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  • Children's Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible Quizzes for Children Quizzes are so easy that even a child can pass it. Click on the Icon below to start a quiz. Comprehesive Characters Biblical Events Biblical Places

  • Bible Truth, Trivia, and Quizzes | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Bible Facts and Fun Bible Trivia Learn about the history of the Bible, the people of the Bible, and the biblical stories inside the Bible. Physical Bible Information : Bible facts and Bible Trivia. What do you know about the physical Bible? Inside the Bible : Intriguing and fascinating Biblical information and stories worth reading. Bible Personalities : There are over 3,000 Bible characters with extremely fascinating personalities. Bible History : The Bible didn't just appear one day. Are you curious about the creation of the Bible? Bible Trivia - Facts : Interesting trivia of things in the Bible. You might be amazed at what's in t he Bible. Click on the Menu bar, the Links above, or the Icons below to supplement your Bible knowledge. History of the Holy Bible and how it developed. Bible History Bible Timeline Facts about the Physical aspects of the Bible. About the Bible Trust the Bible The characters, people, and personalities of the Bible. Bible Persons Bible Trivia Lost Scriptures "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

  • Interesting Bible Persons | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Interesting Bible Persons and Intriguing Facts about them. Truth, trivia, fact, and information about Bible characters. Learn the facts about the people in the Bible. Jesus the Son of God. It's not Jesus Christ. The fact is, it's Jesus "The " Christ. Christ is a title, not a name. His other titles are Messiah, Anointed One, Lord, and Master. His names are Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, and Jesus Son of Joseph. The title of Christ comes from the Greek text. χριστός translated as chrīstós , which means "anointed one" . ​ The native language of Jesus was Aramaic with a Galilean accent. Jesus would also have spoken Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, as they were popular languages in temples, synagogues, politics, and economic trade during His time. Jesus would have been exposed to these languages and spoken them. What language did Jesus speak? Was Jesus always liked? The fact is that Jesus was literally and bodily thrown out of town. Jesus read a scroll and spoke at a synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. The members of the synagogue did not like what Jesus said. They took Jesus by force up to the brow of a hill and were going to throw him over the cliff. The truth is that before they could push him over, Jesus just turned and walked away through the crowd. Luke 4:20-29 At a nearby graveyard, many bodies were resurrected at the moment of Jesus' death. As Jesus died, the earth shook and cracked open many graves and tombs. Those exposed immediately rose from the dead and went into Jerusalem to be seen by all. Matthew 27 A bit of Bible trivia about Jesus raising a young girl from the dead. Jairus was a synagogue leader and begged Jesus to heal his 12-year-old daughter. Luke 8 A miracle happened at a funeral procession near the gate of the village of Nain. Jesus and the disciples came upon a funeral procession at the gate. They had compassion for a widow and raised her only son from the dead. Luke 7 Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples at the "Last Supper" as a symbolic gesture. John 13:1-12 Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene. Mary was of Jewish culture and from the fishing village of Magdala on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. She became a devoted follower of Jesus and was present at his crucifixion and burial. Mary traveled with Jesus and was wealthy enough to help support his ministry. She was probably part of the "Inner Circle" of the closest disciples to Jesus. Mary was the first one to see Jesus after His resurrection. Mary most likely died in 100 AD. Many historians and scholars suggest she may have had an intimate relationship with Jesus. No, not sexual! Well, some think they may have been married. The Bible does not support that belief. Luke 8 Jesus did not walk alone on the water at the Sea of Galilee. Jesus sent the disciples ahead of him on a boat while he stayed a while and prayed. The boat was a way out from the shore, so Jesus decided to walk to the boat on the water. The disciples saw him in the distance and thought Jesus was a