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  • Biblical History Quiz (Easy) | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible History Quiz Test yourself on these easy Bible history quiz questions. Peaking is OK. We are not all Biblical scholars. Links to additional information are underlined. ​ How did the early believers express their very first forms of scripture ? a. Verbal ly (orally) in songs, poems, and other narratives. b. Wrote on vellum and plant material using ink. c. Drew on walls using chalk or Kaolinite. a. Verbally. The first forms of scripture were expressed verbally starting with Adam and Eve. What texts were the Bible created from ? a. The writings of Nostradamus. b. Ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. c. Aramaic scrolls found in the tombs beneath Jerusalem. b. Hebrew and Greek . The Bible is created from ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts . What is another name for the ancient scriptural manuscripts? a. Codex. b. Pretext. c. Anecdotes. a. Codex . Other names for scriptural manuscripts include Codex or scrolls. This Bible version was translated from the Hebrew Bible into Greek. a. Gnostic Gospels. b. Septuagint. c. Vulgate. b. Septuagint. The Septuagint was a translation made from Hebrew into Greek. Which section of the Bible was primarily written in Hebrew ? a. Old Testament. b. Apocrypha. c. New Testament. a. Old Testament. The Old Testament was primarily written in Hebrew. Which section of the Bible was primarily written in Koine Greek? a. Old Testament. b. Apocrypha. c. New Testament. c. New Testament. The New Testament was primarily written in Greek. Which English Bible version was printed in the year 1611? a. The Vulgate. b. The King James Version. c. The Catholic Canon as approved by Pope Damasus I. b. King James. The first version of the King James Bible was published in 1611. What currently used Bible version is in the "public domain"? a. The Watchtower. b. Original King James Bible. c. The New International Version. b. King James . The original King James Version is in the public domain. Which section of the Christian Bible originated in the ancient religion of Judaism ? a. The Gospels. b. Apocrypha. c. Old Testament. c. Old Testament . The Old Testament originated in Judaism and has been used by Jews ever since. The Jewish people prefer to call the Old Testament the First Testament because it came before the Second Testament. What was the first complete Bible written in English? a. Tyndale Bible. b. King James Version. c. Vulgate Translation. a. Tyndale Bible . The Tyndale Bible was the first complete English language version. The early Christian churches utilized this Latin Bible. a. The Hebrew Bible. b. Vulgate. c. Septuagint . b. Vulgate . The Latin Vulgate was the most popular Bible used by the early Christian churches. What is the Jewish Bible commonly called? a. Torah. b. Tanamaka. c. New Testament. a. Torah . The Jewish Bible is sometimes called the Torah . The Torah is the first five books of the Bible known as the Law of Moses. The complete Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The Tanach has three sections, The Torah, The Neviim, and Ktuvim. What happened to the first few authors who translated the Bible into English ? a. The church praised their efforts. b. The church hung them on the cross for heresy against God. c. They were burned at the stake for blasphemy against the church. c. Burned at the stake. The first few scholars who translated the Bible into English were burned at the stake by the church. The church did not like the idea of the common man being able to read the Bible for themselves. These groups of manuscripts were found in a cave near the sea. a. Masoretic sea text. b. Dead Sea Scrolls. c. Holy Aramaic scriptures. b. Dead Sea scrolls. The Dead Sea scrolls were found in a cave. This monarch finally allowed Bibles to be printed in English. a. Queen Mary I (1553). b. Queen Elizabeth I (1558). c. King James VI (1611). aka James VI (Scotland) aka James I (England). c. King James. King James, allowed Bibles to be printed in English. He authorized and insisted on a new translation that would be small enough for an individual to carry and written in the language of the day, that the common person could understand. Which Bible book is considered the oldest and first book written ? a. Genesis. b. Exodus. c. Job . c. Job . Job is believed to be the first Bible book written. When was it estimated that the first manuscripts were written? a. 3500 BC . b. 2000 BC . c. 1400-1200 BC . c. 1400 to 1200 BC. It has been estimated that the first manuscripts started appearing between 1400 to 1200 BC. The first manuscript to be written is believed to be the Book of Job. This is the first English Bible, divided into chapters and numbered verses. a. Geneva. b. Bishops. c. King James. a. Geneva . The Geneva Bible was the first version having chapters and numbered verses. It was written in 1560. William Wittingham led several other scholars in creating the Bible after Queen "Bloody" Mary died. She persecuted Christians. The Bible was popular until the King James version appeared in 1611. Who was the first person to write part of the Bible in English? a. Wycliffe. b. Darby. c. Vulgate. a. Wycliffe . John Wycliffe was the first person to attempt to translate the books of the Bible into English. This was considered heresy against the church and he was burned at the stake for it by the church. When did the Ten Commandments come into being? a. 31st century BC (Adam). b. 21st century BC (Noah). c. 14th century BC (Moses). c. 14th Century BC . The Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets by the finger of God in the 14th Century BC. God gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai. They were kept in the Ark of the Covenant. God made two sets because Moses got mad and destroyed the first set. Wow! That must have been a scene. Back to the Menu. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

  • Easy Physical Bible Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Physical Bible Quiz. The answer is below the question. Try guessing the answer before peaking. Easy Bible quiz and additional trivia about the physical Bible. What is the first book of the Bible? "In the beginning...." Genesis is the first book in the Bible. Read the story. W hat is the last book of the Bible? This book reveals the End of Times. Revelation is the last book of the Bible. Read the story. Name the books of the Gospels. These books are about the life of Jesus. The Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Read the story. What are the first five books of the Bible called? These are books written by Moses, and sometimes called books of the law. The Pentateuch (Torah) makes up the Bible's first five books. Read the story. What are the two major sections of the Bible? One describes life before Jesus, the other during and after Jesus. The Old and New Testaments are the two major sections of the Bible. Read the story. Some Bibles have this third "middle" section. Some churches consider these writings to be doubtful. The Apocrypha is the third section of some Bibles. Read the story. How many books are in the traditional Protestant Bible? They are split in two major sections. Sixty-six (66) books are in the traditional Christian Bible. Read the story. How many books are in the Old Testament? It is the first half of the Bible. Thirty-nine (39) books are in the Old Testament. Read the story. And how many books are in the New Testament? It is the last "Half" of the Bible. Twenty-seven (27) books are in the New Testament. Read the story. How do some Bibles show the words of Jesus? Publishers printed the words of Jesus differently to make them easier to see. Red ink shows the words of Jesus in the standard Christian Bibles . Read the story. What are the words of the shortest Bible verse? It describes something that Jesus did. "Jesus Wept" is the shortest verse. He wept when Lazarus died. Read the story. What is the last book of the Old Testament? A prophet who lived in the 400s BC wrote this book. Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. Read the story. What is the first book of the New Testament? A tax collector wrote this book. Matthew is the first book of the New Testament. Read the story. This book tells about the creation of Earth. It is about Earth's first family. Genesis tells about the creation of Earth. Read the story. This book is about the Israelites leaving Egypt. Moses led these folks out of Egypt and through the desert. Exodus tells about the Hebrews leaving Egypt. Read the story. This book talks about the Mark of the Beast. This book is very gruesome and tells of the demise of Earth. Revelation reveals the Mark of the Beast. Read the story. Which Bible book has the most words? A prophet shares the same name as this book. Jeremiah has the most words. Read the story. Which book has the fewest words? There are five books with less than 500 words in any language. Third John has the fewest words. Read the story. What is the language of the original Old Testament? This language is still currently being used by a religious group. Hebrew is the original Old Testament language. Read the story. What is the language of the original New Testament? This was the predominant language of the period. Greek was the language of the original New Testament. Read the story. What does the word "Testament" mean? It is an expression of conviction between God and his people. Testament means “covenant” or “contract.” Who wrote the first translation of the Bible into English? He was burned at the stake by the church for doing this. John Wycliffe in 1382 A.D. How many languages has the Bible been translated into? There is a movement to translate the Bible into every language in the world. The Bible, or significant parts of the Bible, have been translated into over 2,000 languages. How many people wrote the 66 books of the Bible? It is believed that there are at least 40 authors to the books of the Bible. Do any original copies of the Bible books exist? NO. No originals exist. However, many ancient and authentic copies exist. Back to the Menu.

