called?
    a. Pentateuch
    b. Torah
    c. The Gospels

    c. Gospels.
    The first four books of the New Testament are known as The Gospels. They tell the story of Jesus' ministry.


  11. What are the first five books of the Old Testament called?
    a. Pentateuch
    b. Gospels
    c. Books of Creation

    a. Pentateuch.
    The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Pentateuch.


  12. What is the Bible considered to be?
    a. One complete book.
    b. Two books bound together.
    c. A collection of many books bound together.

    c. A collection of books.
    The Bible is not one book. It is a collection of many books bound together.


Who are these Bible Characters?

  1. Who were the first humans on earth?
    a. Abraham and Sarah.
    b. Mary and Joseph.
    c. Adam and Eve.

    c. Adam and Ever were the first humans on earth.


  2. What did God create Adam from?
    a. Carbon.
    b. The sun's rays.
    c. Dust of the Earth.

    c. God created Adam from the dust of the Earth and was called man.


  3. How was Eve created?
    a. From Adam's rib.
    b. From the virgin Mary.
    c. From the dust of the Earth.

    c. Eve was created from Adam's rib and was called woman.  


  4. Who did God give the 10 commandments to?
    a. Moses.
    b. Noah.
    c. Abraham.

    a. God gave the 10 commandments to Moses on two slabs of slate.


  5. Who was transported by a big fish?
    a. Peter.
    b. Jonah.
    c. Jesus.

    b. Jonah was transported to Ninevah for 3 days by a big fish.


  6. What was the first murderer in the Bible?
    a. Adam. He killed Eve for eating an apple.
    b. Cain. He killed his brother Abel because he was jealous.
    c. Pontius Pilate. He allowed Jesus to be crucified.

    b. Cain was jealous of his brother Able because Abel's animal sacrifice was considered better than Cain's crops.


  7. Who killed 1,000 Philistines with a jawbone?
    a. Samson.
    b. David.
    c. Daniel.

    a. Samson hated the Philistines for things they had done to him and in his rage, he killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.


  8. Who built a giant boat when God caused a great flood?
    a. Peter and his brother Andrew.
    b. Jacob and his twelve sons.
    c. Noah.

    c. Noah is estimated to have been 500 years old and spent about 100 years building a giant boat called the Ark. Noah was instructed by God to build a boat. This was in preparation for a flood that would destroy the world.


  9. Who was put into a lion's den for praying to God instead of an idol?
    a. Paul.
    b. Daniel.
    c. John.

    b. Daniel was ordered into the Lion's den by King Darius for not praying to an idol.  King Darius was tricked into it by his jealous subjects who disliked Daniel.


  10. Who was the wisest King in the Bible?
    a. Herod.
    b. Saul.
    c. Solomon.

    c. Solomon was considered to be the wisest king of Israel.


  11. Who was the mother of Jesus?
    a. Mary.
    b. Ruth.
    c. Hannah.

    c. A virgin named Mary was the mother of Jesus.


  12. Who killed the giant Philistine named Goliath?
    a. David the shepherd with a sling and a stone.
    b. Peter with his sword at the Garden of Gethsemane.
    c. Elijah who called out some bears from the woods to kill Goliath.

    a. David killed the giant Goliath with a sling and stone. He was a young shepherd. at the time.  Goliath was fighting for the Philistines during a battle with the Israelites.


Questions about the birth of Jesus.


  1. Who is called the Son of God?
    a. Adam who was created from the dust of the ground.
    b. Jesus who was born in the flesh to a virgin.
    c. Abraham the founder of Judaism, is the Son of God.



  2. Who was king when Jesus was born?
    a. Saul, the very first king reigned during the time of his birth.
    b. King Herod, was ruling at the time Jesus was born.
    c. Solomon, the wisest king, oversaw the birth of Jesus.



  3. Who were the earthly parents of Jesus?
    a. Mary and Joseph.
    b. Adam and Eve.
    c. Abraham and Sarah.



  4. Who told Mary she was going to have baby Jesus?
    a. Her cousin Elizabeth.
    b. The Angel Gabriel.
    c. God in a Vision.



  5. What city was Jesus born in?
    a. Jesus was born in a barn in Nazareth.
    b. He was born near Bethlehem.
    c. The birth took place in a temple in Jerusalem.