ghost. Jesus called Peter, and Peter got out of the boat and started walking on water towards Jesus. But Peter got scared and started to sink.Jesus had to save Peter and famously said, "You of little faith." Matthew 14 It was quite an event! Apart from Jesus, there are Bible facts about many other people who were also resurrected. The most famous is probably Lazarus, who was Jesus' best friend. The sight of Lazarus' mourning family moved Jesus to tears. The shortest verse in the Bible. " Jesus Wept . " The family of Lazarus was angry at Jesus because Jesus showed up four days after Lazarus lay dead. John 11:32-36 Other ancient sources of facts in the first century AD, besides the Bible, tell of the existence of Jesus. Tacitus. A Roman historian wrote about Nero blaming Jesus's followers for burning down the city of Rome. Pliny the Younger, a Roman, speaks of the followers of Jesus and their culture. Josephus , the Jewish historian, wrote about Jesus and his brother James. The Babylonian Talmud speaks of the crucifixion of Jesus. Lucian of Samosata, a Greek satirist, wrote about the Christians and the crucifixion of their leader, Jesus. Many others have written about "Christians" and can be found by those who wish to Google it. Salvation through Jesus. Jesus will save you from burning in Hell's eternal fire and allow you to enter the safety of Heaven. The general theme of the Bible supports this over and over. This message from Jesus is known as The Good News. The Bible facts tell how to get to Heaven and stay out of Hell. Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23; 10:9-10 Realize that sinners go to Hell. Revelation 21:8 Believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from sin and life in Hell. Romans 5:8 ; John 3:16 Recognize your sin in prayer before God and ask for forgiveness. Acts 3:19 Turn from your old life to a newer life of following God's instructions and commands. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Upon doing so, receive the graceful and free gift of God's salvation through your faith in Jesus. Ephesians 2:8 Check out these facts and trivia about Moses. Moses was Hebrew and a prophet, teacher, and leader. He is among the most important prophets in Christianity. He was born in the Land of Goshen and died on Mount Nebo in Jordon. Zipporah, a Minianite, was his first wife. The Bible also mentions that he was later married to an unnamed Cushite. His children were Gershom and Eliezer. He had a brother, Aaron , and an older sister, Miriam. Jochebed was his mother and Amram was his father. The Egyptian Pharoh's daughter adopted Moses when he was 3 months old. Moses is called the lawgiver because God physically gave the Ten Commandments to him. ​ Moses was saved from certain death. During the time that Moses was born, the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. The Pharoh was concerned about the population growth of the Hebrews and feared that they might one day revolt and take over the country. Pharoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed to keep the population down. Jochebed hid Moses for several months and then decided to put him in a floating basket and allow Moses to float down the river in hopes that the Royal Family would find him and take care of him. The plan worked, as Pharoh's daughter was bathing in the Nile River when the basket floated by. Moses was adopted by the daughter, and grew up and treated as royalty. ​ Moses committed murder. One day Moses took a walk to where his people (Hebrews) were working to see what was going on. He saw a taskmaster beat a slave and Moses got extremely angry. A bad temper was one of Moses' bad traits. Moses killed the Egyptian taskmaster and buried him in the sand. Unfortunately, he was seen doing this. Fearing for his life, Moses went on the lam and left Egpyt, ending up in Midian. Upon arriving in Midian he met a group of young girls tending sheep. The short story is that he ended up marrying Zipporah, one of the girls, and working for her father, Reuel. Exodus 2:11-22 ​ Moses talked to a burning bush. ​Moses had a new life as a sheep herder for Reuel, the father of his wife. Moses was tending his father-in-law's flock when God arrived to inform Moses of a job that God wanted Moses to do. God appears as a burning bush at the base of Mount Horeb (the mountain of God) and lays out His plan for Moses. Of course, Moses, being who he was, argued with God. HE ARGUED WITH GOD. Can you imagine? Moses didn't want to do what God wanted. He made up many excuses including the fact that he had a speech impediment. God said that Aaron, his brother, would be