  • Medium Difficult Bible Person Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Medium Bible Person Quiz. The answers are below the question. Peak, but try a good guess first. Medium difficulty quiz of people in the Bible? What was Jesus doing on the ship he was in with the disciples when it came upon a storm? The disciples were quite concerned. Sleeping. Jesus was sleeping on the ship when the storm arose. Matthew 8:23. Who was a famous orphan in the Bible? She was a Jewish woman who became a queen. Ester. Her name was originally Hadassah. She was an orphan who became part of the king's harem and eventually married King Ahasuerus. Read the book of Ester. Who said that they took away my Lord, and I don't know where he is? She traveled extensively with Jesus. Mary Magdalene. She asked this of the angel at the entrance to Jesus' tomb. John 20:13. This woman stole the household goods of her father when she left with her husband. She was married to Jacob. Rachel. She secretly stole her father’s small teraphim, which she hid in her camel saddle. Genesis 31. Who was Joseph's master during his time as a slave in Egypt? He was the captain of the Egyptian guard. Potiphar. Joseph was purchased from his brothers by Potiphar. Genesis 39. Who was blind for three days during the time of his conversion? He became blind while traveling on the road to Damascus. Paul. Saul was blinded before his conversion to Christianity and was renamed Paul. Acts 9:9. Who was the most famous prophet during the time of King Ahab? He told Ahab that he would never recover from his accident and that he would die. Elijah . He was the prophet who told King Ahab that he would never get better because he did not fear God. 1 Kings 21. Who came across an Ethiopian eunuch sitting in a chariot reading the book of Isaiah? He was one of the twelve apostles. Phillip . He met an Ethiopian court official on the road after leaving Jerusalem. Acts 8:26. Who said he would never deny Jesus? During the Passion of Christ, he denied Jesus three times. Peter. During the evening of Jesus' conviction, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times when someone on the street pointed him out. Matthew 26:69. Who delivered the sermon during Pentecost? He was probably the most prominent apostle. Simon Peter . Peter stood with all the other apostles before the multitude, who were heckling them, declaring Jesus was the Christ. Acts 2: Which king committed suicide rather than be taken alive after a battle? He was the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, and was the first king of Israel. Saul. He was wounded in battle and was afraid of what the enemy would do to him if he were captured alive. He fell on his sword after his men refused to do it for him. 1 Samuel 31. This ruler asked Jesus to cure his only daughter. He was a ruler in the Jewish synagogue. Jairus . As Jesus was walking to the house of Jairus, a woman touched Jesus' cloak and was healed of a bleeding disorder. Mark 5:21. Who was Elijah's apprentice who took over for him? He was with Elijah when God sent a fiery chariot to pick him up. Elisha. He replaced Elijah at the school and then went preaching. 1 Kings 19:19. During the trial of Jesus, the crowd insisted that this criminal be released. They insisted that Jesus be put on trial instead. Pontius Pilate gave the Jews the option to let Jesus go or this criminal. Barabbas . The criminal was Barabbas. He was released at the trial of Jesus. Luke 23:13. Who considered himself the chief of sinners? His name was originally Saul. Paul . Before his conversion, he condemned and persecuted the believers. 1 Timothy 1:15. Who placed several of his brothers in jail for three days? There were twelve brothers in the family. Several brothers sold this brother into slavery. Joseph . He was sold to an Egyptian as a slave and eventually became Pharaoh's right-hand man. His brothers came to Egypt asking for food during the famine. Genesis 42. What is John the Baptist’s father? He was a priest in the Jerusalem temple. Zachariah. His wife was Elizabeth, the cousin of the Virgin Mary. Gabriel visited the couple to announce that they would have a child and to name him John. God told them that John would announce the arrival of the Messiah. Luke 1. Who did the king's wife have killed so that the king could get ownership of his vineyard near the palace? The king tried negotiating sales and trades to get the vineyard, but the owner said no each time. Naboth . King Ahab's wife, Jezebel, wanted to please her husband and arranged for Naboth to be discredited and executed by the authorities. 1 Kings 21. Who was the highest priest and also the king of Salem? He blessed Abraham after meeting him on the road. Abraham was on his way back from winning a battle. Melchizedek . The Melchizedek priesthood has the highest authority in the church, over all things and offices of the church. It is greater than the other priesthood, the Aaronic priesthood, which cares for the church affairs and upkeep. The Aaronic priesthood baptizes and performs the other duties of the church. Genesis 14. Whose family was the only one that survived the collapse of the Jericho walls? She was a prostitute who tied a red cord to her window sill to identify her location to the invading army. Rahab. Every man, woman, child, and animal was killed except for Rahab and her family. Rahab helped two of God's spies escape who were being hunted down. Joshua 2. Who was the only female judge in Israel? She told Barak to take 10,000 men to battle against Sisera. Deborah sat under the palm trees resolving issues and controversies while judging the people according to the laws of God. Judges 4. Who did Jacob work for to get the daughter's hand in marriage? He worked for seven years and got tricked into marrying the sister of his loved one. Laban. Laban had two daughters. Jacob wanted to marry the younger daughter, Rachel. But Laban tricked Jacob into marrying the older daughter, Leah, first. After working for another 7 years, Laban allowed his younger daughter to marry Jacob. Genesis 29: This Jewish maiden married a Persian King. She was an orphan. Ester . Her uncle Mordecai adopted her. She became part of the king's harem before the king married her. Ester 2. Who was 696 years old when he died? He was Noah's grandfather and the oldest person in the Bible. Methuselah. Enoch was the father of Methuselah. Methuselah was the father of Lamech. Genesis 5:21 Which woman turned into a pillar of salt? She disobeyed God and looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot's wife turned to salt when she looked back at Gomorrah while escaping its destruction. Genesis 19: Back to the Menu.

  • Easy Bible History Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible History Quiz with Answers. The answers are below the question. Try it without peaking. Easy Quiz and answers about Bible history with additional facts. What type of texts was the Bible created from? This type of Scripture is also known as codices. Codices. The Bible was created from ancient manuscripts and codices. Read the story. Which version of the Hebrew Bible is a Greek translation? It's believed to have been translated by 72 translators. Septuagint . The most famous Greek translation of the Bible is the Septuagint. Read the story. This Bible section has its origins in the religion of Judaism. Sometimes, it is referred to as the Pentateuch. Old Testament . The Old Testament has its roots in Judaism and is the core scripture of the Jews. Read the story. What language was the original New Testament written in? This was the most commonly spoken language in the region in ancient times. New Testament . The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. Read the story. What language was the original Old Testament written in? This language was thought to have started with Joseph in Egypt. Old Testament . The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. Read the story. What was the first Bible or part of a Bible written in English? The author of this book was burned at the stake in 1536. Tyndale Bible . The Tyndale Bible was the first one to be written in English. It was written by William Tyndale from 1522 to 1535. He translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Read the story. The first conventional written language is believed to be ancient Hebrew. Who is given credit for developing the alphabet for that language? He was a Hebrew, but held high leadership under the Egyptian Pharaoh. Joseph. He was sold as a slave to an Egyptian by his brothers. Which Latin Bible was used by the early Christian churches? Translated by St. Jerome in 382 AD. Vulgate . The Latin Vulgate was used by the early Christian church. It was written at the direction of Saint Jerome. He was commissioned by Pope Damascus I in 382 A.D. Read the story. What is the Jewish Bible commonly called? It is often called the Torah, which is only the first section of the Jewish Bible. Tanakh . The Jewish Bible is called the Tanakh but is often called the Torah. Read the story. What was the demise of the first authors who translated the Bible into English? Throughout history, those who went against the Church have often faced this consequence. Burned at the stake. The first few men who translated the Bible into English were burned at the stake by the Church. The church did not want to lose control of their flock. Allowing the congregation to have individual Bibles in a language they could understand threatened the church's control of the masses. Read the story . What ethnic group were most of the Bible authors? Hebrew. The Old Testament was written by scribes and prophets. The New Testament was written by converted Christian Jews. What is the name of certain manuscripts found in caves near a sea? Between 1947 and 1956, scrolls were discovered in caves near Qumran. Dead Sea Scrolls . The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in a cave and contained much of the Old Testament. Read the story. Which monarch permitted the printing of Bibles into English? This event occurred before the authorization of the King James Bible. King Henry VIII. King Henry VIII authorized and insisted on having a Bible that was small enough for the common person to carry and written in verbiage that they understood. Read the story. What Bible was used by the Mayflower pioneer settlers in America? Geneva. It was the most widely used Bible in Europe at the time. Which Bible book is considered the first book written ? The person in this book has his "patience" tested by God. Job . The Book of Job was the first Bible book written. Read the story. What is the central message throughout the Bible? The Bible is a guide for Christians to live by. Salvation. This is a process of turning from sin to righteousness. A method provided by God to escape the entrance to hell and enter the entrance to heaven instead. About what year was the structure of the Bible finalized as it is printed today? It was not an English version and it was hand written. The Vulgate was the most popular collection of Bible books and was the forerunner to the modern Bible. 400 AD. How long did it take to write the original biblical manuscripts? It started with Moses (Genesis) and ended with John (Revelation). 1500 Years . It took 1500 Years to write the Bible. Read the story. When were the first manuscripts written? The Pentateuch was written during Moses's lifetime. 1400-1300 BC . The first manuscripts were written about 1400-1300 BC. Read the story. What very popular English Bible was originally printed in the year 1611? This Bible was authorized by a King. The King James Bible. What was the first Bible to have numbered verses? It was printed in Switzerland by those exiled from England. Geneva . The Geneva Bible had the first numbered verses. Read the story. What book of the Bible was the last to be written? This man wrote it while in jail on the island of Patmos. Revelation . The last Bible book written was Revelation. It was written by a man named John. Some scholars call him John of Patmos because he was an obvious believer and he was stranded on the island of Patmos. Read the story. There are approximately 6,000 prophecies (predictions). Approximately how many prophecies have come true to date? It's hard to believe, but true. Half. It is estimated that about one-half of all Bible prophecies have come true. Read the story. When did the Ten Commandments come into being? They were received by Moses when he visited God on the mountain. 1592 BC.. The Ten Commandments came into being about 1592 BC. The time of Moses. Read the story. What does the Bible say about getting to Heaven? It's all about that One Man. Believe in the birth, words, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Put your trust in Him. Read the story. Back to the Menu.