  6. What city did Jesus grow up in when he was a child?
    a. Jesus grew up in Nazareth.
    b. Bethlehem is where Jesus lived his entire life.
    c. Jesus lived in Jerusalem during his childhood.



  7. What were the three Wise Men called?
    a. Heavenly messengers from the West.
    Professors and learned men of magic.
    c. The wise men were called



  8. How did the three Wise Men know how to find Jesus?
    a. An angel told them what city Jesus was in.
    b. The wise men followed a heavenly star.
    c. They went and asked Pontius Pilate.



  9. Where did Joseph and Mary stay when Jesus was born?
    a. At a roadside inn along the road from Nazareth.
    b. In an animal stable near Bethlehem.
    c. In a hotel basement in Bethlehem.



  10. Why did Joseph and Mary take baby Jesus to Egypt?
    a. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. 
    b. So Jesus could be baptized.
    c. They had to go pay taxes.



  11. Who brought gifts to baby Jesus?
    a. Three wise men called Magi.
    b. The priests from Bethlehem.
    c. King Herod.



  12. Besides the Magi, who else came to visit the baby Jesus?
    a. Shepherds from a nearby field.
    b. Priests from the synagogue.
    c. Believers from Bethlehem.



  1. Who denied Jesus three times on the night of his arrest?
    a. Judas said he did not recognize Jesus.
    b. Peter denied Jesus before the cock crowed.
    c. His mother, Mary, said she didn't know Jesus.

    b. Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed on the night of the arrest.


  2. Who betrayed Jesus at the moment of his arrest?
    a. Mary Magnalien, who wanted nothing to do with Jesus.
    b. Judas Iscariot, who kissed Jesus.
    c. Saul, who hated the Jews.

    b. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane by kissing Jesus on the cheek to identify Jesus to the mob that came to arrest him.


  3. What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?
    a. Give honor to your parents.
    b. Love your neighbors.
    c. Go to church.

    b. According to Jesus the first and greatest commandment is the love for God and the love of your fellow man.


  4. During Jesus' arrest, who cut the ear off a guard?
    a. Peter with his sword.
    b. Judas with his knife.
    c. Paul, using Peter's knife.

    a. Peter cut off the right ear of the High Priest's slave Malchus with his sword.  Peter was trying to prevent the arrest of Jesus. Jesus then had to put the ear back on and heal Malchus.  This was probably the last Miracle Jesus performed.


  5. After the crucifixion, where was the body of Jesus taken?
    a. A man named Joseph moved the body to a tomb.
    b. The priests took it to the temple.
    c. His brothers buried him in the Garden of Gethsemane.

    a. Joseph a wealthy man from Arimathea, Judea, claimed the body of Jesus and placed him in his burial cave. Joseph and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus' body in burial cloth and spices.


  6. What did Judas do to identify Jesus when they arrested him?
    a. Judas shook hands with Jesus.
    b. Judas pointed and said,
    "That's him; that's Jesus."
    c. Judas walked up to Jesus and kissed Jesus on the face.

    c. Judas kissed Jesus to identify him to the mob.


  7. When did Jesus rise from the dead after his crucifixion?
    a. The first day.
    b. The second day.
    c. The third day.

    c. Jesus rose the third day after his crucifixion.  He stayed on Earth for 40 days before ascending into Heaven.


  8. What happened right after Jesus was baptized?
    a. The spirit of God descended like a dove upon Jesus.
    b. The skies opened up with great thunder.
    c. The ground shook like a great earthquake.

    a. The spirit of God entered Jesus when he was baptized.


  9. Before Jesus started preaching, what did He do for work?
    a. He was a carpenter.
    b. He was a deacon in the synagogue.
    c. He was a fisherman like many of the villagers.

    a. Jesus worked as a carpenter like his stepfather Joseph.


  10. What was the first miracle that Jesus did?
    a. He cured a blind man.
    b. He made wine for a wedding.
    c. He fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.

    b. Jesus' first miracle was making 120 gallons of wine at a wedding in Cana.  The host ran out of wine and Mary insisted that her son, Jesus, make more wine.


  11. What did Joseph, the father of Jesus, do for work?
    a. He was a carpenter.
    b. He was a fisherman.
    c. He was a tax collector.

    a. Joseph was a carpenter.


