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Lost Bible Books with Facts and Bible Trivia

Lost scripture and lost books of the Bible.

Biblical scripture, manuscripts, and books that are lost and forgotten.


Lost books that are not part of the Bible.

The original Scripture was manuscripts, codexes, and letters, not books.

The early church condemned much of the early Bible Scriptures for various reasons, such as:

being written by unknown authors,

their writings being unpleasant,

not important enough,

contrary to their beliefs, and

contrary to the majority of other writings.

Some scriptures were not well used or copied and were just forgotten about.

Many of the lost biblical manuscripts are known about and referenced in other writings.

The modern Bible mentions several lost books.

Jesus mentions a book.

The Lord mentions the Book of Jashar when speaking to Joshua.

David, when he is mourning the death of Saul, mentions the Book of Jashar.

The Bible mentions half a dozen other biblical books.

The modern Bible does not include any of these books, that it mentions itself.

The question one should ask is:

If these scriptures were good enough to be used by disciples of the past, our forefathers, so to speak, and Jesus himself.
Shouldn't those scriptures be good enough for us in modern times?


Believers used many of these manuscripts before 1611.
Then King James said, "Slim down the Bible" and "Make the Bible smaller to be carried easily."

If not for that event in 1611, the Bibles found at the pulpit now, in modern times, might still weigh a ton and be secured down so as not to fall off the pulpit or be carried off.
Something to think about!

Here is a short list of some of the most known lost manuscripts.  (There are many more.)

Adam and Eve: The two books tell of the conflicts between Adam and Eve and Satan.

The Book of Enoch: This explains the origins of demons and Nephilim and why some angels fell from heaven.

The Book of Jasher: Joshua 10:13 of the Hebrew Bible mentions this book. The book is completely lost.

The Book of Jubilees: It's about instructions Moses got from God and the angels on Mt. Sinai.

The Epistle of Paul: A letter from Paul to the Laodiceans.

The Epistle of Barnabas: This letter tells how the Jews misinterpreted their laws.

The Fourth Book of Maccabees: A woman and her sons are tortured for not denouncing Judaism.

The Gospel of Infancy: The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Syriac Infancy Gospel). It concerned the childhood of Jesus.

The Gospel of James: The Early Life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Also known as the Protevangelion.

The Gospel of Judas: This tells about conversations between Judas and Jesus.

The Gospel of Mary: The relationship between Mary and Jesus with specific knowledge given to Mary.

The Gospel of Nicodemus: This writing tells about the trial of Jesus and the acts of Pilate.

The Gospel of Peter: Peter tells about the crucifixion of Jesus. Blame is laid on Herod instead of Pilate.

The Gospel of Phillip: Phillip tells about devotion to the Lord and refers to baptism, anointing, and marriage.

The Gospel of Thomas: Hidden words that the living Jesus spoke, as written by Didymos Judas Thomas.

Many other significant documents are lost; they could collaborate with biblical events.

They were lost at the hands of humans.

It has been human nature to destroy.

Leaders always tend to order the destruction of things they hate.

Wars destroyed many structures, religious artifacts, and biblical writings.

Some documents got lost at the whims of those with no appreciation for conserving or saving.

Let's not forget those who were "anti-religious" and destroyed religious artifacts.

Adolf Hitler is a good example. During WWII, Hitler ordered that all Hebrew Bibles and anything of a religious nature were to be burned.

Mary I of England, another one, made Protestantism illegal, killed hundreds of Christians, confiscated their properties, and had their possessions burned.

Smithsonian: This is the top ten list of the most important lost religious documents.

Wikipedia: It provides a list of lost biblical transcripts. A list of lost biblical scripture.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you,
I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 
Isaiah 41:10

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