  • Medium Difficult Bible Person Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Difficult Bible Person Quiz. The answers are below the question. Ok to Peak, try a good guess first. Medium difficulty quiz of people in the Bible? Whose ear did Peter cut off? This person was a slave to the high priest. Peter cut the ear of Malchus, the slave. Who was the first disciple that Jesus called? He was a fisherman. He had a brother. Andrew the fisherman was the first disciple Jesus called. Who was the first person to be taken to Heaven, alive? He was the father of Methuselah. Enoch was the first person to be taken straight to heaven. Who is King David's father? David was the shepherd who killed Goliath. Jesse was King David's father. Who was the person that the donkey talked to? An angel blocked the donkey's path. The donkey spoke to Balaam, who was riding him. Who was the last king mentioned in the Bible? He was a ruthless Babylonian. Nebuchadnezzar was the last king mentioned in the Bible. Who was the first King of Israel? Samuel appointed him. The people insisted on a king and Samuel appointed Saul. He was the greatest judge in Israel. He was the last judge in Israel. Samuel is considered the greatest biblical judge. Who paid for Jesus' ministry? She was the most devoted disciple of Jesus. Mary Magdalene was very devoted and rich and paid for the ministry. Which man owned a coat of many colors? He gave the coat to his son. This made the brothers jealous. Jacob owned a coat of many colors and gave it to his son Joseph. Which woman did King David have an affair with? He saw her bathing naked on the housetop next door. King David had an affair with a married woman named Bathsheba. This disciple of Christ had a fiery temper. His name was originally Simon. Jesus changed his name. Simon Peter was known for having a temper and flying off the handle. This criminal was released at Jesus' trial. Pontius Pilate gave the Jews the option to let go of Jesus or this man. Barabbas the criminal was released at the trial of Jesus. Who is the father of the Twelve Tribes of Israel? The twelve tribes came from his twelve sons. Jacob is the father of twelve sons who created the twelve tribes. This king is considered the wisest ever. He built a grand temple and did many other things of interest. Solomon is considered the wisest king ever. This person replaced Elijah. He caused bears to attack some spoiled brats. They teased him about being bald. Elisha was the apprentice of Elijah. Elisha replaced Elijah. The plan was to sacrifice this individual on the altar. He was Abraham's son. Isaac was to be sacrificed on the altar, but God decided not to. Who was the only female judge in Israel? She told Barak to take 10,000 men to battle against Sisera. Debra was the only female judge in Israel. Which twin was born with a body full of red hair? His brother was Jacob. Esau was the twin brother born with red hair. Who was the woman who gave birth to Ishmael? She was the maid to Abraham's wife, Sarah. Haggar gave birth to Ishmael by Abraham at Sarah's insistence. Who is Samuel's mother? While she prayed to God for a son, the priest, Eli, thought she was drunk. Hanna was thought to be drunk when she prayed for a son. In the Old Testament's last book, who was the Last Prophet? He prophesied the coming of John the Baptist 400 years before he came. Malachi was the last prophet in the Old Testament. Who was the harlot that housed Joshua's two spies? She identified her home to the Israelites by tying a red cord to her window. Rahab was a prostitute who hid two spies in her house. What is the name of the Jewish Supreme Court that ensured all activities? This religious court falsely arrested Jesus. The Sanhedrin was the religious leadership during the time of Jesus. He is the father of John the Baptist and the husband of Elizabeth. They were old and barren, but Gabriel said they would give birth. Zachariah is an Aaronic priest and father of John the Baptist. Back to the Menu

  • Easy Bible characters quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible Person Quiz with Background Story. The answers are below the question. Try to answer without peaking. Easy Quiz of who are the Bible Characters and their story. Which three Bible characters visited Jesus when he was a baby? They brought expensive gif ts from the East . Read the story. Magi. The three wise men, the Magi, visited Jesus when he was about two years old. They came from the east and followed a star that guided them to Jesus. They brought Jesus three gifts. Matthew 2:1-12 This man spent time in a lion's den . Jealous workers tricked King Darius into this. Read the story . Daniel. He was put in the lion's den at the orders of King Darius because he was praying to God. The king's wise men were jealous of Daniel and tricked Darius into ordering Daniel to be put in the lion's den. Daniel 6:1-28 These men survived an ordeal in a fiery furnace. Three Hebrew friends never denied God. Read the story . Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the three men into a fiery furnace for not bowing and worshipping the king's image. Daniel 3:16-28 . This person betrayed Jesus to the priests and soldiers. He was the disciple who took care of the money. Read the story. Judas Iscariot. Judas betrayed Jesus to the priests and soldiers on the night of his arrest. He was paid 30 pieces of silver to kiss Jesus on the face to identify him. Afterward, Judas was remorseful, gave the silver back, and committed suicide. Matthew 26:14-27 This disciple denied Jesus three times. He is often called the "Rock" of the Christian Church. Read the story. Simon Peter. Peter denied Jesus three times on the night of Jesus' arrest when people pointed to Peter and called him out. Luke 22:54-62 Who was king when Jesus was born? He was a distrustful, jealous, brutal, and ruthless leader. Read the story . King Herod. King Herod​ the Great was king of Judea when Jesus was born. The Roman emporer appointed him. Herod was so paranoid of being overthrown that he had his first wife and three sons executed. He feared what he heard about Jesus and ordered all males under 2 years old to be executed in an attempt to kill Jesus. Matthew 2:1-20 This disciple doubted it was Jesus. He did not believe the resurrected Jesus was Jesus. Read the story . Thomas. Thomas doubted that he was talking to Jesus after the resurrection. He was not convinced until he saw the crucifixion marks on the hands of Jesus. John 20:24-29 Give the name of one of the brothers of Jesus. The Bible identifies four of Jesus' brothers. Read the story. James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. These were brothers of Jesus. Jesus also had sisters, but their names and how many are not known. Jesus would have been the oldest sibling. Mark 6:3 He ate wild honey and locusts in the wilderness. He also baptized people at the Jordan River. Read the story . John the Baptist. John lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and honey. He also wore garments made of camel hair. John was also Jesus' cousin. Matthew 3:1-6 Who parted the Red Sea with a staff? He often used his staff to do God's deeds. Read the story . Moses. Moses parted the Red Sea with a staff when he held it up and stretched out his hand. The staff was used to execute several miracles that God performed through Moses. Exodus 14:10-20 Who had great strength, because of his hair? He killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a jackass. Read the story . Samson. He was a judge. He had great strength because he never cut his hair. His hair gave him strength because he was a Nazarite. His mother dedicated him to God at his birth. Judges 16 Who is the third son of Adam and Eve? Adam was 130 years old when his son was born. Read the story. Seth. Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve. He was born after Cain killed Able. Cain was sent away from the Garden of Eden, leaving Adam and Eve childless. God allowed Seth to be born. Genesis 4 This man built a big boat called the Ark. He was 500 years old and had three sons at the time. Read the story . Noah. God instructed Noah to build the boat and take every animal species aboard it. Genesis 6:13-22 This person committed the first murder. He did it because he was jealous of his brother. Read the story . Cain. Cain committed the first murder recorded in the Bible. Cain killed his brother Able because of jealousy. Genesis 4:6-12 Who killed an Egyptian slave taskmaster? He saw the taskmaster beating on a Hebrew slave. Read the story . Moses. Moses killed an Egyptian slave taskmaster after he saw the taskmaster beating a Hebrew slave. This led Moses to go on the lam and leave Egypt for fear of his life. Exodus 2:11-22 Who was born in a stable near Bethlehem? He was the son of Mary, the Virgin. Read the story . Jesus. Jesus the Messiah was born in an animal shelter because all the rooms were full in Bethlehem due to the census being taken. Luke 2:1-17 He baptized Jesus. He was the cousin of Jesus. Read the story . John. John the Baptist baptized his cousin, Jesus. John 1:6-31 This Roman governor of Judea flogged Jesus. He was the local prefect. He thought Jesus was innocent. Read the story. Pontius Pilate. Pontius Pilate allowed Jesus to be humiliated, flogged, and then crucified, after he was arrested. Matthew 27 This person talked to a burning bush. He went on the lam, after killing an Egyptian. Read the story. Moses. Moses talked with God, who was in a burning bush. God gave Moses the assignment to lead the slaves out of Egypt. After making all his excuses, Moses decided to do as God commanded. Exodus 3 Who was the first man on Earth? God made him from the dust of the ground. Read the story. Adam. Adam is the first human on Earth. Genesis 2 Who is the brother of Moses? He allowed the Israelites to build a golden calf. Read the story. Aaron. Aaron was the brother of Moses. Miriam was the sister of Moses. Exodus 4:13-15 God created this person from Adam's rib. God created this companion for Adam. Read the story. Eve. Eve was made from Adam's rib. She became known as Wo man. Genesis 2:20-22 Who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden? He is a fallen angel with a bad attitude. Read the story. The Serpent. The Serpent known as the Devil tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:1-7 This boy killed a giant with a sling and a smooth stone. He tended sheep and played the lyre. Read the story. David. David the young shepherd, killed Goliath, the Philistine giant. 