  12. A verse in the Bible says Jesus weptWhy?
    a. Judas betrayed Him.
    b. His best friend, Lazarus, had died.
    c. Jesus knew of His upcoming crucifixion.

    b. Jesus wept for the sisters of Lazarus when he saw how upset they were over their brother Lazarus' death.


Questions about the Apostles.

  1. How many apostles were there?
    a. Jesus authorized six apostles.
    b. Ten disciples were selected to follow Him.
    c. Jesus selected twelve apostles.
    d. Forty apostles all together served Jesus.



  2. What did Jesus do to the apostles at the Last Supper?
    a. Kept giving them wine until they were in a relaxed state.
    b. Made them wash their hands before eating the bread.
    c. He washed their feet.



  3. Which disciple was a doctor?
    a. Matthew
    b. Luke
    c. John



  4. Which disciple was a tax collector?
    a. Matthew
    b. Luke
    c. John



  5. Was Paul an apostle?
    a. No      b. Yes



  6. Jesus had an inner circle of apostles. Who were they?
    a. Peter, James, and John.
    b. Peter, Simon, and Judas.
    c. Peter, Thomas, and Matthew.



  7. Was there a thirteenth apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot?
    a. No
    b. Yes



  8. Who replaced Judas Iscariot?
    a. Mathias.
    b. Luke.
    c. Jonah.



  9. Which apostle did Jesus name the rock?
    a. Peter, because Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, which means "rock".
    b. James, because he was the foundation of the Judaism movement.
    c. John, because he was persistent and steadfast in his beliefs.



  10. After the resurrection, which apostle doubted that it was Jesus?
    a. Peter did not believe the resurrection took place.
    b. Thomas doubted Jesus was risen until he saw the scars in His hands.

    c. Matthew denied everything that happened after the crucifixion.



  11. Which apostle was crucified upside down?
    a. Peter, because he felt unworthy to die the same as Jesus.
    b. Thomas, because he wanted to suffer more than Jesus.
    c. Matthew, because he wanted to show defiance to the authorities.



  12. What apostles did Jesus call the sons of thunder?
    a. James and John.
    b. Peter and Matthew.
    c. Bartholomew and Thaddeus. 



Quiz about the Boat called the Ark.


  1. The word "ARK" means what?
    a. A boat or ship.
    b. A chest or box.

    c. A waterproof container.



  2. How many unclean animals went into the Ark?
    a. Two pairs of hoofed and one pair of non-hoofed animals.
    b. A pair of each un-clean kind.
    c. Three pairs of each kind.



  3. How many people were on the Ark?
    a. Two people were on the Ark: Noah, and his wife.
    b. Four people went on the Ark: Noah, and his three sons.
    c. Eight people, which included all of Noah's family.



  4. Who built the Ark?
    a. Moses
    b. Noah
    c. Adam



  5. How long did it take to build the Ark?
    a. One year.
    b. 40 years.
    c. 80-120 years.



  6. What was Noah's age God told him to build the Ark.
    a. 480 years.
    b. 120 years.
    c. 80 years.



  7. What kind of wood was the Ark built of?
    a. Oak
    b. Pine

    c. Gopher



  8. What was the measurement used to build the Ark?
    a. Yards
    b. Cubits
    c. Meters



  9. How long did the people stay in the Ark?
    a. 40 days.
    b. 40 weeks.
    c. a whole year.



  10. Where did the Ark rest after the flood?
    a. Mount Sinai.
    b. Mount Ararat.
    c. The Alps.



  11. What two birds flew from the Ark?
    a. Raven first and then a dove later.
    b. Pigeon and then a pelican.
    c. Dove and then an eagle.



  12. After the ARK landed, what did God create as a covenant with Noah?
    a. God made the sky turn blue.
    b. God placed the white clouds in the sky above.
    c. A Rainbow was a sign created to show that God would never again destroy the world with a flood.



  1. Who led the Hebrews out of Egypt when they were slaves.
    a. Noah, with his three sons.
    b. Moses, with his brother and sister.
    c. Father Abraham, with his nephew.



  2. To whom did God give the stone tablets that contained the commandments?
    a. Adam received the tablets after eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
    b. Moses accepted the tablets from God on Mount Sinai.
    c. Joseph was given the tablets, by God, when he was an administrator in Egypt.



  3. How many commandments are there?
    a. Six commandments are written out on six parchments.
    b. Ten commandments are etched on two stone tablets.
    c. Twelve commandments are written out on both sides of one stone slate.



