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Can the Bible be Trusted?

Is the Bible real, authentic, trustful, and inspired by God?

Trivia, Facts, and Insights to the authenticity and truthfullness of the Bible.

Read and absorb this website's interjected comments about the Bible's authenticity.

The Biblical manuscripts are trusted, reliable, and accurately translated from the earliest found documents.
  • The Bible has the most surviving copies of any ancient document scrutinized for variations, corruption, and truths.

  • Different authors have repeated the same content numerous times throughout history.

  • The facts are that the biblical authors lived hundreds and thousands of years apart from each other.

  • The belief is that about half of the prophecies (predictions) in the Bible have come true.

  • There are approximately 6,000 prophecies.

  • Prophecies of the Bible continue to come true.

  • Authorities say that some prophecies are happening right now in modern times.

  • The prophetic predictions of the future do not look good for humanity.

There are no motives that merit distrust of the testimonies of the authors.

  • God created the human race. 

  • There are many stories of how God kills, how God saves, how God forgives, how God loves, and God's honest reactions.

  • Why would anyone want to give testimony to all these facts unless he thought they were true?

  • Was there a monetary, economic, or other reason for such Bible stories as Moses murdering an Egyptian?


    For example:

  • What would be the point of stories about a talking donkey, a big fish used as human transport, or a woman turning into a pillar of salt if they were not biblical and true? What would be the gain? Why would they not be trustworthy?

  • Why would anyone write such absurd stories unless they believed they happened?

  • I am sure that the authors of these stories were considered kooks or insane and laughed at by the secular world when they wrote them.

  • Why would anyone subject themselves to such ridicule unless they had seen or had faith that these Biblical stories happened and are factual?

What did the philosopher Comte state?
  • He stated, "It is common that we only believe what we can personally observe. However, it is impossible to live without faith."

  • Everyone in his daily life constantly believes and acts upon facts not seen and yet feels the unseen is real.

  • People believe in ghosts, karma, fate, intuition, astrology, and aliens without seeing factual evidence.
    Are these things real? Those who believe think so. Perhaps it's called faith!

  • Others believe in angels, a soul, the law of gravity, that the center of the earth is molten lava, and that once upon a time, Earth had only one continent that split apart.
    Side Note: Take a close look at a world map or globe.
    The shapes of the continents fit together into one big land mass.
    No rocket surgeon is needed to figure that out.
    Could this verify the Bible's implication that the Earth's creation was one land mass?

    The bottom line is that one must decide what's real for oneself based on faith, observation, historical writings, or what one's family or best friends tell them.

Several modern scientists have shown that the Earth split into separate continents.

  • It created the mountains, and the erosion at the Grand Canyon is traceable to a global flood and catastrophe.

  • The truth of the flood also explains the sea life found in deserts and the partial extinction of dinosaurs. No kidding.

  • The truth is in the evidence revealed and explained by at least a dozen Ph.D. experts.

    If you Google the right question, you will get the correct facts.

  • The scientific dating systems used to justify that the Earth is billions of years old were proven to be flawed and not 100% accurate.

  • Darwin's evolution theory of all life coming from that single-celled life form has been disproven.

  • Darwin himself admits that his theory does not work. He wrote the following in his book, The Origin of Species:
    ​"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ that; could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, then my theory would break down."


Modern science has now indeed discovered that there is irreducible complexity inside the cell structure.

  • If Darwin were alive today, he would refute his theory based on the new knowledge of genetics and cell structure.

  • Googling will uncover many videos and articles from experts.
    Here is one: The Daily Dose Wisdom Video.


Anagenesis is a confirmed new theory concerning evolution.

  • Evolution by anagenesis occurs within a species but not in the entire realm of life.

  • The deer species can evolve into elk, moose, and reindeer, but not into the reptile family.

  • The lizard can evolve into crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and Gila monsters, but not into dogs.

  • Dogs evolved into wolves, coyotes, and jackals, but not into cats.

  • Cats evolved into house cats, lions, tigers, and jaguars, but not into birds.

You get the picture.

Are scientists always right?​ Can the scientists be trusted?
  • ​The "mainstream" scientific community does not like their theories challenged.

  • Scientists didn't come to grips with the discovery of the Earth being round and the Sun being the center of the solar system.

  • Those who believed in the theory were removed from the Scientific Social Club.

  • Eventually, these self-righteous scientists recognized the truths that went against their grain.

    And so it will be these new truths, that support the creation described in the Bible.

  • Some unbelievers say, "If God creates perfection, why is the Earth tilted on its axis?"

  • The problem most of us humans have, as noted above, is that we must see to believe.