1 Samuel 17 This prophet was transported, in a fiery chariot, into heaven. He also caused an altar full of soaked wood to light up. Read the story. Elijah. Elijah, the prophet, was called to Heaven by God. God sent a vehicle that looked like a fiery chariot, to pick Elijah up. 2 Kings 2:8-15 Back to the Menu. ​ God loved the world so much that he sacrificed his only Son so that whoever believed in him would not perish but have eternal life. Paraphrase of John 3:16 ​

  • Bible History and Biblical Information | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Bible History Information Ponder these Bible facts and trivia commentary of the Bible's history, authenticity, and truth. Fascinating facts about the history of the Bible. The Bible is true and the real deal. ​It is the Christian book for all religious matters. The Bible is the guiding principle of the Christian faith. It provides personal guidance, moral improvement, and counsel. The Good Book tells Christians how to live. It is called the "Gospels" because the Bible tells a story of why Jesus is here. This is called the Good News. The books are considered "scripture" because the writings come from God, the creator. The Bible is said to be "The Word" because it contains the words of God and Jesus. The religious documents of antiquity are the basis of the Bible. Ancient documents may be referred to as bibles . But they are not books, as we are accustomed to seeing. Documents of antiquity are individual and separate scriptures or manuscripts known as codices. They are on sheets of paper and scrolls of vellum, papyrus, parchment, or animal skins. Several antique writings have been discovered that are chiseled on stone and engraved in various metals . Before the written word, the belief was that the biblical doctrines and scriptures were strictly oral and meticulously handed down from generation to generation. Passing down information was a verbal tradition practiced by priests and believers from, the time of creation, until about 2000 BC. This was when the creation of the alphabet and writing became prominent. The schools of thought say that between 2000 and 1000 BC, written manuscripts began to appear in their various forms. There is a belief that Joseph developed the alphabet, and the earliest form of conventional writing is in the ancient Hebrew language. Joseph was running Egypt under the direction of the Pharaoh during that time. Moses was raised as a prince in Egypt and would have spoken this language. Moses would also have written the Pentateuch, the first known biblical scripture in this language. The language of Joseph is the core root language that developed into Arabic, Phoenician, and Old Hebrew. However, archeologists have found walls, rocks, and caves with drawings, pictographs, hieroglyphics, and cuneiforms. These are stories and recordings of history that carbon-date as far back as 63,00 years. Scientists assume that carbon dating is accurate. But it has been proven to be inaccurate. This method dates the findings to 57,000 years before the Bible's creation story. Note: These items were considered by some scholars as art and not language. Hebrew was the language of the first early religious manuscripts. It was the most spoken language among believers in the Middle East before the birth of Christ. Koine Greek was the language of scriptural manuscripts after the birth of Christ. During the time of Christ, manuscripts were written in Aramaic with a small spattering of other dialects. The early Hebrews used these manuscripts as their religious scriptures. Scriptures were not in the book form of modern Bibles. The scriptures were mostly in the form of handwritten individual scrolls, not as books. Eventually, twenty-four manuscripts were put together. They became known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. The First Bible (Tanakh ) was in Old Hebrew and later translated into the modern Hebrew of today's Old Testament. The first translation of the Tanakh from Hebrew was into Koin Greek and was called the Septuagint. It was called this because, supposedly, seventy-two scholars translated it. Six translators from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. It eventually became adopted by the early Jewish Church. The next major translation was into Latin and was called the Vulgate . The Vulgate had additional scripture, "Books" called the Apocrypha , added to it as well. This translation was made by St. Jerome for t he Catholic Church in 382 AD. The Vulgate was used by the Catholic Church, until the 20th century. The Vulgate eventually became the "official authorized Bible" of the Western Christian Churches. However, the Jewish community still used the original Hebrew Bible instead of the Vulgate. The derivative of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is still used today and is often called the Torah . ​ The New Testament books started showing up afterward and were all written in Greek. (The language of the day.) The names of all the New Testament groups of scriptural manuscripts and their authors are unknown. A complete list of the 27 books of the New Testament is said to be in a letter written by Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria around the year 367 AD. Therefore, we know that the New Testament Books existed in the same number and with the same names back 2,000 years ago and are the same today as they were back then. ​ Eventually, the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament were translated into English. These highly regarded "first" early translations started with John Wycliffe in the 1380s and were followed by William Tyndale and John Rogers in the 1520s. For their efforts, the "Church" burned all three of their bodies for the blasphemy and disrespect of translating the Bible into English. "How dare they?" said the religious leaders of the time. It took away their control of the congregation. They didn't want that. The more we learn about the early Christian Church, the more we realize how non-Christian they were. They had the same self-righteous "holier than thou" behavior as the Pharisees of the Bible. Simply, Brutal! The traditional Bible comes in two or three sections, depending on the version. The Old Testament describes events before the birth of Jesus. The New Testament describes events during and after the birth of Jesus. The Apocrypha contains scripture that is not 100% acceptable to the church. Apocrypha is translated as hidden . It is taken from the Greek language. Not all modern Bibles have included the Apocrypha. When included, the Apocrypha is printed and bound in the middle of the Bible, between the Old and New Testaments. What methods are used to translate the manuscripts into the Bible. There are two basic ways to translate the ancient scriptures. Literal "word for word" or paraphrase "the meaning of the text". ​ It is not easy to translate from one language to another. This is especially true when the original language is one of antiquity, completely dead, forgotten, or no longer used. Not all languages have the same tense , voices, pronouns, verbs, or family relations like aunts, cousins, etc. There are differences in gender as to which words are feminine or male and words that do not have a direct translation. One word that comes to mind is the Spanish word "sobremesa". Another is the German word “fremdschämen” . Google these for yourself. ​ Here is a personal example: I rode on the railroad train to a town up in the mountains of Madagascar. The Malagasy language has no word for train. They call it the 'Maschine' . The name is adapted from the language of the German employees who built it. So, my Riding on the Railroad story translated from Malagasy into English would be; "I took a ride on the machine.". How would the translator interpret "maschine"? Would it be a truck, car, oxcart, scooter, motorcycle, bus, taxi, limo, roller skates, pogo stick, helicopter, airplane, rocket, UFO, fiery chariot, go-cart, bicycle, tractor, steamboat, canoe, hot air balloon, ski-lift, or possibly some other mechanical contraption? Well, you get the point. So it is with the Bible. "It is difficult to translate with accuracy and proper meaning." ​ Think about these translations: Spanish to English: "por favor" The word-for-word translation is "for a favor" . However, it is generally translated simply as "please". This is a paraphrase of the meaning. The thing is, there is no direct word for "please" in Spanish. It is often impossible to make an accurate word-for-word translation. So think about that. Correct