  4. What is the first commandment?
    a. Honor your father and mother.
    b. Thou shalt have no other gods but me.
    c. Thou shalt only go to Christian churches.



  5. What "message" from God did Moses say to the Egyptian Pharaoh?
    a. "Let my people go."
    b. "You must repent of your sins."
    c. "I have been sent to destroy your land because you sinned."



  6. What happened when the Israelites were complaining of hunger?
    a. God sent nomad merchants to them with food.
    b. A substance called
    "manna" fell from the sky.
    Turkeys appeared every morning at sunrise for 40 days.



  7. How many plagues did God put upon the Egyptians?
    a. Two
    b. Ten
    c. Twelve



  8. What was the last plague?
    This was the one that convinced the Egyptians?
    a. God killed all the Egyptian "firstborn" children of each family, regardless of age.
    b. God made it rain for forty days and forty nights.
    c. God turned all the water into
    red blood.



  9. Why was Moses angry when he came down from the mountain?
    a. He saw that the people were worshiping a "golden calf ".
    b. The people were complaining and wanted to return to Egypt.
    c. The people picked Miriam, the sister of Moses, as their new leader.



  10. Who parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape Pharaoh?
    a. Noah to escape the flood.
    b. Moses to escape from the Egyptian army that was upon them.
    c. Aaron parted the sea because Moses had gotten old and frail.



  11. The King wanted to kill Moses when he was a baby.
    How was Moses saved?
    a. His mother disguised him as a girl.
    b. His mother put him in a basket and placed it in the river.
    c. His mother took Moses and his sister Miriam to Mesopotamia.



  12. Moses grew up in Egypt. Why did he suddenly leave?
    a. Moses "murdered" an Egyptian.
    b. He went off to "fight a war" for the Pharaoh.
    c. He wanted to "marry a woman" from a distant tribe.



More Questions about people in the Bible.

  1. What musical instrument did David play?
    a. Lyre
    b. Trumpet
    c. Kettle Drum



  2. When David was king, who did he commit adultery with?
    a. Jezebel, wife of Ahab.
    b. Bathsheba, Uriah's wife.
    c. Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile.



  3. In what city did God cause the walls to fall when the people marched?
    a. Jericho
    b. Sodom
    c. Ancient Jerusalem



  4. Who lost his great strength when his hair was cut?
    a. King Saul
    b. Samson
    c. David



  5. What did Samson use to kill 1,000 Philistines?
    a. A two-edged sword of Egyptian steel.
    b. The strength of his bare hands.
    c. The jaw bone of a jackass. 



  6. Whose donkey talked?
    a. Jesus on Psalm Sunday when he rode it into the city.
    b. Balaam when he beat the donkey for not moving along.
    c. Saul when he was riding the donkey on the Damascus Road.



  7. Saul killed many believers.
    What was his name after he converted?
    a. Mark
    b. Paul

    c. Judas



  8. How long did Jonah stay in the big fish?
    a. Twenty-four hours, starting at noon.
    b. Two days and one night.
    c. Three days and three nights.



  9. What tribe did Goliath fight for?
    a. Midianites
    b. Philistines
    c. Canaanites



  10. How many wives does the Bible say King Solomon had?
    a. Several dozen, he had a concubine.
    b. One, that was all that God would allow.
    c. Seven hundred, much more than God says we should have.



  11. Who was given a coat of many colors by his father, Jacob?
    a. Joseph, Jacob's youngest son at the time.
    b. John the Baptist because he lived as a hermit in the wilderness.
    c. The Apostle John, because he was the leader of the apostles.



  12. What happened after Jacob gave the coat to his son?
    a. All the other brothers became very jealous and sent Joseph into slavery.
    b. The brothers stole the coat and
    sold the coat at the market.
    c. The brothers were happy and they threw a party.



  13. How many tribes of Israel were there?
    a. six (6).
    b. twelve (12).
    c. twenty-four (24).



  14. Who is the oldest person in the Bible?
    a. Moses
    b. Methuselah
    c. Adam



  15. Who did God take to Heaven in a fiery chariot?
    a. Elijah
    b. Moses
    c. Enoch



  16. What were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego forced into?
    a. A lion's den.
    b. A fiery furnace.

    c. A deep well.


And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.   Acts 2:21

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