"Ghosts don't exist because I never saw one."

Only those who have seen ghosts believe they exist.

My father saw one and told me about it. I believed him.

Later, I saw the same ghost.
My belief was confirmed by seeing it as well.


  • "I didn't see a man walk on the moon, so it didn't happen."
    Say some people 50 years after it happened.

    Luckily, this website author doesn't have that problem, as he participated in it.

  • "I have never seen an alien, so they don't exist.".
    Barney and Betty Hill will tell you differently.
    They were participants. They believe.
    So do the astronauts who walked on the moon.
    They have finally violated the "Silence" they were sworn to many years ago.


  • "I don't see God, so He doesn't exist."
    This author has witnessed several personal miracles and believes in the divine.
    On one occasion, he drowned and "saw the light.".
    On another day, his heart stopped, he died, he came back to life, and he saw an angel standing beside him.

  • If we don't see it, it's hard to believe.

It's our nature.

  • Well, I experienced it, so I believe it.
    I'm telling you about it.
    Now, you should accept the story of my experience.
    The same should be true of the Bible.
    Someone experienced it, believed it, and told us about it, and now we should believe it.


  • If we don't understand it, we ignore it; we run away from it or destroy it.

That's what we do.

  • Hear a stranger in the house, shoot them, then figure out why they were there.

  • Perhaps that's the reason why aliens never show themselves.

  • We shoot first and investigate later.

Perhaps it's a scare reflex built into our DNA.

As it happens, Earth's tilt on its axis is explainable by several scientists.
  • Facts have been revealed. Evidence shows that Earth was perfect on its axis.

  • One theory is that the moon was created or placed in orbit, which caused the tilt.

  • Another theory is that a large chunk of space junk hit Earth and knocked it off its axis.

  • The collision shook the earth's mantle so hard that it separated the land mass into two pieces.

  • From space, this can be seen in the photos of Earth and depicted on any globe you might look at.

  • It hit the Gulf of Mexico and partially the land mass of Mexico.

  • The belief is that the flood and the ashes in the air killed the dinosaurs and all mammals left on Earth.

  • The written, non-biblical, and physical evidence and discoveries support this theory.

  • This can give some credence to the idea that the Bible is authentic in its creation theory of a perfect earth.


  • We can speculate on several theories.
    Think about this one.
    God could have sent the asteroid to deliberately hit the Earth to cause the extinction of the world.
    He could have thrown it like a rock.
    He also could have seen the asteroid and knew it was on a collision course with Earth.
    It is not far-fetched to believe either of these cases.

    God would have warned Noah and told him to build the boat and button up the hatches to spare humanity and the animals.


Noah had instructions to build an Ark.
  • Noah had foreknowledge or divine inspiration to get ready for this event.

  • This collision shook Earth so much that there were earthquakes and volcano eruptions.

  • The mantel shifted and caused the seas to have a tsunami that covered the Earth.

  • As the mantels moved, they caused mountains to push up.

  • Evidence is there to support this theory.
    Research the 120-mile-diameter Chicxulub Crater in Mexico.

  • This theory explains a lot. Crank up the firestick and search for the documentaries.

  • Do an online search for archeological findings and the N.A.S.A. files.

  • Again, one might ask, did God see the asteroid coming and warn Noah, or did God deliberately send it as the Bible suggests?

  • The Bible indicates that, in the beginning, there was one body of water and one body of land.

    Genesis 1:9-10 God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear.
    And it was so. God called the dry ground land.". (singular).


  • The point is, if things on the surface of our thinking don't seem believable, it doesn't mean they are not plausible.

    It doesn't mean that they do not exist. It's just possible that we don't understand it.
    It took quite a while before doctors believed that germs entered open wounds and caused infections.


  • "No", this can't be." This is a common reaction for many who read Bible stories.

"That sounds too ridiculous to be true."

"It's not scientific and not provable."

  • Many things were ridiculous and unbelievable until they were understood, discovered, or performed.

The world has many things that were once not believed.

Things like walking on the moon, being inside a machine that flies through the sky, electric lights, boats that go underwater, cell phones, or a box with moving pictures displayed on it were ridiculous and not understood by the ancients of Earth.

Of course, now that we have experienced it, we believe it.
The ancients would never have believed.


I think you should be getting my point by now.

As humans, we lack faith in what others tell us; we have to experience it for ourselves.
More to the point, we LACK FAITH in the Ancient Manuscripts, because we have never experienced it.

This does not mean they did not exist or are not real, true, or authentic.
Someone wrote them and believed in what they wrote, so we should consider that the stories are real.


Why is it so hard to believe in Bible miracals?

