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Easy Bible Quiz with Answers.

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Easy Quiz and answers of things Biblical.


  1. What day did God create man?
    He also created the beasts of the land, air, and sea.

    The Sixth Day.
    Genesis 1:26-28

  2. Where did Adam and Eve live?
    This was the perfect paradise that God created for them.

    Garden of Eden.

  3. How many commandments were on the stone tablets that Moses had?
    God made these tablets with his finger and gave them to Moses.

    Exodus 20:1-17

  4. What did God feed the Israelites during the forty years in the desert?
    The Israelites had to pick it up off the ground every morning except the Sabbath.

    Manna. Bread from Heaven.
    Exodus 16.

  5. How many sons did Jacob have?
    These sons became the twelve tribes of Israel.

    Twelve. Jacob also had a daughter.
    Genesis 35:23-26

  6. Who was forced into a lion's den?
    King Darius ordered this because this individual would not bow down to his idol.

    Daniel 14:31-42.


  7. What was the name of Moses' brother?
    He was the spoke person for Moses because Moses had a speech impediment.

    Exodus 7:1-7

  8. Which Bible book is considered the first book written?
    The person in this book has his "patience" tested by God.

    Read about it.

  9. Who is the oldest man in the Bible?
    He was a descendant of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve.

    Methuselah. His grandson was Noah.
    Genesis 5:25-32

  10. What was the name of Moses' sister?
    God gave her leprosy because she wanted to push Moses out of the way and take over.

    Numbers 26:5

  11. Who started Christianity?
    Christianity began during the time of the New Testament.

    Jesus. Christianity started the moment Jesus started preaching.

  12. What book of the Bible was the last to be written?
    John wrote this book while in a Roman jail.

    The last Bible book written was Revelation. It was written by a man named John. Some scholars call him John of Patmos because he was an obvious believer and he was stranded on the island of Patmos.


  13. What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
    They were friends of Daniel and held high offices in the King's court.

    They were thrown into a fiery furnace.
    Daniel 3.

  14. What was the first miracle in the Bible that Jesus performed?
    Jesus and his family were at a wedding at the time.

    Jesus turned water into wine.
    John 2:1-11

  15. Who was the third child of Adam and Eve as recorded in the Bible?
    He replaced one of Adam and Eve's children that was murdered.

    Seth. The Bible and the Quran record that Seth was born when Adam was over 100 years old.
    Genesis 4:25


  16. This man was transported to Nineveh, by a big fish.
    God had a job for him to do at Nineveh but this man tried to escape to Tarshish.

    Jonah 1:1-17

  17. Who built the boat called the Ark?
    He started to built the Ark when he was about 500 years old.

    Noah. It took approximately 100 years to build the Ark.
    Genesis 6.

  18. ​Who wanted to kill Jesus right after he was born?

    King Herod.

    Matthew 2:1-18

  19. Who is the mediator between God and his children on Earth?


  20. What river did John baptize in?​


  21. ​How long did the Israelites wander in the desert?

    Forty years. This was their punishment for disobeying God.

    Read about it.

  22. How many criminals were crucified alongside Jesus?
    Jesus told one of them that he would see him in paradise.

    Luke 23:32-43

  23. ​Which disciple denied knowing Jesus three times during his trial?
    Jesus told him ahead of time that he would deny him 3 times before the rooster would crow.

    Peter.  Three times someone from the crowds picked him out during the trial of Jesus.
    Matthew 26:69-75

  24. ​Who was Jesus' mother?
    She was a Virgin and engaged to Joseph.



  25. What does the Bible say about getting to Heaven?

It's all about that One Man.

Believe in the birth, words of, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Put your trust in Him.

Read how to get to heaven.

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