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Easy Bible Person Quiz with Background Story.

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Easy Quiz of who are the Bible Characters and their story.


  1. Which three Bible characters visited Jesus when he was a baby?
    They brought expensive gifts from the East.
    Read the story. 
    The three wise men, the Magi, visited Jesus when he was about two years old. They came from the east and followed a star that guided them to Jesus. They brought Jesus three gifts.

    Matthew 2:1-12


  2. This man spent time in a lion's den.
    Jealous workers tricked King Darius into this.
    Read the story.
    He was put in the lion's den at the orders of King Darius because he was praying to God. The king's wise men were jealous of Daniel and tricked Darius into ordering Daniel to be put in the lion's den.

    Daniel 6:1-28


  3. These men survived an ordeal in a fiery furnace.
    Three Hebrew friends never denied God.
    Read the story.
    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
    Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the three men into a fiery furnace for not bowing and worshipping the king's image.

    Daniel 3:16-28


  4. This person betrayed Jesus to the priests and soldiers.
    He was the disciple who took care of the money.
    Read the story.
    Judas Iscariot.
    Judas betrayed Jesus to the priests and soldiers on the night of his arrest. He was paid 30 pieces of silver to kiss Jesus on the face to identify him. Afterward, Judas was remorseful, gave the silver back, and committed suicide.

    Matthew 26:14-27


  5. This disciple denied Jesus three times.
    He is often called the "Rock" of the Christian Church.
    Read the story.
    Simon Peter.
    Peter denied Jesus three times on the night of Jesus' arrest when people pointed to Peter and called him out.

    Luke 22:54-62


  6. Who was king when Jesus was born?
    He was a distrustful, jealous, brutal, and ruthless leader.
    Read the story.
    King Herod.
    King Herod​ the Great was king of Judea when Jesus was born. The Roman emporer appointed him. Herod was so paranoid of being overthrown that he had his first wife and three sons executed. He feared what he heard about Jesus and ordered all males under 2 years old to be executed in an attempt to kill Jesus.

    Matthew 2:1-20


  7. This disciple doubted it was Jesus.
    He did not believe the resurrected Jesus was Jesus.
    Read the story.
    Thomas doubted that he was talking to Jesus after the resurrection. He was not convinced until he saw the crucifixion marks on the hands of Jesus.

    John 20:24-29


  8. Give the name of one of the brothers of Jesus.
    The Bible identifies four of Jesus' brothers.
    Read the story.
    James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon.
    These were brothers of Jesus. Jesus also had sisters, but their names and how many are not known. Jesus would have been the oldest sibling.

    Mark 6:3


  9. He ate wild honey and locusts in the wilderness.
    He also baptized people at the Jordan River.
    Read the story.
    John the Baptist.
    John lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and honey. He also wore garments made of camel hair. John was also Jesus' cousin.

    Matthew 3:1-6


  10. Who parted the Red Sea with a staff?
    He often used his staff to do God's deeds.
    Read the story.
    Moses parted the Red Sea with a staff when he held it up and stretched out his hand. The staff was used to execute several miracles that God performed through Moses.

    Exodus 14:10-20


  11. Who had great strength, because of his hair?
    He killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a jackass.
    Read the story.
    He was a judge. He had great strength because he never cut his hair. His hair gave him strength because he was a Nazarite. His mother dedicated him to God at his birth.

    Judges 16


  12. Who is the third son of Adam and Eve?
    Adam was 130 years old when his son was born.
    Read the story.
    Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve. He was born after Cain killed Able. Cain was sent away from the Garden of Eden, leaving Adam and Eve childless. God allowed Seth to be born.

    Genesis 4


  13. This man built a big boat called the Ark.
    He was 500 years old and had three sons at the time.
    Read the story.
    God instructed Noah to build the boat and take every animal species aboard it.

    Genesis 6:13-22


  14. This person committed the first murder.
    He did it because he was jealous of his brother.
    Read the story.
    Cain committed the first murder recorded in the Bible. Cain killed his brother Able because of jealousy.

    Genesis 4:6-12


  15. Who killed an Egyptian slave taskmaster?
    He saw the taskmaster beating on a Hebrew slave.
    Read the story.
    Moses killed an Egyptian slave taskmaster after he saw the taskmaster beating a Hebrew slave.  This led Moses to go on the lam and leave Egypt for fear of his life.
    Exodus 2:11-22


  16. Who was born in a stable near Bethlehem?
    He was the son of Mary, the Virgin.
    Read the story.
    Jesus the Messiah was born in an animal shelter because all the rooms were full in Bethlehem due to the census being taken.

    Luke 2:1-17


  17. He baptized Jesus.
    He was the cousin of Jesus.
    Read the story.
    John the Baptist baptized his cousin, Jesus.

    John 1:6-31


  18. This Roman governor of Judea flogged Jesus.
    He was the local prefect. He thought Jesus was innocent.
    Read the story.
    Pontius Pilate.
    Pontius Pilate allowed Jesus to be humiliated, flogged, and then crucified, after he was arrested.

    Matthew 27


  19. This person talked to a burning bush.
    He went on the lam, after killing an Egyptian.
    Read the story.
    Moses talked with God, who was in a burning bush. God gave Moses the assignment to lead the slaves out of Egypt. After making all his excuses, Moses decided to do as God commanded.

    Exodus 3


  20. Who was the first man on Earth?
    God made him from the dust of the ground.
    Read the story.
    Adam is the first human on Earth.

    Genesis 2


  21. Who is the brother of Moses?
    He allowed the Israelites to build a golden calf.
    Read the story.
    Aaron  was the brother of Moses. Miriam was the sister of Moses.

    Exodus 4:13-15


  22. God created this person from Adam's rib.
    God created this companion for Adam.
    Read the story.
    Eve was made from Adam's rib. She became known as Woman.

    Genesis 2:20-22


  23. Who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden?
    He is a fallen angel with a bad attitude.
    Read the story.
    The Serpent.
    The Serpent known as the Devil tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    Genesis 3:1-7


  24. This boy killed a giant with a sling and a smooth stone.
    He tended sheep and played the lyre.
    Read the story.
    David the young shepherd, killed Goliath, the Philistine giant.

    1 Samuel 17


  25. This prophet was transported, in a fiery chariot, into heaven.
    He also caused an altar full of soaked wood to light up.
    Read the story.
    Elijah, the prophet, was called to Heaven by God. God sent a vehicle that looked like a fiery chariot, to pick Elijah up.

    2 Kings 2:8-15

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God loved the world so much that he sacrificed his only Son so that whoever believed in him would not perish but have eternal life. Paraphrase of John 3:16

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