Moses parted the sea?

  • Someone witnessed it and wrote about it.

  • Why shouldn't we believe what they wrote?

  • Should we doubt that the Bible is authentic and true just because we weren't there to witness the events?


  • The problem is that modern-day people were not there to see Moses part open the sea.

Therefore, they don't believe it happened.

  • Just like those who didn't see the landing on the moon.

Many believe it didn't happen.

I (this author) know it happened. I participated in it.

It happened. I believe. I participated. I talked about it. I wrote about it.
But some still don't believe it.
Why? Because they didn't experience it, see it, or were involved in it.
Also, people with a private agenda to refute what they don't believe can develop convincing theories.
The same goes with the Bible.


Unfortunately, there are many things we don't understand or don't see.
Therefore, we are picky and refuse to believe.


Jesus was a winemaker.

  • "Turning water into wine, you have to be kidding me!" 

That's a common reaction.

  • We can turn salt water into drinking water.
    Someone figured out how to do it.
    We experienced it, so now we believe it.

    So why can't water be turned into wine?
    No one in modern times has figured out how to do it yet.
    So we don't believe it yet.
    Someone witnessed wine made from water and wrote about it.
    So now I believe it.  Is that so hard?


How about this modern miracle?

Petroleum oil contains the chemicals used to make aspirin. That's a proven fact.

  • Acetylsalicylic acid is known as aspirin.

  • The chemical synthesis of aspirin starts with oil.

  • Oil has the petroleum derivative Benzene.

  • Benzene is converted to Phenol.

  • Phenol is converted to Salicylic Acid.

  • Finally, Salicylic Acid is converted to Acetylsalicylic Acid (Also known as Aspirin.)

    Don't believe that aspirin comes from oil? Impossible, you say.
    Google it, because as humans, we only believe what we see, or what our "Scientists" bestow upon us.


You should be getting the point by now!

Reading has meaning but Seeing is believing. 


As the philosopher Comte said, "We only believe what we see.".

  • No one alive today is a witness to the biblical stories. Therefore, the stories are hard to believe.

  • Bumblebees fly, even though scientists do not understand why.

  • If bumblebees were extinct, and the scientists told us that bumblebees could fly, we would not believe it.

  • Bumblebees are big, bulky, and are not aerodynamic.
    Their wings are too small to allow flight for the size and weight of their body.

    We would NOT believe that they could fly.

  • But they do fly.

  • We cannot believe that a bumblebee can fly based on our knowledge and understanding of science as we know it today.

  • We don't understand it. We see it. So now we believe it.

  • There is no way, we can believe that water can turn into wine based on our knowledge and understanding of things as we know them today.

  • We don't understand it. Neither did the servants at the wedding.
    The servants saw it.  So then they believed it. Someone recorded it. So now we know.

Our problem is that we didn't see it. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
We don't understand it, like how we can't comprehend how the bumblebee can fly.
It is hard to believe he flies, but we see it.  It is hard to believe in making wine from water, but someone saw it.


  • ​Can a bird fly backward? Impossible and don't believe it say you. Google it, and then you will accept it.

  • If you don't want to Google it, take it on faith that I am correct.

  • I know what I am talking about because I saw one fly backward in my barn.

  • Take the Bible on faith.
    The writers of the Bible might know what they're talking about.
    They saw it, they experienced it, and they wrote about it. It's that simple.
    Why discredit them because of our lack of understanding?


  • The ancients believed that Moses parted the water.

  • We did not witness the event, but that is no reason to think it is a fable.

  • Humans walked on the moon.
    If you did not witness the event, there is no reason to think it is a fable.
    This author knows it's real because he participated.

    He worked for N.A.S.A., not a Hollywood production company.

  • Just because the moon landing happened before you were born, and you were not a witness, there is no reason to believe it was a Hollywood production, as many believe.

  • Witnesses record past events so we would know what happened.
    Trips to the moon happened. They were recorded.
    Events in the Bible happened. They were recorded.


  • Why is there all this doubt in the world?
    Why did everyone doubt that the Earth was round?
    Why did the scientists of the day, doubt that the Earth revolved around the sun?
    The facts didn't fit their cultural, social, and technological beliefs. That's why.

    Why do many doubt the moon landing?

    • It doesn't fit with their cultural and social beliefs.
      Their limited knowledge of science and physics makes it impossible to travel to the moon.
      They didn't witness it.
      They are skeptical.
      They don't want to take someone else's word for it.


  • Why are there people who deny that the Jewish Holocaust happened?
    It's real.
    It's a fact.
    It was written about.
    It happened.
    I have FAITH in the books, magazines, stories, and documentaries that expose the truth about the Holocaust.
    I also have
    FAITH in the books of antiquity that expose the truth about Jesus.