translation is not easy. French to English: "Jock a peint la maison noire avec de la peinture blanche." Word-for-word translation: "Jack has painted the house black with of there paint white." Does this direct word-for-word translation make proper sense? Paraphrased translation: "Jack painted the black house with white paint." This paraphrase of the text makes better sense. Which makes a better translation? Literal or paraphrased? Think about it! As a side note: Do you know that America has no official language? It is assumed that English is the official language. But it's not. Egyptian is the oldest known language, with Greek being the second oldest and Sanskrit in India being the third. It is estimated that there are over 2500 languages, with over 7500 dialects worldwide. Bibles are printed in more than 750 languages. Did you know that the written Hebrew language, as well as early Greek, has no vowels? Alaskans look out their windows and see snow. Scots look out their windows and may see 420 different types of snow. In Florida, people look out the window and see rain. Hawaiians can see over 200 different kinds of rain. What about those languages that use a click sound? Talk about a translation nightmare. Some languages, like German, have three genders. America is creating more genders every month. Cambodia has 74 characters in its alphabet. The Papuan language has only 11 characters in its alphabet. China has over 50,000 ( yes , fifty thousand) characters in its language. The average Chinese newspaper uses about 2,000 characters. ​ It would be very naive of someone to believe that a word-for-word translation of the Bible would be understood, let alone accurate. Unless a person lived during the time that the scripture was written, and knew the language, could one truly understand and interpret the true meaning of the Word of God as it was originally written? Our best hope is that the translators were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit and made an accurate "paraphrase" translation of the original meaning of the scriptures. Before the written language, we must believe that oral tradition was accurately passed down for thousands of years to reach Moses. Or, we have to believe that God and the angels informed Moses on Mt. Sinai, of everything that happened before his time. Moses was up there for forty days and nights. They talked about something. "It is difficult to translate with accuracy." ​ It takes a lot of "Faith" to believe the original scriptures are translated correctly by man. Believers acknowledge that the original authors of the Bible were divinely inspired and that the Bible was written by God, through man. It takes even more faith to believe the translations were made accurately by man without errors. The most popular translation, The King James Bible, has been revised several times to correct "small errors" in the translation. Simple printing errors and misprints were corrected as well. It was not 100% accurate as translated or published by "man". The early scriptures were not divided into sections, chapters, or verses. The Biblical Scriptures are individual writings (manuscripts, parchments, and codexes) similar to magazine articles, short stories, essays, letters, tales, poems, songs, and other narratives similar to modern writing. The lines were unnumbered, ran together, and often had no grammatical marks like periods, commas, question marks, or colons. Generally, the early believers only had one or two of these "scriptural manuscripts" in their possession, as they were all handwritten and few copies existed. Many copies of these ancient documents, manuscripts, and codexes are preserved. We can accurately learn and deduce from them about the early life of humanity as seen by the watchful eye of God and the life of Jesus during His time on earth. ​ Ancient Scriptures do not have a prefix with the publishing date. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact date of authorship for any particular manuscript. Deciphering the true meaning of ancient languages in these early religious texts is very challenging. When comparing various translations, many words are translated differently due to the views, understanding, logic, and perhaps the translator's conjectures. There is a difference in grammar, word placement, and the tense of verbs. The original Hebrew and Greek of the Bible have different verb tenses than modern English. Can you imagine 2,000 years from now making sense of this modern-day statement? "My rover was pretty ugly!". What's a "rover" , and how can he, she, or it be pretty and ugly simultaneously ? When using either translation technique, paraphrasing, or literal, the entire script must be read in context to extract the beneficial, most accurate, and "true meaning" the author was trying to convey. A word-for-word translation may not accurately capture the true meaning of the text. Only reading the entire text in context and paraphrasing will give a true translation and meaning. The early believers and followers of God used many manuscripts. The translators did not place all of those manuscripts into the Bible. Many Bible facts and Biblical information were lost, because of this "weaning out" of scripture that was thought to be not relevant enough to be included in the final selection. The first qualification to accept a codex or manuscript as true Bible scripture was based on the author's reputation. Was the author an apostle, someone close to Jesus, or a devout believer? A person such as Moses or someone in Moses' group. The second qualification for acceptance was based on the Scriptures already being accepted and heavily used by believers dating backward in time. Did the manuscript already have a history of being believed? Was it already accepted as the Word of God? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-8

  • Easy Bible History Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Medium Bible Quiz with Answers. The answers are below the question. Try it without peaking. Medium Quiz and answers of things Biblical. Who baptized Jesus? He was the cousin of Jesus. John the Baptist. Matthew 3:13-17 Who had great strength because of his long hair? He was betrayed by a woman named Delilah. Samson. Judges 16:15-17 What is the Jewish Bible commonly called? It is often called the Torah, which is only the first section of the Jewish Bible. Tanakh. Read about it. Who was taken directly to heaven in a fiery chariot? He was a devout prophet. Elisha was his protege. Elijah the prophet. 2 Kings 2:10-12 What is the name of certain manuscripts found in a cave near a sea? Between 1947 and 1956, scrolls were discovered in caves near Qumran. Dead Sea Scrolls . The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in a cave and contained much of the Old Testament. Read about it. Which Bible book is considered the first book written ? The person in this book has his "patience" tested by God. Job. Read about it. Who is the oldest man in the Bible? He was a descendant of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. Methuselah. His grandson was Noah. What was the name of Moses' sister? God gave her leprosy because she wanted to push Moses out of the way and take over. Miriam. Numbers 26:59 What was the first Bible to have numbered verses? It was printed in Switzerland by those exiled from England. Geneva . The Geneva Bible had the first numbered verses. Read about it. Who started Judaism? He was the first patriarch of the Hebrew (Jewish) religion. Abraham. Genesis 12-25 Proverbs states that every child is full of foolishness but this will correct him. The rod of correction. When the Lord comes for the second time he will come as a what? No one will know when he comes or know he is here until it happens. Thief in the night. Who said to God, "Am I my brothers keeper?" He said this after he killed his brother. Cain. After Jesus was resurrected, who doubted that it was Jesus? This man insisted on seeing the wounds in the hands of Jesus as proof. Thomas. The book of Hebrews states this hidden from God's sight. Nothing. God sees and hears everything. Who came to Jesus at night? He was a Pharisee that asked Jesus about being born again. Nicodemus. John 2:3. Which book comes after Genesis? This book tells about the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. Exodus. Who was the spokesman for Moses when he talked to Pharaoh about "Let my people go"? He was the brother for Moses. Aaron. Moses had a speech impediment so Aaron was his spokesperson. After the tribulation where will there be a big final war? It is a battle between good and evil. God against Satan. Armageddon. What musical instrument did King David play? He played this to King Saul to relieve stress. Lyre. What animals were not allowed to be used for sacrifice? Unclean or blemished animals. How many loaves of bread did the disciples feed the listeners during a sermon that Jesus gave while standing in a boat? The disciples also fed the 5000 with 2 fish. Two loaves. Matthew 14:13-21 ​Who hid some Israelites in her home from the authorities? She tied a red chord to her window sill to identify where they were. Rahab. She was a prostitute but a believer in Jesus. What did God put in the desert in front of the Israelites when wandering in the desert? The Israelites would follow this by day when traveling. A cloud. They would follow a fire by night. How long was Moses on Mt. Sinai when he was with God. Moses was there to get the Ten Commandments and learn the laws? Forty days and forty nights. Back to Menu.