Moses' spoke person. Moses finally agrees after the conversation with God. God probably already knew the type of man He was dealing with in Moses. This plan was called The Great Exodus. The plan was for Moses to lead the Israelite slaves out of Egypt to the promised land of milk and honey in Canaan. ​ Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt and to the promised land of Canan. Moses confronts Pharoh who refuses to "Let thy people go!). Through Moses, God deals out 10 plagues to Egpyt. The last one is the death of all firstborn males. Finally, the Egyptian people revolted against the Pharoh and he said "Let thy people go!". The mass of slaves led by Moses reached the Red Sea and encamped there. Pharaoh changes his mind and sends all of his chariots after the slaves to bring them back. Moses spreads his arms, the Red Sea parts, and the slaves escape through the parted sea. The slaves make it to the other side, the Egyptian chariots are inside the parted sea, and the water collapses on them and kills them all. Some bad things happened during the trek to the promised land of milk and honey in Canan. The people constantly complained ; which ultimately upset God, and God made the Israelites walk around in the desert for 40 years until all the people who complained died off. Korah rebelled against Moses and God caused the earth to open up and swallow up him and his followers. Moses' sister, Miriam, challenged Moses for leadership and God gave her leprosy. She healed after learning her lesson. Moses lost his temper often because of the bad behavior of the Israelites he was leading. Moses received the two tablets of the Ten Commandments that God gave him. He brought them down from the mountain after talking with God. When he arrived at the encampment he saw everyone worshipping a Golden Calf Idol. Mose was infuriated and threw the Ten Commandments that God made to the ground and shattered them. Very displeasing to God. Moses had to trek back up to the mountain for a second copy. Can you imagine? On another occasion, the Israelites complained about being thirsty. God told Moses to go to Hajar Musa. Moses was instructed to talk to a rock and it would pour forth water. Again, Moses' anger got to him. When at the rock he said something like, "Here's your dang water you miserable unbelievers", and smacked the rock hard with his walking stick. He was supposed to talk to it. As a result, God forbade Moses from entering the promised land. God allowed Moses to see Canan from atop Mount Nebo, but not to enter it. Shortly after Moses died there. ​ Jonah A popular belief in Bible trivia is that a big fish transported one of God's messengers. God had a preaching job for Jonah. Jonah did not want to do the job; so Jonah tried to run away from God in a boat to Tarshis in Spain. God caused a great storm around the boat, forcing the sailors to toss Jonah overboard. God sent a big fish after Jonah. The fish swallowed Jonah and carried him to Nineveh. Upon arrival, the fish threw Jonah up on the beach. The fish most likely was a mammal, a whale. Read about the story in the Book of Jonah in chapter one. Take this Bible class on Jonah. Balaam In the Bible, an animal talked. Balaam was riding his donkey, and the donkey stopped and spoke to Balaam. The donkey saw a spiritual being in front of him. The donkey wouldn't move, so Balaam beat the donkey. The donkey turned his head and asked Balaam, "What have I done that you beat me?". Numbers 22: 21-39 Here are the facts! Steven Here are the facts of the synagogue, which made false witnesses against a disciple they did not like. He became the first Christian martyr. Seven disciples of Jesus, having good faith, were chosen to minister "The Word" to the world. The apostles chose them and laid hands upon them. These seven were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas. "Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." So states the Bible. As Stephen was very outspoken, more so than the other six, he was greatly disturbing to the powers that be. The Bible facts show that elders and scribes approached him, seized him, and brought him to the council. He was sentenced for "speaking blasphemous words" and then stoned to death in the public area. Acts 6:1-15 Read the whole story. Judas Facts of a man "selling out" the Messiah for 30 pieces of silver. Thirty pieces of silver were the usual amount of payment for the purchase of a slave. This amount was an insult given by the "church authorities" , based on what they thought about Jesus. He was only worth the cost of a slave. Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, betrayed Jesus by leading the riotous religious leaders to Him. Judas was the treasurer of the small group of the Apostles and was possibly greedy. Judas was also from the South and looked upon as an outsider, which he may have resented. Jesus identified Judas as a betrayer at the Last Supper by dipping bread into a dish and passing it to Judas. Judas led the hateful and vengeful religious "authorities" and identified Jesus by kissing Him on the cheek. After everything took place, Judas regretted his actions and gave the money back to the church leaders. The leaders refused the "blood money" (money they paid) and used it to purchase a potter's field. Judas died afterward in that field. The Bible facts were not clear on how he died. The tradition is that he was so upset that he hung himself. Matthew 27:3-8. Judas went into a field and exploded, with his guts gushing forth. Acts 1:16-20 Perhaps he hung himself, the rope came loose, he fell to the ground, and God gushed his bowels. An analysis of the situation. Elijah A prophet is whisked away into heaven in a fiery chariot. God called Elijah to a pickup site on the other side of the Jordan and took him alive to Heaven. It was a previous prophecy. All those present at the time knew of this prophecy except Elisha. Elisha found out at the last minute and accompanied Elijah to the pickup. Elijah, Elisha, and fifty other sons of the prophets gathered at the River Jordan. Elijah parted the river. Elijah and Elisha crossed over to the far side. The fifty stayed on the near side, watching. The chariot came, Elijah climbed aboard, and his robe dropped, and when it hit the water, it parted the river again. Elisha picked up the coat and crossed back through the parted water to the near side, meeting with the fifty onlookers. 2 Kings 2:1-14 Was it a chariot? The son of Zarephath, the widow, was raised by Elijah. Elijah saw Zarephath at the gate and asked her for water. He ended up boarding at her house. Sometime later, her son got sick. Then he died. Elijah raised the boy after he died. 1 King 17:17-24 Elisha A little-known piece of Bible trivia about a prophet who caused bears to maul a group of young men. A large group of undisciplined teenagers (brats) teased Elisha about his baldness. Elisha could not hold his anger and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Instantly, two female bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of the boys. Elisha was Elijah's apprentice and took over after Elijah was taken to heaven. 2 Kings 2. Questions answered! Elisha raised the son of a Shunammite woman. Elisha had stayed at this woman's home years earlier and prayed for her to have a son. Her son was born, and several years later, the son died. The woman called upon Elisha, and he came and raised the boy from his death. 2 Kings 4 Here is an intriguing Bible trivia about an Israelite man who was resurrected during his funeral, by Elisha. The gravediggers of a man they were burying became startled by invaders. They were scared and wanted to get out of there. They hastily threw the man's body into Elisha's nearby tomb. If you didn't know, Elisha was lying in there dead. The man's dead body touched Elisha's bones, and the man was instantly resurrected. 2 Kings 13:20-21 Paul A fun Bible fact tells about Paul raising a young man during a sermon. Paul was giving a long-winded sermon late into the night. Eutychus was sitting on a windowsill, dozed off, and fell out of the window to his death below. Paul had to go down and bring the young man back to life. Acts 20:7 Peter Dorcas, of Joppa, was resurrected by Peter. Dorcas was a well-known social worker who helped everyone. Peter was also well known and was nearby. The family called Peter to the room where Dorcas lay. He raised her from the dead. Acts 9 Jacob He wrestled with God, so he believed. "Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak." The unknown wrestler could not win the wrestling match, so he touched Jacob's hip and put it out of joint. When Jacob asked for the stranger's name, the stranger responded, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and men and won, so your name will be Israel.” Genesis 32:22-31 Samson The feats of Samson. He didn't like the Philistines. He killed a lion that popped out of nowhere while he was traveling to visit his soon-to-be Philistine wife. Judges 14:5–9 He killed 30 Philistines to celebrate his marriage, sort of. Judges 14:19 He set the foxes' tails on fire, which burned up the Philistines' crops. Judges 15:4-6 He killed the Philistines because they burned his wife and her father to death. Judges 15:7-8 He killed 1,000 Philistines with the jaw of a jackass when they came for revenge for the above. Judges 15:14-17 He tore up the gates of the city and their posts when he found out the good citizens were plotting to kill him. Judges 16:1-3 Sampson snapped apart 16 bowstrings that Delilah bound him in. Judges 16:6-8 Sampson snapped apart the strong rope that Delilah bound him to. Judges 10:12 Was David the one who killed Goliath? 