  • Why would we doubt the Bible about Moses parting a sea?
    The Bible is no different than any other ancient book.
    One must have faith, that the writers exposed the truth about the Bible's events.
    ​WHY no Faith? As I pointed out, the nonbelievers didn't experience it, therefore they can't fathom it.


  • We didn't experience or see it, couldn't relate it to our current understanding of technology and science, and couldn't explain it with our social values; therefore, it never happened.
    People walking on the moon - who are you trying to kid? Get Real. That never happened.
    Polls show that 20% of Americans believe the moon landing was a fake. Almost a quarter of the population. Very sad!
    If we can't believe in an event as recent, as published, or as documented as the moon landing, how can we ever expect people to believe the Bible? Very Sad!


Enough has been said.  The point has been well made.

What about the authors who wrote the Bible?


  • The New Testament was written by disciples who personally knew Jesus.  They lived the experience.

  • Paul believed that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”. 
  • Paul hunted down, persecuted, arrested, and often murdered the disciples of Jesus before his conversion.

  • Paul had a divine intervention with a heavenly spirit and converted. It is believed that the spirit was Jesus.

    He became one of the most faithful followers of Jesus.

    Jesus changed his name from Saul to Paul.

  • Why would Paul have had such a dramatic change in his life, unless Jesus was the real deal?

  • Is it reasonable to believe that Saul suddenly joined some "elaborate hoax" and "big conspiracy" of lies and deception after despising the Christian movement?

  • Hardly!

Most of the New Testament authors were, in some way, cruelly executed.


  • Why would the Disciples and Apostles of Christ stick to their beliefs, if not true, in the face of persecution, ridicule, and certain death? Why allow themselves to suffer such a gruesome death?

  • The religious authorities stoned Steven to death.

  • Peter was crucified upside down.

  • Andrew was tied to an "X" instead of nailed to a "T" cross for that "Extra Bit" of painful punishment.

  • John the Baptist was beheaded.

  • The apostles stuck to their belief in Jesus to the end.

  • There is a long list of martyrs who held to the truth.

  • These disciples must have believed in God or witnessed the testimony of Jesus.

  • The apostles witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus and His rising from the dead.

  • Is it reasonable to assume that dozens of these men conspired and made up such unbelievable stories? 
    I think not!
    They would not have gotten involved in a biblical conspiracy just to be persecuted and executed.
    It does not make sense that they would do that to support a 2,000-year-old tall tale.


  • Is this how people behave in real life?

    People do not give up their lives for a lie. Any interrogator will tell you this.
    This is virtually against human nature.
    People will be quiet to save themselves unless pressured; then they talk their heads off to save themselves.
    History has shown that under the stress of interrogation, eventually, the truth will come out of the toughest resistor.


  • These early "Christians" stuck to their beliefs until their dying breath.

    Why? Because they believed in the truth.

Other non-Biblical authoritative and respected philosophers wrote about Biblical happenings.


These early writers conferred or corroborated information in the Bible.

  • They referred to events, places, and characters in the Bible.

  • These writers are well-known, respected, and popular historians such as Aristotle, Plato, Homer, and Socrates.

  • In the mix are secular writers like Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, Caesar, Euripides, and Tacitus.

  • Christian writers, Augustine, Julian, Origen, Isidore, Quodvultdeus, Evagrius, Justin, Cuprian, Paulinus, Tertullian, Clement, and Julianus Pomerius, to name a few more.

  • All these famous, reliable, and trustworthy writers have authenticated parts of the Bible stories.

  • Archaeologists continue to discover Biblical evidence of items, places, and names in the Bible.

    It would take a book to describe everything found in the past 100 years.

Here are a few discoveries made in recent years:
Places discovered that validate the contents and truth of the Bible. 
  • Next to the Temple, an elaborate building was discovered.
    It is estimated that the building was shaken to pieces around 33 AD, by an earthquake.
    The Bible references this. Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe not.

  • The walls of Jericho have been excavated.

  • Kiriath Yearim has been discovered. The Bible mentions it several times.
    This is the place where the Ark of the Covenant was held. (1 Samuel 7:1–2).

  • The Synagogue at Magdala, home of Mary of Magdalene was found.

  • At least a dozen early Jewish temples have been uncovered.

  • A palace belonging to King Manasseh, ruler in 2 Kings 21 is believed to be found.

  • King Ahab's royal palace is located in the Middle East.

  • The ancient location of the Jewish Tabernacle, Tel Shiloh, and the Holy Ark, has been discovered.

