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Medium Bible Person Quiz.

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  Medium difficulty quiz of people in the Bible?


  1. What was Jesus doing on the ship he was in with the disciples when it came upon a storm?
    The disciples were quite concerned.

    Sleeping. Jesus was sleeping on the ship when the storm arose.
    Matthew 8:23.

  2. Who was a famous orphan in the Bible?
    She was a Jewish woman who became a queen.

    Ester. Her name was originally Hadassah. She was an orphan who became part of the king's harem and eventually married King Ahasuerus.
    Read the book of Ester.

  3. Who said that they took away my Lord, and I don't know where he is?
    She traveled extensively with Jesus.

    Mary Magdalene. She asked this of the angel at the entrance to Jesus' tomb.
    John 20:13.

  4. This woman stole the household goods of her father when she left with her husband.
    She was married to Jacob.

    Rachel. She secretly stole her father’s small teraphim, which she hid in her camel saddle.
    Genesis 31.

  5. Who was Joseph's master during his time as a slave in Egypt? 
    He was the captain of the Egyptian guard.

    Potiphar. Joseph was purchased from his brothers by Potiphar.
    Genesis 39.

  6. Who was blind for three days during the time of his conversion?
    He became blind while traveling on the road to Damascus.

    Paul. Saul was blinded before his conversion to Christianity and was renamed Paul.
    Acts 9:9.

  7. Who was the most famous prophet during the time of King Ahab?
    He told Ahab that he would never recover from his accident and that he would die.

    Elijah. He was the prophet who told King Ahab that he would never get better because he did not fear God.
    1 Kings 21.

  8. Who came across an Ethiopian eunuch sitting in a chariot reading the book of Isaiah?
    He was one of the twelve apostles.

    Phillip. He met an Ethiopian court official on the road after leaving Jerusalem.
    Acts 8:26.

  9. Who said he would never deny Jesus?
    During the Passion of Christ, he denied Jesus three times.

    Peter. During the evening of Jesus' conviction, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times when someone on the street pointed him out.
    Matthew 26:69.

  10. Who delivered the sermon during Pentecost?
    He was probably the most prominent apostle.

    Simon Peter. Peter stood with all the other apostles before the multitude, who were heckling them, declaring Jesus was the Christ.
    Acts 2:

  11. Which king committed suicide rather than be taken alive after a battle?
    He was the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, and was the first king of Israel.

    Saul. He was wounded in battle and was afraid of what the enemy would do to him if he were captured alive. He fell on his sword after his men refused to do it for him.
    1 Samuel 31.

  12. This ruler asked Jesus to cure his only daughter.
    He was a ruler in the Jewish synagogue.

    Jairus. As Jesus was walking to the house of Jairus, a woman touched Jesus' cloak and was healed of a bleeding disorder.
    Mark 5:21.

  13. Who was Elijah's apprentice who took over for him?
    He was with Elijah when God sent a fiery chariot to pick him up.

    Elisha. He replaced Elijah at the school and then went preaching.
    1 Kings 19:19.

  14. During the trial of Jesus, the crowd insisted that this criminal be released. They insisted that Jesus be put on trial instead.
    Pontius Pilate gave the Jews the option to let Jesus go or this criminal.

    Barabbas. The criminal was Barabbas. He was released at the trial of Jesus.
    Luke 23:13.

  15. Who considered himself the chief of sinners?
    His name was originally Saul.

    Paul. Before his conversion, he condemned and persecuted the believers.
    1 Timothy 1:15.

  16. Who placed several of his brothers in jail for three days?
    There were twelve brothers in the family. Several brothers sold this brother into slavery.

    Joseph. He was sold to an Egyptian as a slave and eventually became Pharaoh's right-hand man. His brothers came to Egypt asking for food during the famine.
    Genesis 42.

  17. What is John the Baptist’s father?
    He was a priest in the Jerusalem temple.

    Zachariah. His wife was Elizabeth, the cousin of the Virgin Mary. Gabriel visited the couple to announce that they would have a child and to name him John. God told them that John would announce the arrival of the Messiah.
    Luke 1.

  18. Who did the king's wife have killed so that the king could get ownership of his vineyard near the palace?

    The king tried negotiating sales and trades to get the vineyard, but the owner said no each time.

    Naboth. King Ahab's wife, Jezebel, wanted to please her husband and arranged for Naboth to be discredited and executed by the authorities.
    1 Kings 21.

  19. Who was the highest priest and also the king of Salem?
    He blessed Abraham after meeting him on the road. Abraham was on his way back from winning a battle.

    Melchizedek. The Melchizedek priesthood has the highest authority in the church, over all things and offices of the church. It is greater than the other priesthood, the Aaronic priesthood, which cares for the church affairs and upkeep. The Aaronic priesthood baptizes and performs the other duties of the church.
    Genesis 14.

  20. Whose family was the only one that survived the collapse of the Jericho walls?
    She was a prostitute who tied a red cord to her window sill to identify her location to the invading army.

    Rahab. Every man, woman, child, and animal was killed except for Rahab and her family. Rahab helped two of God's spies escape who were being hunted down.
    Joshua 2.

  21. Who was the only female judge in Israel?
    She told Barak to take 10,000 men to battle against Sisera.

    Deborah sat under the palm trees resolving issues and controversies while judging the people according to the laws of God.
    Judges 4.

  22. Who did Jacob work for to get the daughter's hand in marriage?
    He worked for seven years and got tricked into marrying the sister of his loved one.

    Laban. Laban had two daughters. Jacob wanted to marry the younger daughter, Rachel. But Laban tricked Jacob into marrying the older daughter, Leah, first. After working for another 7 years, Laban allowed his younger daughter to marry Jacob.
    Genesis 29:

  23. This Jewish maiden married a Persian King.
    She was an orphan.

    Ester. Her uncle Mordecai adopted her. She became part of the king's harem before the king married her.
    Ester 2.

  24. Who was 696 years old when he died?
    He was Noah's grandfather and the oldest person in the Bible.

    Methuselah. Enoch was the father of Methuselah.
    Methuselah was the father of Lamech.

    Genesis 5:21

  25. Which woman turned into a pillar of salt?
    She disobeyed God and looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Lot's wife turned to salt when she looked back at Gomorrah while escaping its destruction.
    Genesis 19:

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