  • Easy Bible History Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible Quiz with Answers. The answers are below the question. Try it without peaking. Easy Quiz and answers of things Biblical. What day did God create man? He also created the beasts of the land, air, and sea. The Sixth Day. Genesis 1:26-28 Where did Adam and Eve live? This was the perfect paradise that God created for them. Garden of Eden. How many commandments were on the stone tablets that Moses had? God made these tablets with his finger and gave them to Moses. Ten. Exodus 20:1-17 What did God feed the Israelites during the forty years in the desert? The Israelites had to pick it up off the ground every morning except the Sabbath. Manna. Bread from Heaven. Exodus 16. How many sons did Jacob have? These sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve. Jacob also had a daughter. Genesis 35:23-26 Who was forced into a lion's den? King Darius ordered this because this individual would not bow down to his idol. Daniel. Daniel 14:31-42. What was the name of Moses' brother? He was the spoke person for Moses because Moses had a speech impediment. Aaron. Exodus 7:1-7 Which Bible book is considered the first book written ? The person in this book has his "patience" tested by God. Job. Read about it. Who is the oldest man in the Bible? He was a descendant of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. Methuselah. His grandson was Noah. Genesis 5:25-32 What was the name of Moses' sister? God gave her leprosy because she wanted to push Moses out of the way and take over. Miriam. Numbers 26:5 Who started Christianity? Christianity began during the time of the New Testament. Jesus. Christianity started the moment Jesus started preaching. What book of the Bible was the last to be written? John wrote this book while in a Roman jail. Revelation . The last Bible book written was Revelation. It was written by a man named John. Some scholars call him John of Patmos because he was an obvious believer and he was stranded on the island of Patmos. What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? They were friends of Daniel and held high offices in the King's court. They were thrown into a fiery furnace. Daniel 3. What was the first miracle in the Bible that Jesus performed? Jesus and his family were at a wedding at the time. Jesus turned water into wine. John 2:1-11 Who was the third child of Adam and Eve as recorded in the Bible? He replaced one of Adam and Eve's children that was murdered. Seth. The Bible and the Quran record that Seth was born when Adam was over 100 years old. Genesis 4:25 This man was transported to Nineveh, by a big fish. God had a job for him to do at Nineveh but this man tried to escape to Tarshish. Jonah. Jonah 1:1-17 Who built the boat called the Ark? He started to built the Ark when he was about 500 years old. Noah. It took approximately 100 years to build the Ark. Genesis 6. ​Who wanted to kill Jesus right after he was born? King Herod. Matthew 2:1-18 Who is the mediator between God and his children on Earth? Jesus. What river did John baptize in?​ Jordan. ​How long did the Israelites wander in the desert? Forty years. This was their punishment for disobeying God. Read about it. How many criminals were crucified alongside Jesus? Jesus told one of them that he would see him in paradise. Two. Luke 23:32-43 ​Which disciple denied knowing Jesus three times during his trial? Jesus told him ahead of time that he would deny him 3 times before the rooster would crow. Peter. Three times someone from the crowds picked him out during the trial of Jesus. Matthew 26:69-75 ​Who was Jesus' mother? She was a Virgin and engaged to Joseph. Mary. Wikipedia. What does the Bible say about getting to Heaven? It's all about that One Man. Believe in the birth, words of, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Put your trust in Him. Read how to get to heaven. Back to Menu.

  • Children's Easy Bible Events Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Children's Easy Bible Events Quiz Easy Bible Quiz for children about events in the Bible. After your selection, the next question will appear automatically.

  • Can the Bible be Trusted | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Can the Bible be Trusted? Is the Bible real, authentic, trustful, and inspired by God? Trivia, Facts, and Insights to the authenticity and truthfullness of the Bible. Read and absorb this website's interjected comments about the Bible's authenticity. The Biblical manuscripts are trusted, reliable, and accurately translated from the earliest found documents. The Bible has the most surviving copies of any ancient document scrutinized for variations, corruption, and truths. Different authors have repeated the same content numerous times throughout history. The facts are that the biblical authors lived hundreds and thousands of years apart from each other. ​The belief is that about half of the prophecies (predictions) in the Bible have come true. There are approximately 6,000 prophecies. Prophecies of the Bible continue to come true. Authorities say that some prophecies are happening right now in modern times. The prophetic predictions of the future do not look good for humanity . There are no motives that merit distrust of the testimonies of the authors. God created the human race. There are many stories of how God kills, how God saves, how God forgives, how God loves, and God's honest reactions. Why would anyone want to give testimony to all these facts unless he thought they were true? Was there a monetary, economic, or other reason for such Bible stories as Moses murdering an Egyptian? For example: What would be the point of stories about a talking donkey, a big fish used as human transport, or a woman turning into a pillar of salt if they were not biblical and true? What would be the gain? Why would they not be trustworthy? Why would anyone write such absurd stories unless they believed they happened? I am sure that the authors of these stories were considered kooks or insane and laughed at by the secular world when they wrote them. Why would anyone subject themselves to such ridicule unless they had seen or had faith that these Biblical stories happened and are factual? What did the philosopher Comte state? He stated, "It is common that we only believe what we can personally observe. However, it is impossible to live without faith." Everyone in his daily life constantly believes and acts upon facts not seen and yet feels the unseen is real. People believe in ghosts, karma, fate, intuition, astrology, and aliens without seeing factual evidence. Are these things real? Those who believe think so. Perhaps it's called faith! Others believe in angels, a soul, the law of gravity, that the center of the earth is molten lava, and that once upon a time, Earth had only one continent that split apart. Side Note: Take a close look at a world map or globe. The shapes of the continents fit together into one big land mass. No rocket surgeon is needed to figure that out. Could this verify the Bible's implication that the Earth's creation was one land mass? ​ The bottom line is that one must decide what's real for oneself based on faith, observation, historical writings, or what one's family or best friends tell them. Several modern scientists have shown that the Earth split into separate continents. It created the mountains, and the erosion at the Grand Canyon is traceable to a global flood and catastrophe. The truth of the flood also explains the sea life found in deserts and the partial extinction of dinosaurs. No kidding. The truth is in the evidence revealed and explained by at least a dozen Ph.D. experts. If you Google the right question, you will get the correct facts. The scientific dating systems used to justify that the Earth is billions of years old were proven to be flawed and not 100% accurate. Darwin's evolution theory of all life coming from that single-celled life form has been disproven. Darwin himself admits that his theory does not work. He wrote the following in his book, The Origin of Species: ​"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ that; could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, then my theory would break down." Modern science has now indeed discovered that there is irreducible complexity inside the cell structure. If Darwin were alive today, he would refute his theory based on the new knowledge of genetics and cell structure. Googling will uncover many videos and articles from experts. Here is one: The Daily Dose Wisdom Video. Anagenesis is a confirmed new theory concerning evolution. Evolution by anagenesis occurs within a species but not in the entire realm of life. The deer species can evolve into elk, moose, and reindeer, but not into the reptile family. The lizard can evolve into crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and Gila monsters, but not into dogs. Dogs evolved into wolves, coyotes, and jackals, but not into cats. Cats evolved into house cats, lions, tigers, and jaguars, but not into birds. You get the picture. Are scientists always right?