  • The tomb of the prophet Jonah is in the Iraqi city of Mosul (aka Nineveh).

  • Herod's living quarters and seaside complex were discovered.

  • Genesis 36:31 states that there were kings in Edom before any Israelite kings.
    Excavations have proven this.

Things found that prove the truth, validity, and authority of the Bible.
  • ​Crucified bodies have been discovered.
    This gives proof that crucifixions were common in those days.

  • Buried chariots in the Red Sea were located where Moses possibly took the slaves across.

  • The ancient scrolls repeat many of the Bible stories.

  • A jug has been found with inscriptions of Gideon. Yes, that's real.

  • A clay seal of a roaring lion dating to the reign of Jeroboam II, who ruled from 788-748 BC has been found.

  • Royal seals have been found of Adonijah, Natan-Malech, and the governor of Jerusalem.
    2 Kings 23:8 mentions them.

  • A nameplate for Pontius Pilate was found. The plate is like one that is placed on a door or desk.

  • A monument discovered in a farmer's field has the names of Bible people inscribed.

  • Archeologists uncovered a pillar with an inscription about Jerusalem.

  • Archeologists found Semitic writing on a limestone created during the time of Moses.
    This indicates that writing occurred during the time of Moses, implying that he could have written the five books.

  • Archeologists uncovered a mosaic depicting Jesus feeding the multitude with fish and bread.
    This mosaic was found just south of where this event occurred.

  • DNA extracted from skeletons excavated from burials at the Philistine city of Ashkelon in modern-day Israel showed European ancestry. Thus proving that the Jewish and Philistine communities intermingled as described in the Bible.

  • Many skeletons of giants were found. The Bible mentions giants.

  • Archeologists confirm many Bible characters.

  • Ten crucial biblical archeological discoveries.

  • Six finds prove the Bible.

  • Is archaeology proving the Bible?

  • Read about Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2021.

  • Eight biblical archaeological discoveries.
    There are many discoveries left for the reader to Google for themselves.
    Discover that the Bible's contents are real.
    The evidence is available for those who seek it.


Why do we trust copies of non-biblical books but not Bible books?

The list of biblical findings is endless.

One must search the Internet for "Proof of the Bible" for oneself.
There is a lot of information available.

Just because a book is old or a copy does not make it less authoritative or believable.

Several copies of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Isaiah have been found.

In each case, these copies were written at least 500 years apart.

This gives credence to the fact that the scripture has had unwavering duplicates without change for half a millennium.

After years of copying these two scriptures over and over, copies written 500 years apart are identical.

This proves that the Bible has been accurately passed down from generation to generation.

The scribes were meticulous when making copies of the Holy Scriptures and ensuring their accuracy.

Here are other examples of document copies that are believable.

The works of Aristotle are well known.

  • Only copies have been discovered.

  • Copies of Aristotle's works were written fourteen centuries after the originals.

  • Do we believe that these copies are false, lies, inaccurate, and unbelievable?

  • NO! Why Not?
    Why are Aristotle's copies believed to be true and accurate, but not the Bible?


  • Here is an intriguing trivia tidbit about Aristotle.
    He believed that all religions were spiritual to the ignorant, not useful to the educated, and were a politician's tool.
    In other words, it's real and true to the common people, false to the upper class, and useful to those who control the public.


The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is believed.

  • No originals.

  • Copies of this work was created 100 years after the originals.

  • Do we believe the copies are fake, untrustworthy, totally made up, and unbelievable?

  • NOPE! Again, why not?
    Why is the accuracy of this ancient writing not doubted but we doubt the Bible?


Margites, the work of Homer.

  • Only copies are available. They were written in the 7th or 8th century.

  • Do we believe these copies represent the original?

    Of course! Why? 
    Why is the Bible treated differently than the copies of other ancient books?


Cardenio, a play by Shakespeare.

  • No originals; only copies.

  • Do we believe copies are completely different and made up from the original, and is an inaccurate depiction of the original?

    Of course not!
    So, why would we believe anything differently about the books of the Bible?
    We wouldn't. We shouldn't.
    It's that human nature thing interfering in our thought and reasoning process.


Is there any reason we should not believe that the Bible is authentic?

  • Researchers found over 5,000 copies of ancient Greek manuscripts of the New Testament.

  • More than ten thousand copies of Bible Scripture were written in other ancient languages.

  • All of these copies agree with each other in content.

  • Fragments of these copies are dated as early as thirty years after the originals.

  • All these scriptures have been proven to be replicas of each other.

  • Why would we doubt their truth, authenticity, accuracy, and legitimacy?

 Welcome to Bible Quiz and Bible Facts.

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