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Difficult Bible Quiz and Bible Trivia Quiz

You are allowed to peak because we are not all biblical scientists.

Medium-difficulty Bible facts and Bible trivia questions.


  1. The word gospel means what?
    a. Good News.
    b. Words of God.
    c. New Revelation.

    a. Good News.
    The word Gospel means Good News.


  2. Which group of Bible books were written mostly in Koine Greek?
    a. Pentateuch.
    b. Gospels.
    c. Apocrypha.

    b. Gospels.
    The Gospels are part of the New Testament and were primarily written in Greek.


  3. Which group of Bible books were written mostly in Hebrew?
    a. Pentateuch
    b. Gospels
    c. Apocrypha.

    a. Pentateuch
    The Pentateuch (Torah) is the first five books of the Old Testament and was primarily written in Hebrew.


  4. Is it true that the Smithsonian has an original biblical manuscript?
    a. Yes, but it is not the entire Bible, and not on public display.
    b. No there are no original manuscripts of any Bible book in existence.

    b. NO!
    There are no original Bible manuscripts in existence.


  5. What is the Torah?
    a. These are books written about Jesus.
    b. The first five books of the Jewish Bible.
    c. The first four books of the New Testament.

    b. The first five books of the Jewish Bible.
    The Torah is the first five books of the Jewish Bible. Torah is translated as five scrolls. In the earliest of there writing they were probably all one scroll.


  6. The Bible books are arranged in a specific order.
    a. Date of their discovery.
    c. Purpose of the subject matter (history, poetry, etc.).
    d. Type of prose (essay, letter, etc.).

    c. Purpose.
    The books of the Bible are arranged in order of their purpose.


  7. Author(s) that wrote the entire Bible?
    a. Noah while he was on the Ark.
    b. Moses while he was in the desert for 40 years.
    c. At least thirty-five known and unknown believers over a 1500-year period..

    c. At least thirty-five authors.
    It is estimated that 35-40 people wrote the Bible. This includes the Old and New Testaments and not the Apocrypha.

  8. Which book was written by a doctor?
    a. Matthew.
    b. Mark.
    c. Luke.

    c. Luke
    The Book of Luke was written by Luke who was a physician and one of the original apostles.


  9. Who is given credit for writing the Book of Acts?
    a. Luke.
    b. John.
    c. Matthew.

    a. Luke.
    Luke is given credit for writing the Book of Acts. Luke was a physician, evangelist, and companion of Paul. He was a disciple but not an apostle.


  10. What book was written by a tax collector for the Roman Empire?
    a. Ruth.
    b. Nehemiah.
    c. Matthew.

    c. Matthew.
    Matthew was a tax collector and wrote the Book of Matthew.


  11. What is the book of Psalms?
    a. 159 proverbial sayings of encouragement.
    b. A collection of lyrical poems or songs of praise.
    c. Writings about the lives of prophets in the Old Testament.

    b.  A collection Poems and songs.
    Psalms was originally thought to be written by David. Modern consensus now agree that many authors contributed to the collection.


  12. Who wrote the most books in the Old Testament?
    a. Moses.
    b. Jeremiah.
    c. Joshua.

    a. Moses.
    Most books, in the Old Testament, is believed to be written by Moses or possibly one or more people close to him.


  13. The number 666 and the mark of the beast are found in which book?
    a. Job.
    b. Revelation.
    c. Malachi.

    b. Revelation.
    Revelation reveals the number 666 as the mark of the beast.


  14. What is the meaning of the word testament?
    a. Covenant.
    b. Letter.
    c. Manuscript.

    a. Covenant.
    Other meanings for testament are covenant, unbreakable promise, creed, or conviction.


  15. Which book talks about "the end times"?
    a. Ezekiel.
    b. Acts.
    c. Revelation.

    c. Revelation.
    The book of Revelation tells about the End of Times. It reveals the second coming of Christ, the tribulation, the 1000 years of peace, and the destruction of Satan.


  16. What part of the Bible talks about the ministry of Jesus?
    a. The Gospels.
    b. The Pentateuch.
    c. Revelation.

    a. Gospels.
    The life of Jesus is told in the books of the Gospel. The Gospels are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


  17. Which book records the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt?
    a. Genesis.
    b. Exodus.
    c. Judges.

    b. Exodus.
    Exodus reveals the details about the Hebrews escaping from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.


  18. In the past several years, which version has been outselling the King James Bible?
    a. New International Version.
    b. New American Standard.
    c. The Christian Standard Bible.

    a. New International (NIV).
    The New International Version (NIV) has been outselling the King James Version because it is closer to the English language now in use.


  19. Which section of the Protestant Bible is also part of the Hebrew Torah?
    a. The Pentateuch.
    b. The Apocrypha.
    c. The New Testament.

    b. The Pentateuch.
    The Pentateuch is also part of the Hebrew Torah.  It is the first five books of the Old Testament. These books are also known as The Laws of Moses. It is the backbone of the Jewish faith.


  20. Where in the Bible does God make the rainbow as a sign of a covenant?
    a. Genesis.
    b. Exodus.
    c. Leviticus.

    a. Genesis.
    Genesis tells of God making the rainbow as a covenant with Noah.

    Genesis chapter 9.


  21. Christ comes from the Greek word "Khristos"; what does it mean?
    a. Christ.
    b. The Anointed.
    c. Messiah.

    b. Anointed One.
    Khristos is translated as the Anointed One.


  22. Lucifer comes from the Latin word "lux ferre"; what does it mean?
    a. Light Bringer.
    b. The Devil.
    c. Fiery Serpent

    a. Light Bringer.
    Lux ferre has the meaning of Light Bringer.


  23. Which book of the Bible was the last one to be physically written?
    a. Revelation.
    b. Romans.
    c. Acts.

    a. Revelation
    The last book physically written in the Bible is the Book of Revelation. It was written by the Apostle John while prisoner on the Roman island of Patmos.


  24. What Biblical book was the first one physically written?
    a. Matthew.
    b. Job.
    c. Genesis.

    b. Job.
    The first Bible book physically written was the book of Job.


  25. How is salvation obtained?

a. It is earned by obeying the Ten Commandments.

b. Accepting the gift that God gives us for believing in The Good News.
c. By taking communion.

b. By God's Grace.
Salvation is accepting God's gift of grace for the forgiveness of sins.

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Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the lite. No one comes to the Father except through me.   John 14:6

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