​ Can the scientists be trusted? ​The "mainstream" scientific community does not like their theories challenged. Scientists didn't come to grips with the discovery of the Earth being round and the Sun being the center of the solar system. Those who believed in the theory were removed from the Scientific Social Club. Eventually, these self-righteous scientists recognized the truths that went against their grain. And so it will be these new truths, that support the creation described in the Bible. Some unbelievers say, "If God creates perfection, why is the Earth tilted on its axis?" The problem most of us humans have, as noted above, is that we must see to believe. "Ghosts don't exist because I never saw one." Only those who have seen ghosts believe they exist. My father saw one and told me about it. I believed him. Later, I saw the same ghost. My belief was confirmed by seeing it as well. "I didn't see a man walk on the moon, so it didn't happen." Say some people 50 years after it happened. Luckily, this website author doesn't have that problem, as he participated in it. "I have never seen an alien, so they don't exist.". Barney and Betty Hill will tell you differently. They were participants. They believe. So do the astronauts who walked on the moon. They have finally violated the "Silence" they were sworn to many years ago. "I don't see God, so He doesn't exist." This author has witnessed several personal miracles and believes in the divine. On one occasion, he drowned and "saw the light.". On another day, his heart stopped, he died, he came back to life , and he saw an angel standing beside him. If we don't see it, it's hard to believe. It's our nature. ​ Well, I experienced it, so I believe it. I'm telling you about it. Now, you should accept the story of my experience. The same should be true of the Bible. Someone experienced it, believed it, and told us about it, and now we should believe it. If we don't understand it, we ignore it; we run away from it or destroy it. That's what we do. ​ Hear a stranger in the house, shoot them, then figure out why they were there. Perhaps that's the reason why aliens never show themselves. We shoot first and investigate later. Perhaps it's a scare reflex built into our DNA. As it happens, Earth's tilt on its axis is explainable by several scientists. Facts have been revealed. Evidence shows that Earth was perfect on its axis. One theory is that the moon was created or placed in orbit, which caused the tilt. Another theory is that a large chunk of space junk hit Earth and knocked it off its axis. The collision shook the earth's mantle so hard that it separated the land mass into two pieces. From space, this can be seen in the photos of Earth and depicted on any globe you might look at. It hit the Gulf of Mexico and partially the land mass of Mexico. The belief is that the flood and the ashes in the air killed the dinosaurs and all mammals left on Earth. The written, non-biblical, and physical evidence and discoveries support this theory. This can give some credence to the idea that the Bible is authentic in its creation theory of a perfect earth. We can speculate on several theories. Think about this one. God could have sent the asteroid to deliberately hit the Earth to cause the extinction of the world. He could have thrown it like a rock. He also could have seen the asteroid and knew it was on a collision course with Earth. It is not far-fetched to believe either of these cases. God would have warned Noah and told him to build the boat and button up the hatches to spare humanity and the animals. Noah had instructions to build an Ark. Noah had foreknowledge or divine inspiration to get ready for this event. This collision shook Earth so much that there were earthquakes and volcano eruptions. The mantel shifted and caused the seas to have a tsunami that covered the Earth. As the mantels moved, they caused mountains to push up. Evidence is there to support this theory. Research the 120-mile-diameter Chicxulub Crater in Mexico. This theory explains a lot. Crank up the firestick and search for the documentaries. Do an online search for archeological findings and the N.A.S.A. files. Again, one might ask, did God see the asteroid coming and warn Noah, or did God deliberately send it as the Bible suggests? The Bible indicates that, in the beginning, there was one body of water and one body of land. Genesis 1:9-10 God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear. And it was so. God called the dry ground land.". (singular) . The point is, if things on the surface of our thinking don't seem believable, it doesn't mean they are not plausible. It doesn't mean that they do not exist. It's just possible that we don't understand it. It took quite a while before doctors believed that germs entered open wounds and caused infections. "No", this can't be." This is a common reaction for many who read Bible stories. "That sounds too ridiculous to be true." "It's not scientific and not provable." Many things were ridiculous and unbelievable until they were understood, discovered, or performed. The world has many things that were once not believed. Things like walking on the moon, being inside a machine that flies through the sky, electric lights, boats that go underwater, cell phones, or a box with moving pictures displayed on it were ridiculous and not understood by the ancients of Earth. Of course, now that we have experienced it, we believe it. The ancients would never have believed. I think you should be getting my point by now. As humans, we lack faith in what others tell us; we have to experience it for ourselves. More to the point, we LACK FAITH in the Ancient Manuscripts , because we have never experienced it. This does not mean they did not exist or are not real, true, or authentic. Someone wrote them and believed in what they wrote, so we should consider that the stories are real. Why is it so hard to believe in Bible miracals? Moses parted the sea? Someone witnessed it and wrote about it. Why shouldn't we believe what they wrote? Should we doubt that the Bible is authentic and true just because we weren't there to witness the events? The problem is that modern-day people were not there to see Moses part open the sea. Therefore, they don't believe it happened. Just like those who didn't see the landing on the moon. Many believe it didn't happen. I (this author) know it happened. I participated in it. It happened. I believe. I participated. I talked about it. I wrote about it. But some still don't believe it. Why? Because they didn't experience it, see it, or were involved in it. Also, people with a private agenda to refute what they don't believe can develop convincing theories. The same goes with the Bible. Unfortunately, there are many things we don't understand or don't see. Therefore, we are picky and refuse to believe. Jesus was a winemaker. "Turning water into wine, you have to be kidding me!" That's a common reaction. We can turn salt water into drinking water. Someone figured out how to do it. We experienced it, so now we believe it. So why can't water be turned into wine? No one in modern times has figured out how to do it yet. So we don't believe it yet. Someone witnessed wine made from water and wrote about it. So now I believe it. Is that so hard? How about this modern miracle? Petroleum oil contains the chemicals used to make aspirin. That's a proven fact. Acetylsalicylic acid is known as aspirin. The chemical synthesis of aspirin starts with oil. Oil has the petroleum derivative Benzene. Benzene is converted to Phenol. Phenol is converted to Salicylic Acid. Finally, Salicylic Acid is converted to Acetylsalicylic Acid (Also known as Aspirin.) Don't believe that aspirin comes from oil? Impossible, you say. Google it, because as humans, we only believe what we see, or what our " Scientists" bestow upon us. You should be getting the point by now! Reading has meaning but Seeing is believing. As the philosopher Comte said, "We only believe what we see.". No one alive today is a witness to the biblical stories. Therefore, the stories are hard to believe. Bumblebees fly, even though scientists do not understand why. If bumblebees were extinct, and the scientists told us that bumblebees could fly, we would not believe it. Bumblebees are big, bulky, and are not aerodynamic. Their wings are too small to allow flight for the size and weight of their body. We would NOT believe that they could fly. But they do fly. We cannot believe that a bumblebee can fly based on our knowledge and understanding of science as we know it today. We don't understand it. We see it. So now we believe it. There is no way, we can believe that water can turn into wine based on our knowledge and understanding of things as we know them today. We don't understand it. Neither did the servants at the wedding. The servants saw it. So then they believed it. Someone recorded it. So now we know. Our problem is that we didn't see it. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. We don't understand it, like how we can't comprehend how the bumblebee can fly. It is hard to believe he flies, but we see it. It is hard to believe in making wine from water, but someone saw it. ​Can a bird fly backward? Impossible and don't believe it say you. Google it, and then you will accept it. If you don't want to Google it, take it on faith that I am correct. I know what I am talking about because I saw one fly backward in my barn. Take the Bible on faith. The writers of the Bible might know what they're talking about. They saw it, they experienced it, and they wrote about it. It's that simple. Why discredit them because of our lack of understanding? The ancients believed that Moses parted the water. We did not witness the event, but that is no reason to think it is a fable. Humans walked on the moon. If you did not witness the event, there is no reason to think it is a fable. This author knows it's real because he participated. He worked for N.A.S.A., not a Hollywood production company. Just because the moon landing happened before you were born, and you were not a witness, there is no reason to believe it was a Hollywood production, as many believe. Witnesses record past events so we would know what happened. Trips to the moon happened. They were recorded. Events in the Bible happened. They were recorded. Why is there all this doubt in the world? Why did everyone doubt that the Earth was round? Why did the scientists of the day, doubt that the Earth revolved around the sun? The facts didn't fit their cultural, social, and technological beliefs. That's why. Why do many doubt the moon landing? It doesn't fit with their cultural and social beliefs. Their limited knowledge of science and physics makes it impossible to travel to the moon. They didn't witness it. They are skeptical. They don't want to take someone else's word for it. Why are there people who deny that the Jewish Holocaust happened? It's real. It's a fact. It was written about. It happened. I have FAITH in the books, magazines, stories, and documentaries that expose the truth about the Holocaust. I also have FAITH in the books of antiquity that expose the truth about Jesus. Why would we doubt the Bible about Moses parting a sea? The Bible is no different than any other ancient