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Easy Bible Character Quiz with Answers.

Easy Bible questions with answers about people in the Bible.


  1. Who built a giant boat called the Ark?
    a. Adam.
    b. Noah.
    c. Moses.

    b. Noah
    Noah was given instructions to build a giant boat.  The purpose was to save humanity and the animal world from the destruction of the world that was coming in a massive flood.


  2. How many people were on the Ark?
    a. Two.
    b. Four.
    c. Eight.

    c. Eight.
    Eight people were on the Ark. Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives were on the Ark.


  3. Who is the Messiah?
    a. Jesus.
    b. Abraham.
    c. Elijah.

    a. Jesus.
    Jesus is known as the Messiah or anointed one who delivers the sinful ones from their sin.


  4. Who is the founder of Judaism?
    a. Adam.
    b. Abraham.
    c. Jesus.

    b. Abraham.
    Abraham is the founding father of the original Hebrew religion of Judaism, which started in Judah.


  5. Who was king when Jesus was born?
    a. Saul.
    b. Solomon.
    c. Herod.

    c. Herod.
    Herod was king when Jesus was born.


  6. Who brought gold, myrrh, and frankincense to young Jesus?
    a. Shepherds.
    b. Priests.
    c. Magi.

    c. Magi.
    An unknown number of wise and educated men known as the Magi, came to visit Jesus sometime after his birth. A star in the east guided them. They brought three expensive gifts.


  7. Who traveled to Nineveh by a big fish?
    a. Jonah.
    b. Daniel.
    c. David.

    a. Jonah
    God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to deliver a message and transported him there by what is described as a big fish. The trip took 3 days. The fish spit Jonah out on the beach.


  8. Who was thrown into a lion's den?
    a. Jonah.
    b. Daniel.
    c. David.

    b. Daniel.
    Daniel was forced into a lion's den at the command of King Darius, the Mede.  Darius was tricked into giving the order, by his jealous underlings.


  9. God took this prophet up to heaven in a fiery chariot.
    a. Enoch.
    b. Moses.
    c. Elijah.

    c. Elijah.
    Elijah did not die. He was taken directly to heaven in something that looked like a fiery chariot. Elisha was with him and assumed Elijah's ministry.


  10. God gave the tablets of the Ten Commandments to this man, on Mount Sinai.
    a. Aaron.
    b. Moses.
    c. Joshua.

    b. Moses.
    Moses received two stone tablets. They were engraved with the finger of God. They contained the original Ten Commandments.


  11. Who despised the disciples, but was converted while traveling to Damascus?
    a. Saul.
    b. Judas.
    c. John.

    a. Saul
    Saul of Tarsus saw to the killing of many believers. While traveling to Damascus he was met by a heavenly being. This resulted in Saul becoming a believer.


  12. This woman looked back at Gomorrah. She turned into a pillar of salt.
    a. Eve.
    b. Ruth.
    c. Lot's Wife.

    c. Lot's wife.
    Lot's wife disobeyed God.  She looked back at Gomorrah as it was being destroyed. This resulted in her being turned into something that looked like a pillar of salt.


  13. 1,000 Philistines were killed with the jawbone of an ass, by this famous person.
    a. David, who faced the Philistines during a battle.
    b. Samson, after the Israelites gave him to the Philistines.
    c. Steven, the disciple, after the Sanhedrin came to stone him.

    b. Samson.
    Samson killed 1,000 Philistines out of revenge for killing his wife.


  14. Who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, over a coat?
    a. Esau.
    b. Joseph.
    c. Benjamin.

    b. Joseph.
    Joseph was sold into slavery to an Egyptian guard named Potiphar by his jealous brothers.


  15. This fellow used a sling and smooth stone to kill a giant.
    a. Samson.
    b. Daniel.
    c. David.

    c. David
    David went to the battlefront when he was a young shepherd. While there, he heard the blasphemous shouting of the Philistine giant Goliath. David decided to answer the giant's challenge. He attacked the giant with a sling and smooth stone. After David slayed Goliath, David chopped the giant's head off with the giant's sword.


  16. Who betrayed Jesus to the religious mob on the night of His arrest.
    a. Simon.
    b. Thomas.
    c. Judas Iscariot.

    c. Judas Iscariot.
    As Jesus predicted at the Last Supper, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Judas identified Jesus to the religious mob that came to the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus.


  17. This man denied knowing Jesus three times on the night of Jesus' arrest.
    a. Paul.
    b. Judas.
    c. Peter.

    c. Peter.
    Even though Peter said he would never deny Jesus, he did so on the night of Jesus' arrest. At the Last Supper, Jesus predicted Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed in the morning.


  18. This person watched as Moses floated among the reeds along the riverbank.
    a. The mother of Moses.
    b. The brother of Moses.
    c. The sister of Moses.

    c. Moses' sister.
    Moses' mother hid him for three months. She feared for his life and put Moses into a basket and placed it on the river. She hoped Moses would be found by the royal court, and spare his life. Moses' sister followed along the river bank.


  19. Jesus brought this man back to life after being dead for four days.
    a. Andrew.
    b. Lazarus.
    c. Nicodemus.

    b. Lazarus
    Lazarus was Jesus' friend who had died. Jesus deliberately waited four days before raising Lazarus back to life to demonstrate God's power.


  20. Who walked on water at the Sea of Galilee?
    a. Paul and Peter.
    b. Jesus and Peter.
    c. It was only Jesus.

    b. Jesus and Peter.
    Jesus was on shore and decided to walk on the water to a boat where the disciples were. While walking out to the boat Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and walk toward him.  As Peter was walking on the water, he got scared and sank. Jesus had to save him.


  21. Who killed Abel because of jealousy?
    a. Cain.
    b. Seth.
    c. Seth's wife.

    a. Cain.
    Abel's older brother, Cain, was jealous of Able and killed him.


  22. At what age did Jesus start his ministry?
    a. Twelve.
    b. Twenty-One.
    c. About thirty.

    c. About thirty years.
    Jesus started his ministry when he was approximately thirty years old. He was probably between thirty-three and forty years old when he was crucified.


  23. How many criminals were crucified with Jesus?
    a. None.
    b. Two.
    c. Three.

    b. Two.
    At the crucifixion, two criminals were being crucified. one on either side of Jesus. Jesus told one of them that he would see him in paradise.


  24.  Who baptized Jesus?
    This man lived in the wilderness.
    a. Friar Tuck.
    b. Caiaphas.
    c. His cousin John.

    e. His cousin John.
    The cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist, baptized Jesus in the River Jordan. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. God spoke and said he was well pleased.


  25. This prophet led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.
    a. Moses.
    b. Noah.
    c. Samson.

    Moses was chosen, by God, to lead the enslaved Hebrews out of Egypt.
    His brother Aaron was his spokesman and Joshua was his right hand man.

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    "He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.

He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit."
Titus 3:1-11

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