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Advanced Bible Character Quiz.

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An advanced difficult Bible quiz on famous people in the Bible.


  1. Which was the smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel?
    a. Levi.
    b. Manasseh.
    c. Judah.

    b. Manasseh.
    The smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel was Manasseh.


  2. What relation was Jacob to Abraham?
    a. Son
    b. Father
    c. Grandson

    c. Grandson.
    Jacob was Abraham's grandson.


  3. Which king reigned the longest over the Kingdom of Israel?
    a. Saul.
    b. Jeroboam II.
    c. Solomon.

    b. Jeroboam II.
    The longest-reigning king over Israel was Jeroboam II.


  4. This king's cruel wife was eaten up by dogs after she died.
    a. Joash.
    b. Ahab.
    c. Josiah.

    b. Ahab.
    Jezebel, ​
    Ahab's wife, was eaten by dogs after her death. 

  5. Who was David's first wife?
    a. Bathsheba.
    b. Jezebel.
    c. Michal.

    c. Michal.
    David's first wife was Michal.


  6. David put him in the most dangerous spot in a battle.
    David wanted him killed.
    a. Uriah.
    b. Ehud.
    c. Gideon.

    a. Uriah.
    Uriah was placed in battle to be killed because he was Bathsheba's husband. David wanted her for his wife.


  7. Who was Abraham’s nephew?
    a. Lot.
    b. Job.
    c. Joseph.

    a. Lot.
    Abraham's nephew was Lot.


  8. Which prophet rebuked David for committing adultery with Bathsheba?
    a. Joel.
    b. Nathan.
    c. Zechariah.

    b. Nathan.
    David was rebuked for having an affair with Bathsheba. a married woman, by Nathan.


  9. God reprimanded this man's friends.
    The man listened to them instead of God.
    a. Job.
    b. Moses.
    c. Joseph.

    a. Job.
    Job listened to his friends instead of God to solve his problems.


  10. Who agreed to work for seven years to marry Rachel?
    a. David.
    b. Japheth.
    c. Jacob.

    c. Jacob.
    Jacob worked seven years for Laban so that he could marry Rachel.


  11. Who was the Queen of Persia who influenced the King to protect her people, the Jews?
    a. Ruth.
    b. Bathsheba
    c. Ester.

    c. Ester.
    The queen who used her influence to protect her people was Ester.


  12. Which girls were Naomi's daughters-in-law?
    a. Rachel and Leah.
    b. Leah and Ruth.
    c. Orpha and Ruth.

    d. Orpha and Ruth.
    Naomi's daughter-in-law were Orpha and Ruth.


  13. Who carried the cross for Jesus when Jesus couldn't do it any longer?
    a. Simon of Cyrene whom the Roman soldiers picked out of the crowd.
    b. Zaccheus, the tax collector, saw Jesus from a tree as Jesus passed.
    c. Peter the beloved disciple of Jesus.

    a. Simon of Cyrene.
    The cross for Jesus was carried by Simon of Cyrene.


  14. Who is the sister of Moses?
    a. Delilah.
    b. Ruth.
    c. Miriam.

    c. Miriam.
    The older sister to Moses and Aaron was Miriam.


  15. Who owned a bronze snake named Nehushtan?
    a. Sorcerer of Pharaoh.
    b. Raah.
    c. Moses.

    c. Moses.
    The bronze snake that could cure illness was owned by Moses.


  16. This famous person played the lyre.
    a. Solomon.
    b. David.
    c. Cleopatra.

    b. David.
    King David was famous for playing the lyre.


  17. Who was David's best friend?
    He was the son of King Saul.
    a. Saul.
    b. Benjamin.
    c. Jonathan.

    c. Jonathan.
    Saul's son Jonathan was David's best friend since childhood.


  18. Who was the father of Rachel?
    a. David.
    b. Benjamin.
    c. Laban.

    c. Laban.
    Rachel and Leah's father was Laban. Jacob married them both.


  19. Who was shipwrecked on Malta island?
    a. Titus.
    b. John.
    c. Paul.

    c. Paul.
    Paul was shipwrecked on Malta as a result of a terrible storm.


  20. This man took the body of Jesus down from the cross.
    a. Peter the disciple.
    b. Soldiers that crucified him.
    c. Joseph of Arimathea.

    c. Joseph of Arimathea.
    After the crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus' body to a cave.


  21. To escape from Damascus, he was lowered into a basket.
    a. Paul
    b. Rahab
    c. Two angels
    d. Lot

    a. Paul.
    Paul escaped the riotous unbelieving Jews in Damascus by being lowered down the outside city wall in a basket.


  22. Near which city did Jesus feed the 5,000?
    a. Jerusalem.
    b. Bethsaida.
    c. Antioch.

    b. Bethsaida.
    Jesus preached and fed the crowd of 5,000 at Bethsaida.


  23. During the Exodus, who did they bury in Kadesh?
    a. Moses.
    b. Miriam.
    c. Aaron.

    b. Miriam.
    Moses' older sister Miriam was buried at Kadesh during the exodus.


  24. Where did Moses disobey God and strike the rock for water?
    a. Meribah
    b. Etham
    c. Hazeroth

    a. Meribah.
    Moses had anger issues and struck a rock at Meribah, displeasing God.


  25. The earth swallowed up this person and his followers after they rebelled against Moses.
    a. Aaron.
    b. Korah.
    c. Potiphar.

    b. Korah.
    The earth swallowed up Korah and his followers for disobedience to God.


  26. On the Sabbath, Jesus healed this person in the synagogue.
    It was a setup by the Pharisees.
    a. A blind man.
    b. A man with a withered hand.
    c. A woman with leprosy.

    b. Man with a withered hand.
    Jesus healed the withered hand of a Mason.


  27. God told this prophet to marry a prostitute.
    a. Samuel.
    b. David.
    c. Hosea.

    c. Hosea.
    God instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute to prove a point to the Hebrews.


  28. He climbed up a Sycamore tree to view Jesus entering the city.
    a. Barabbas.
    b. Usiah.
    c. Zacchaeus.

    c. Zacchaeus.
    A short man named Zacchaeus who was a tax collector.


  29. Who anointed the feet of Jesus with perfume?
    Afterward, she dried his feet with her hair.
    a. Mary Magdalene.
    b. Mary, the mother of Jesus.
    c. Mary of Bethany.

    c. Mary of Bethany.
    The sister of Lazarus and Martha, Mary of Bethany.

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"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor demons, nor the present, nor the future, nor any powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God..."   Romans 8:38


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