book. One must have faith, that the writers exposed the truth about the Bible's events. ​WHY no Faith? As I pointed out, the nonbelievers didn't experience it, therefore they can't fathom it. We didn't experience or see it, couldn't relate it to our current understanding of technology and science, and couldn't explain it with our social values; therefore, it never happened. People walking on the moon - who are you trying to kid? Get Real. That never happened. Polls show that 20% of Americans believe the moon landing was a fake. Almost a quarter of the population. Very sad! If we can't believe in an event as recent, as published, or as documented as the moon landing, how can we ever expect people to believe the Bible? Very Sad! Enough has been said. The point has been well made. What about the authors who wrote the Bible? The New Testament was written by disciples who personally knew Jesus. They lived the experience. Paul believed that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”. Paul hunted down, persecuted, arrested, and often murdered the disciples of Jesus before his conversion. Paul had a divine intervention with a heavenly spirit and converted. It is believed that the spirit was Jesus. He became one of the most faithful followers of Jesus. Jesus changed his name from Saul to Paul. Why would Paul have had such a dramatic change in his life, unless Jesus was the real deal? Is it reasonable to believe that Saul suddenly joined some "elaborate hoax" and "big conspiracy" of lies and deception after despising the Christian movement? Hardly! Most of the New Testament authors were, in some way, cruelly executed. Why would the Disciples and Apostles of Christ stick to their beliefs, if not true, in the face of persecution, ridicule, and certain death? Why allow themselves to suffer such a gruesome death? The religious authorities stoned Steven to death. Peter was crucified upside down. Andrew was tied to an "X" instead of nailed to a "T" cross for that "Extra Bit" of painful punishment. John the Baptist was beheaded. The apostles stuck to their belief in Jesus to the end. Why? There is a long list of martyrs who held to the truth. These disciples must have believed in God or witnessed the testimony of Jesus. The apostles witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus and His rising from the dead. Is it reasonable to assume that dozens of these men conspired and made up such unbelievable stories? I think not! They would not have gotten involved in a biblical conspiracy just to be persecuted and executed. It does not make sense that they would do that to support a 2,000-year-old tall tale. Is this how people behave in real life? People do not give up their lives for a lie. Any interrogator will tell you this. This is virtually against human nature. People will be quiet to save themselves unless pressured; then they talk their heads off to save themselves. History has shown that under the stress of interrogation, eventually, the truth will come out of the toughest resistor. These early "Christians" stuck to their beliefs until their dying breath. Why? Because they believed in the truth. Other non-Biblical authoritative and respected philosophers wrote about Biblical happenings. These early writers conferred or corroborated information in the Bible. They referred to events, places, and characters in the Bible. These writers are well-known, respected, and popular historians such as Aristotle, Plato, Homer, and Socrates. In the mix are secular writers like Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, Caesar, Euripides, and Tacitus. Christian writers, Augustine, Julian, Origen, Isidore, Quodvultdeus, Evagrius, Justin, Cuprian, Paulinus, Tertullian, Clement, and Julianus Pomerius, to name a few more. All these famous, reliable, and trustworthy writers have authenticated parts of the Bible stories. Archaeologists continue to discover Biblical evidence of items, places, and names in the Bible. It would take a book to describe everything found in the past 100 years. Here are a few discoveries made in recent years: Places discovered that validate the contents and truth of the Bible. Next to the Temple, an elaborate building was discovered. It is estimated that the building was shaken to pieces around 33 AD, by an earthquake. The Bible references this. Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe not. The walls of Jericho have been excavated. Kiriath Yearim has been discovered. The Bible mentions it several times. This is the place where the Ark of the Covenant was held. (1 Samuel 7:1–2). The Synagogue at Magdala , home of Mary of Magdalene was found. At least a dozen early Jewish temples have been uncovered. A palace belonging to King Manasseh, ruler in 2 Kings 21 is believed to be found. King Ahab's royal palace is located in the Middle East. The ancient location of the Jewish Tabernacle, Tel Shiloh , and the Holy Ark , has been discovered. The tomb of the prophet Jonah is in the Iraqi city of Mosul (aka Nineveh). Herod's living quarters and seaside complex were discovered. Genesis 36:31 states that there were kings in Edom before any Israelite kings. Excavations have proven this. ​ Things found that prove the truth, validity, and authority of the Bible. ​Crucified bodies have been discovered. This gives proof that crucifixions were common in those days. Buried chariots in the Red Sea were located where Moses possibly took the slaves across. The ancient scrolls repeat many of the Bible stories. A jug has been found with inscriptions of Gideon . Yes, that's real. A clay seal of a roaring lion dating to the reign of Jeroboam II, who ruled from 788-748 BC has been found. Royal seals have been found of Adonijah, Natan-Malech, and the governor of Jerusalem. 2 Kings 23:8 mentions them. A nameplate for Pontius Pilate was found. The plate is like one that is placed on a door or desk. A monument discovered in a farmer's field has the names of Bible people inscribed. Archeologists uncovered a pillar with an inscription about Jerusalem . Archeologists found Semitic writing on a limestone created during the time of Moses. This indicates that writing occurred during the time of Moses, implying that he could have written the five books. Archeologists uncovered a mosaic depicting Jesus feeding the multitude with fish and bread. This mosaic was found just south of where this event occurred. DNA extracted from skeletons excavated from burials at the Philistine city of Ashkelon in modern-day Israel showed European ancestry. Thus proving that the Jewish and Philistine communities intermingled as described in the Bible. Many skeletons of giants were found. The Bible mentions giants. Archeologists confirm many Bible characters. Ten crucial biblical archeological discoveries. Six finds prove the Bible. Is archaeology proving the Bible? Read about Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2021. Eight biblical archaeological discoveries. There are many discoveries left for the reader to Google for themselves. Discover that the Bible's contents are real. The evidence is available for those who seek it. Why do we trust copies of non-biblical books but not Bible books? The list of biblical findings is endless. One must search the Internet for "Proof of the Bible" for oneself. There is a lot of information available. Just because a book is old or a copy does not make it less authoritative or believable. Several copies of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Isaiah have been found. In each case, these copies were written at least 500 years apart. This gives credence to the fact that the scripture has had unwavering duplicates without change for half a millennium. After years of copying these two scriptures over and over, copies written 500 years apart are identical. This proves that the Bible has been accurately passed down from generation to generation. The scribes were meticulous when making copies of the Holy Scriptures and ensuring their accuracy. Here are other examples of document copies that are believable. The works of Aristotle are well known. Only copies have been discovered. Copies of Aristotle's works were written fourteen centuries after the originals. Do we believe that these copies are false, lies, inaccurate, and unbelievable? NO! Why Not? Why are Aristotle's copies believed to be true and accurate, but not the Bible? Here is an intriguing trivia tidbit about Aristotle. He believed that all religions were spiritual to the ignorant, not useful to the educated, and were a politician's tool. In other words, it's real and true to the common people, false to the upper class, and useful to those who control the public. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is believed. No originals. Copies of this work was created 100 years after the originals. Do we believe the copies are fake, untrustworthy, totally made up, and unbelievable? NOPE! Again, why not? Why is the accuracy of this ancient writing not doubted but we doubt the Bible? Margites, the work of Homer. Only copies are available. They were written in the 7th or 8th century. Do we believe these copies represent the original? Of course! Why? Why is the Bible treated differently than the copies of other ancient books? Cardenio, a play by Shakespeare. No originals; only copies. Do we believe copies are completely different and made up from the original, and is an inaccurate depiction of the original? Of course not! So, why would we believe anything differently about the books of the Bible ? We wouldn't. We shouldn't. It's that human nature thing interfering in our thought and reasoning process. Is there any reason we should not believe that the Bible is authentic? Researchers found over 5,000 copies of ancient Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. More than ten thousand copies of Bible Scripture were written in other ancient languages. All of these copies agree with each other in content. Fragments of these copies are dated as early as thirty years after the originals. All these scriptures have been proven to be replicas of each other. Why would we doubt their truth, authenticity, accuracy, and legitimacy?

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