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Easy Physical Bible Quiz.

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Easy Bible quiz and additional trivia about the physical Bible.


  1. What is the first book of the Bible?
    "In the beginning...."

    Genesis is the first book in the Bible.

    Read the story.

  2. What is the last book of the Bible?
    This book reveals the End of Times.

    Revelation is the last book of the Bible.
    Read the story.

  3. Name the books of the Gospels.
    These books are about the life of Jesus.

    The Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
    Read the story.

  4. What are the first five books of the Bible called?
    These are books written by Moses, and sometimes called books of the law.

    The Pentateuch (Torah) makes up the Bible's first five books.
    Read the story.

  5. What are the two major sections of the Bible?
    One describes life before Jesus, the other during and after Jesus.

    The Old and New Testaments are the two major sections of the Bible.
    Read the story.

  6. Some Bibles have this third "middle" section.
    Some churches consider these writings to be doubtful.

    The Apocrypha is the third section of some Bibles.
    Read the story.

  7. How many books are in the traditional Protestant Bible?
    They are split in two major sections.

    Sixty-six (66) books are in the traditional Christian Bible.
    Read the story.

  8. How many books are in the Old Testament?
    It is the first half of the Bible.

    Thirty-nine (39) books are in the Old Testament.
    Read the story.

  9. And how many books are in the New Testament?
    It is the last "Half" of the Bible.

    Twenty-seven (27) books are in the New Testament.
    Read the story.

  10. How do some Bibles show the words of Jesus?
    Publishers printed the words of Jesus differently to make them easier to see.

    Red ink shows the words of Jesus in the standard Christian Bibles.
    Read the story.

  11. What are the words of the shortest Bible verse?
    It describes something that Jesus did.

    "Jesus Wept" is the shortest verse. He wept when Lazarus died.

    Read the story.

  12. What is the last book of the Old Testament?
    A prophet who lived in the 400s BC wrote this book.

    Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament.

    Read the story.

  13. What is the first book of the New Testament?
    A tax collector wrote this book.

    Matthew is the first book of the New Testament.

    Read the story.

  14. This book tells about the creation of Earth.
    It is about Earth's first family.

    Genesis tells about the creation of Earth.

    Read the story.

  15. This book is about the Israelites leaving Egypt.
    Moses led these folks out of Egypt and through the desert.

    Exodus tells about the Hebrews leaving Egypt.

    Read the story.

  16. This book talks about the Mark of the Beast.
    This book is very gruesome and tells of the demise of Earth.

    Revelation reveals the Mark of the Beast.
    Read the story.

  17. Which Bible book has the most words?
    A prophet shares the same name as this book.

    Jeremiah has the most words.

    Read the story.

  18. Which book has the fewest words?
    There are five books with less than 500 words in any language.

    Third John has the fewest words.

    Read the story.

  19. What is the language of the original Old Testament?
    This language is still currently being used by a religious group.

    Hebrew is the original Old Testament language.
    Read the story.

  20. What is the language of the original New Testament?
    This was the predominant language of the period.

    Greek was the language of the original New Testament.
    Read the story.

  21. What does the word "Testament" mean?
    It is an expression of conviction between God and his people.

    Testament means “covenant” or “contract.”

  22. Who wrote the first translation of the Bible into English? 
    He was burned at the stake by the church for doing this.

    John Wycliffe in 1382 A.D.

  23. How many languages has the Bible been translated into?
    There is a movement to translate the Bible into every language in the world.

    The Bible, or significant parts of the Bible, have been translated into over 2,000 languages.

  24. How many people wrote the 66 books of the Bible?

    It is believed that there are at least 40 authors to the books of the Bible.

  25. Do any original copies of the Bible books exist?

    NO. No originals exist. However, many ancient and authentic copies exist.

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