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Medium Difficult Bible History Quiz

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Work on these Biblical history questions that are a little difficult.

  1. What do John Rogers, William Tyndale, and John Wycliffe, have in common?
    a. They were important priests who conserved the Latin Bible during the religious reformation.
    b. Their bodies were all burned by the "church" for translating the Bible into English.
    c. Together, they started what has become the protestant religion.

    b. Their bodies were burned.
    The early translators who wrote the Bible in English were all burned at the stake.


  2. How many languages were the original codices and manuscripts written in?
    a. One.
    b. Two.
    c. Three.

    c. Three.
    The original scriptural manuscripts were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.


  3. What was the first English Bible "authorized" for use in the church?
    a. Geneva.
    b. Bishop's.
    c. The Great Bible.

    c. The Great Bible.
    The first authorized English Bible used by the church was the Great Bible.


  4. Which language below were the "original" biblical manuscripts not written in?
    a. Latin.
    b. Hebrew.
    c. Greek.

    a. Latin.
    Latin was not used to write any of the original manuscripts. Latin was used later in the creation of translated versions.


  5. What is recognized as the first Bible to use numbered verses and chapter divisions?
    a. Geneva.
    b. Vulgate.
    c. King James.

    a. Geneva.
    The first version to use verses and chapters is the Geneva Bible.


  6. Why were one hundred Bibles called the "sinners Bible"?
    a. The Gideons placed these Bibles in prison libraries.
    b. A printing error that stated, "Thou shall commit adultery."
    c. A priest in 1611 placed Bibles in prostitute brothels. 

    b. A printing error.
    "Thou shall commit adultery",  is in a Bible version that is called the Sinners Bible.


  7. Which Bible version is considered the most popular Bible ever?
    a. The New International Version.
    b. The King James Version.
    c. The Vulgate.

    b. The King James Version.


  8. What caused several Bibles to be called the "she Bible"?
    a. Mother Teresa translated this Bible.
    b. All the words spoken by women were printed in red.
    c. In the book of Ruth, a verse states "she" instead of "he.".

    c. In the book of Ruth.
    A misprint in the sex of the person in the text of Ruth made this particular version of the Bible be called the She Bible.


  9. What language was the Vulgate version written in?
    a. Latin.
    b. Greek.
    c. Hebrew.

    a. Latin.
    The Vulgate is a Latin version of the Bible written by St. Jerome in 382 AD.


  10. Who killed the most people in the Bible?
    a. God.
    b. Devil.
    c. Herod.

    a. God.
    God killed the most people in the Bible stories. Many people defied God, disobeyed God, and mostly bowed down to idols.


  11. Which Bible was used during the time of Jesus?
    a. The Hebrew Bible.
    b. Vulgate.
    c. Septuagint.

    a. Hebrew Bible.
    The Hebrew Bible was used during the time of Jesus. It was the Old Testament. 


  12. What is referred to as the biblical "silent years"?
    a. The years that the Israelites spent captive in Egypt.
    b. The first 30 years of the life of Jesus before he started preaching.
    c. The years between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament.

    c. Years between.
    The 400 years between
    the writings of The Old and New Testaments are known as the silent years.


  13. Which version was written under the supervision of William Whittingham?
    a. Geneva.
    b. Bishops.
    c.The Great Bible.

    a. Geneva.
    The Geneva version was led, by William Whittingham.  Several other scholars were involved in the translation.


  14. What was the first complete Bible written in English?
    a. King James.
    b. Tyndale.
    c. Bishops.

    b. Tyndale.
    The first complete version of the Bible written in English was the Tyndale Bible.


  15. What was the first "bound" complete Bible written in any language?
    a. Cloverdale.
    b. Vulgate.
    c. Septuagint.

    b. The Vulgate.
    The first bound set of books called a Bible was the Vulgate.


  16. This was the first "unbound" collection of manuscripts made into a complete Bible.
    a. Vitus Latina.
    b. Dead Sea Scrolls.
    c. Masoretic Text.

    a. Vitus Latina.
    The first collection of manuscripts called a Bible was the Vitus Latina.


  17. Which prophet is known for turning his rod into a bronze snake?
    a. Moses.
    b. Elijah.
    c. Aaron.

    a. Aaron.
    Aaron and Moses were before Pharaoh asking him to let the people go.  God's instructions to Moses was to tell Aaron to throw his staff to ground and it would turn into a snake. This was to be miracle and show the power of God when this snake would eat all the snakes of Pharaoh's magicians.

    Exodus 7:8-13

  18. Who killed King Saul?
    a. His son on Mount Gilboa.
    b. He committed suicide after loosing a battle.
    c. He was killed by the Philistines during a battle on Mount Gilboa.

    b. He committed suicide.
    During a battle with the Philistines his sons were all killed. He lost the battle and was afraid that if captured alive he would be ridiculed and made fun of. Therefore, he killed himself so that he wouldn't become a spectacle.

    1 Chronicles 10.

  19. What king made the decision to cut a baby in half to satisfy the wishes of two women who claimed the child as theirs?
    a. King Solomon.
    b. King David.
    c. King Ahab.

    a. King Solomon.
    King Solomon is considered the wisest king ever.  He told these two women that he would cut the child in half and divide the child between them. The hope was that the real mother would give up her claim so that the child would not be harmed.
    1 Kings 3:16-28.

  20. Why is Martin Luther important in history?
    a. He started the original Protestant Lutheran Church.
    b. He was a civil rights leader who challenged the government.
    c. He challenged the church and nailed 95 complaints to the church's door.

    c. He challenged the church.
    Martin Luther was a German priest in the 1500s. He found fault with the church and nailed 95 complaints of how the church strayed from scripture to the church house door.


  21. Which Bible was translated by 72 Jewish translators commanded by Ptolemy II?
    a. Vulgate.
    b. The Tanakh.
    c. Septuagint.

    c. Septuagint.
    The Septuagint was translated by 72 Jewish scholars commanded by Ptolemy II.


  22. Which Bible did the Pilgrims use when they first arrived in America?
    a. Vulgate.
    b. Bishops.
    c. Geneva.

    c. Geneva Bible.
    The Geneva Bible, the most popular Bible of the time, was brought to America by the Pilgrims.


  23. Who are the following persons?
    Aristotle, Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, and Tacitus.
    a. High priests during the period that the Bible was written.
    b. Most influential biblical writers who wrote many books of the Bible. 
    c. Well-known and respected historians that, in some manner, corroborated parts of the Bible.

    c. Well known and respected writers.
    Aristotle, Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, and Tacitus.were respected historians who corroborated the Bible.


  24. In what year do scholars believe the Torah was complete?
    a. 1100 BC.
    b. 400 BC.
    c. 120 BC.

    b. 400 BC.
    The Torah was believed to be written in 400 BC.


  25. How can one be saved from going to the furnace called Hell?

a. By praying daily, especially repeating "The Lord's Prayer.".

b. By going to church every week; and keeping the Sabbath.

c. Faithfully keeping the Ten Commandments.

d. Praying for forgiveness and accepting that "Jesus is Lord.".

d. Praying for forgiveness is part of keeping out of the fires of Hell.


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"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”  and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10: 8


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