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Moses Bible Quiz with Answers.

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How well do you know Moses.


  1. How many commandments were on the stone tablets that Moses had?
    God made these tablets with his finger and gave them to Moses.

    Ten. There were two tablets written on both sides.
    Exodus 20:1-17

  2. What did God feed the Israelites during the forty years in the desert?
    The Israelites had to pick it up off the ground every morning except the Sabbath.

    Manna. Bread from Heaven.
    Exodus 16.

  3. What was the name of Moses' brother?

    Exodus 7:1-7

  4. What was the name of Moses' older sister?
    God gave her leprosy because she wanted to push Moses out of the way and take over.

    Numbers 26

  5. What country was Moses born in?
    His people were slaves in this country.


  6. What physical ailment did Moses have?
    This caused his brother to be his spokesman.

    Moses stuttered.


  7. What river did Moses float down in a basket when he was a baby?
    His biological mother placed him in the basket and set it in the water.
    The Nile.

  8. Moses was a murderer.  Who did he kill?
    He buried the victim in the sand after killing him.

    He killed an Egyptian taskmaster.

  9. Who or what was Nehushtan?
    It would cure the Israelites of snake bites while wandering in the desert.

    A brass top to Moses' staff.

  10. Who was Moses' foster mother?
    She found him floating in the Nile river.

    Pharaoh's daughter.

  11. How did an angel and the Lord appear to Moses the first time God sent Moses his message?
    Moses was attending sheep and was at the base of the Holy Mountain in Sinai.

    As a burning bush.
    Exodus 3:1-6

  12. What did Moses do to give the Israelites water when they were murmuring that they were thirsty while wandering through the desert?
    God told Moses to go to this certain place and talk to this object.

    He struck a rock with his staff.  God told Moses to talk to the rock.
    Numbers 20:

  13. At another time the Israelites were again murmuring for water. They came upon a water hole but it was bitter and undrinkable. What did Moses do?

    Moses put a piece of wood in the water to make it sweet.

  14. How many sets of the Ten Commandment slates did God make for Moses?

    Two sets.  Moses smashed the first set when he was angry.

  15. What upset Moses so bad when he came down from the mountain after talking with God?
    He was so mad that he threw the Ten Commandment tablets to the ground and broke them to pieces.

    The Israelites had made a golden calf as an idol.

  16. What sea did Moses part with his staff?

    The Red Sea.

  17. How old was Moses when he died?
    Moses died on the same day as his birthday.

    120 years old.

  18. Who took over for Moses after he died?
    God prohibited Moses from leading the Israelites across the border into Canaan.


  19. How was the Egyptian army destroyed when they tried to recapture the Israelites?

    They drowned.  Moses parted the sea and after the army entered the sea, it fell back to normal and drowned all the soldiers.


  20. How many plagues did Moses inflict on Pharaoh before he let the people go?

    Ten plagues.


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