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Medium Bible Facts Quiz with Answers.

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We are trying to learn about the Bible.

How well can you do with these medium difficult Bible questions?


  1. Is Swearing on the Bible in a court of law against the Bible?
    a. Yes.
    b. No.
    c. Only for those of the Jewish Faith.

    a. Yes.
    Swearing on the Bible or swearing, any oath is against the Bible.


  2. Who had three sons when he was over 500 years old?
    a. Adam.
    b. Moses.
    c. Noah.

    c. Noah.
    Noah had three sons when he was over 500 years old. 

    Genesis 5:32


  3. Why was William Tyndale burned at the stake in 1536?
    a. He assassinated the Head Priest of the Church of England in London.
    b. William Tyndale committed the crime of translating the Bible into English.
    c. He refused to say the Lord's Prayer at the beginning of his classes at Oxford.

    b. Translating the Bible into English.
    William Tyndale was burned at the stake in 1536, by the church, for translating the Bible into English. The church felt it would lose control of the parishioners if they could read the Bible themselves.


  4. This man was dug up by the Catholic Church 43 years after he died.
    His body was burned, and to add insult, his ashes were thrown into the river.
    All this was his belated punishment for printing the Bible in English.

    a. Dante.
    b. Socrates.
    c. King James.
    d.John Wycliffe.

    d. John Wycliffe.
    John Wycliffe was dug up by the church 43 years after he died. His body was burned at the stake for his effort to translate the Bible into English. 


  5. This Prophet went around "preaching unclothed" for 3 years.
    a. Nathan.
    b. Jeremiah.
    c. Isaiah.

    c. Isaiah.
    Isaiah was instructed by God, to preach in his undergarments. Isaiah did this for three years. It was God's way of proving a point about how bad the believers were.

    Isaiah 20:1–4

  6. Who was credited for writing the first complete English translation of the Bible?
    a. King James.
    b. Socrates.
    c. John Wycliffe.

    c. John Wycliffe.
    The first complete, English translation, was written by John Wycliffe.


  7. Sotheby's Auction sold a book for $14M in 2013, what book was it?
    a. The Book of Psalms, written by the Puritan Ministers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
    b. The first printed King James Bible.
    c. The Dead Sea Scrolls.

    a. Book of Psalms.
    The Book of Psalms written by Puritan Ministers sold at auction for $14M.


  8. Believe it or not, many villains in the Bible had a certain hair color.
    a. Black.
    b. Brown.
    c. Blond.
    d. Bald.
    e. Red.

    e. Red.
    Many of the villains in the Bible had red hair.


  9. What was the first complete Bible to be printed on a Printing Press?
    a. Geneva.
    b. Gutenberg.
    c. King James.

    b. Gutenberg.
    The Gutenberg Bible was the first one printed on a printing press.


  10. Who was gotten drunk by, and seduced by, his daughters?
    a. Phillip by his virgin daughters when he was on a mission with Paul in Caesarea.
    b. Daughters of Zelophehad because he had no male heirs to inherit his property.
    c. Lot by his two daughters after his wife died, and the family left Sodom and lived in a cave.

    c. Lot.
    Lot was seduced by, his two daughters after they made him drunk. Their mother died as they left Gomorrah and they wanted the family line to continue by getting pregnant.

    Genesis 19:35


  11. Which of these sets of religions believe in the Old Testament?
    a. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
    b. Christianity, Judaism, and Shinto.
    c. Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

    a. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
    All three of these religions believe in the Old Testament. These three religions have their start and roots in Judaism as started by Abraham.

  12. What was the first recognized and "Official Authorized Bible" of the Church printed in English.
    a. Gutenberg of 1455.
    b. Great Bible of 1539.
    c. King James of 1611.

    b. The Great Bible.
    The first authorized Bible printed in English was The Great Bible.


  13. Which situation in the Old Testament prevents a man from going to Church?
    a.  A man who has had sex with a prostitute.
    b. Gentiles who have not yet been circumcised.
    c. Someone with damaged testicles or privates that are cut off (Eunuchs).

    c. Someone with damaged privates.
    Someone with damaged testicles cannot attend church.

    Deuteronomy 23:1


  14. What did God "Smite" the people of Ashdod with, in their "Secret Body Parts"?
    a. Boils.
    b. Leprosy.
    c. Hemorrhoids.

    c. Hemorrhoids
    God afflicted hemorrhoids on the people of Ashdod in their secret body parts.

    1 Samuel 5:5-12.

  15. This man called fire from heaven that consumed 50 soldiers, 3 different times.
    a. Moses.
    b. Peter.
    c. Elijah.
    d. Jesus.

    c. Elijah.
    Elijah called fire from heaven which consumed 50 soldiers.

    2 Kings 1:10

  16. God gives specific instructions to perform this while in camp.
    a. Poop outside the camp and cover it up.
    b. Wash yourself before retiring for the night.
    c. Set out watches at all four corners to watch for the enemy.

    a. Poop outside the camp.
    God gives specific instructions to Poop outside the camp.

    Deuteronomy 23:12-14


  17. This man prayed for the sun to stand still and for the moon to stop.
    He needed more time to conquer his enemies, the Amorites.
    And God did it!

    a. Abraham
    b. Joshua
    c. Moses

    b. Joshua.
    Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still and the moon to stop so that he would have enough daylight to finish the battle.

    Joshua 10:12-14

  18. God instructed this man to take refuge in the Kerith Ravine near the Jordan.
    Ravens fed him. They brought bread and meat, and he drank from the brook.
    a. John the Baptist when King Herod was hunting him down.
    b. Moses when he went on the Lam from Egypt.
    c. Elijah, to escape Ahab's wrath.

    c. Elijah.
    God told Elijah to seek refuge in Kerith Ravine. Ravens brought him food. 

    1 Kings 17:2-6


  19. In the Old Testament if a wife comes to her husband's defense,
    and grabs the opponent's genitals, what must be done to her?

    a. Her hand must be cut off.
    b. She must immediately go and wash her hands.
    c. Go into isolation away from her husband for 72 hours.

    a. Her hand must be cut off.
    During a fight between a husband and an assailant, a woman must not touch the assailant's genitals. A woman who touches a man's genitals in an attempt to help her husband must have her hand cut off.

    Deuteronomy 25:11

  20. In the Old Testament, what happens to a woman who marries and is not a Virgin?
    a. All the village men stone her.
    b. She must grant a divorce to her husband.
    c. She is returned to her father and the marriage is annulled.

    a. All the village men must stone her.
    A non-virgin who marries must be stoned by every man in the village at the entrance of her father's house.

    Deuteronomy 22:13-21.


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