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Easy Bible Quiz of the Physical Bible.

Test your knowledge of the physical Bible with these questions.

The following questions are based on the King James Bible.


  1. What is the Apocrypha?
    a. It is a collection of additional text, added to some Bibles.
    b. A special Bible section that lists all the prophecies.
    c. It is an expanded appendix to the Bible that explains the parables of Jesus.

    a. Additional Text.
    The Apocrypha is a collection of scriptures considered lost or previously believed to be not worthy, of being included in the original King James Bible.


  2. How many books are in the King James Bible with Apocrypha?
    a. Twenty-seven (27).
    b. Thirty-nine (39).
    c. Eighty (80).

    c. Eighty (80).
    The King James version including the Apocrypha has Eighty (80) books.


  3. How many books are in the Apocrypha?
    a. Forty (40).
    b. Fourteen (14).
    c. Twenty-Seven (27).

    b. Fourteen (14).
    The Apocrypha has fourteen (14) books.


  4. How many Old Testament books?
    a. Twenty-two (22).
    b. Twenty-seven (27).
    c. Thirty-nine (39).

    c. Thirty-nine (39).
    The Old Testament has thirty-nine (39) books.


  5. How many New Testament books?
    a. Nineteen (19).
    b. Twenty-seven (27).
    c. Thirty-nine (39).

    b. Twenty-seven (27).
    The New Testament has twenty-seven (27) books.


  6. How many total chapters are in the Bible?
    a. 220.
    b. 1189.
    c. 23,000.

    b. 1189.
    The Bible has 1189 chapters.


  7. How many verses are in the King James version?
    a. 1,000.
    b. 17,000.
    c. 31,100.

    c. 31,100.
    The King James version has 31,100 verses in it.


  8. Approximately how many words are in the Bible?
    a. 144,000.
    b. 501,000.
    c. 783,000.

    c. 783,000.
    The King James version has approximately 783,000 words.


  9. What is the longest word in the Bible?
    a. Nebuchadnezzar.
    b. Mahershalalhashbaz.
    c. Antidisestablishmentarianism.

    b. Mahershalalhashbaz.
    The longest word in the Bible is Mahershalalhashbaz. It is a man's name that appears twice in the book of Isaiah.


  10. What is the shortest “chapter” in the Bible?
    a. Genesis 1: "In the beginning, God..."
    b. Psalm 117: "Praise the Lord..."
    c. John 1: "In the beginning was..."

    b. Psalm 117.
    Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible. This Psalm has only two verses. Also, this chapter is in the center of the Bible with 494 chapters before it and 494 after it.


  11. What is the first book in the Old Testament?
    a. Alpha.
    b. Moses.
    c. Genesis.

    c. Genesis.
    The first book in the Old Testament is Genesis. It is believed to be written by Moses or under the direction of Moses.


  12. What is the last book in the Old Testament?
    a. Revelation.
    b. Zachariah.
    c. Malachi.

    c. Malachi.
    The last book in the Old Testament is Malachi. Malachi was a minor prophet. It is believed that some other singular writer wrote his book.


  13. What is the first book in the New Testament?
    a. Genesis.
    b. Acts.
    c. Matthew.

    c. Matthew.
    Matthew is the first book in the New Testament. It is also one of the Gospels.


  14. What is the last book of the New Testament?
    a. Alpha.
    b. Omega.
    c. Revelation.

    c. Revelation.
    The last book of the New Testament is Revelation. The writer is identified as John. Some believe it to be written by John the Apostle while on the prison island of Patmos. The most recent view is that it is some other unidentified John.


  15. What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John known as?
    a. The Torah.
    b. The Gospels.
    c. The Pentateuch.

    b The Gospels.
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are known as the Gospels.  They tell the story of Jesus' ministry.


  16. What section of the Bible is the Book of Esther in?
    a. Old Testament.
    b. Apocrypha.
    c. New Testament.

    a. Old Testament.
    The book of Esther is in the Old Testament.


  17. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
    a. Amen.
    b. Jesus wept.
    c. In the beginning...

    b. "Jesus Wept".
    he shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus Wept". Jesus wept because he saw how sad Lazarus' sisters were over the death of Lazarus.


  18. Some Bibles show the words of Jesus printed differently.
    a. They are in italics.
    b. They are printed in bold.
    c. They are printed in red.

    c. Printed in red.
    The words of Jesus are printed in RED.


  19. Are there any hidden codes in the Bible?
    a. Yes.
    b. No.

    b. NO!
    There are no hidden codes in the Bible.


  20. Who wrote the Book of Luke?
    a. Paul.
    b. John.
    c. Luke.

    c. Luke.
    The book of Luke was written by the disciple Luke. Luke was a physician and one of the twelve apostles.


  21. What is the traditional Protestant Bible considered to be?
    a. The Bible is one complete book.
    b. It has two books bound together.
    c. The Bible is a collection of many books bound together.

    c. A collection of books.
    The Bible is considered to be a collection of books divided into two book sets.


  22. What are the first five books in the Old Testament called?
    a. Pentateuch.
    b. Books of Samuel.
    c. Apocrypha.

    a. Pentateuch.
    The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch.


  23. What are the first four books in the New Testament called?
    a. Pentateuch.
    b. Apocrypha.
    c. Gospels.

    c. Gospels.
    The first four books of the Bible are called the Gospels.


  24. Who wrote the first five books of the Bible?
    a. Noah.
    b. Moses.
    c. Adam.

    b. Moses.
    Most scholars believe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. They are referred to as the books of the law. It is the first section of the Jewish Bible. It is officially called the Torah by the Jewish faith.


  25. Is the Bible still the best-selling book in the world?
    a. Yes.
    b. No.

    a. Yes.
    The Bible is the best-selling book in the world.


  26. How does the Bible explain the way to get into Heaven?

a. Obeying the Ten Commandments gets people into Heaven.

b. Doing nice things, "Good Works", will get you into Heaven.

c. "Believe in your heart in Jesus, the Christ."

c. The way to Heaven is to Believe in your heart in Jesus, the Christ.

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 “Repent and be baptized... in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
 Acts 2:38

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