1 Samuel says, Yes . 2 Samuel says, No. Read these Bible facts to decide for yourself. How long did the early Biblical forefathers live? Here's the list of who lived over 100 years. Adam The first man - 930 yrs. Seth Adam's son - 912 yrs. Enosh Seth's son - 905 yrs. Methuselah Oldest Man - 969 yrs. Noah Ark Builder - 950 yrs. Shem Noah's son - 600 yrs. Arphaxad Shem's son - 438 yrs. Shelah Judah's son - 433 yrs. Peleg Tower of Bable - 239 yrs. Terah Abraham's father - 148 yrs. Abraham First patriarch - 175 yrs. Isaac Abrahams Son - 180 yrs. Jacob Renamed Israel - 147 yrs. Moses Freed the slaves - 120 yrs. Joshua Entered Canan - 110 yrs. There were twelve Apostles and the original 12 disciples of Jesus. Andrew: He is Peter's brother. A fisherman with Peter. The first one Jesus called to service. Peter: He was also called Simon or Simon Peter. He denied knowing Jesus three times during the passion. James: The son of Zebedee, the brother of John, the first apostle martyred, was killed by the orders of Herod. John: son of Zebedee. Jesus found John at the seashore. Possibly a fishermen. He died of natural causes. Philip: The fifth one called. He was with Jesus during the feeding of the 5,000. Bartholomew: He has also been called Nathanial. Tradition says he was flayed and then beheaded. Matthew: He was a tax collector. He rebuked King Hirtacus for lusting over a young girl. The king had him killed. Thomas: He was the one who saw the resurrected Jesus and doubted that it was Jesus. James: son of Alphaeus. He is believed to have spread the Gospel to Persia and was martyred there. Simon the Zealot: He is believed to have evangelized in Egypt and partnered with Judas, the brother of Jesus. Thaddeus: The son of James, also called Judas. Tradition claims he was crucified in Edessa where he had a church. Judas Iscariot: He betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin. He killed himself in remorse afterward. Matthias: A disciple of Jesus from the beginning, but was called (decided by lot) to replace Judas. ​ ​ Some other interesting people.

  • Christian Christmas traditions | Bible Quiz and Facts

    The Modern Christmas Traditions? Christian Christmas Traditions How do Christians view the Christmas Traditions? The Christmas Tree Tradition. Why a Christmas tree? The tree is a reminder of the Crucifixion of Jesus. According to Paul, Jesus hung on a tree. It could have been a tree. Trees are always popular for executions. It is unlikely that a bark-stripped tree trunk was used. Most likely, the cross was an accurately milled 8" x 8" chunk of lumber. Carpentry was a prolific profession during the time of Jesus Jesus himself was a carpenter. Tradition says the cross is made of Dogwood. The Bible does not specify what kind of wood, but the common woods of the time were Dogwood, Gopher, Shittim wood, Acacia, and Cedar as mentioned in the Bible. Another traditional theory states that his body was held by Cypress wood, his feet held by Ceder wood, and his hands were nailed to a cross piece made from the wood of a Palm tree. The inscribed plaque was made of wood from the Olive tree. Pine trees are the traditional ones used at Christmas because they are most plentiful in full bloom during Christmas. ​​​ A Star at the top of the Tree. The star reminds us that the Magi were guided to young Jesus by the bright Star of Bethlehem . Generally, a star is placed at the top of the tree to signify this. An Angel at the top of the Tree. A single angel represents how the shepherds learned about the birth of Jesus. Some folks hang many angels on the branches of their Christmas tree. This is a reminder that after the initial angel approached the shepherds many angels came and joined in the celebration of rejoicing in the birth. Lights on the Tree. Lights on the tree are a reminder of the Tabernacle , where there was communication with God. The tabernacles were lit by candles using one or more sacred candle sticks known as the Menorah. The original Menorahs appear as being like branches of a tree. In early tradition candles appeared on Christmas trees. Light bulbs became more popular than candles. This author can remember we had bubbly lights that looked like candles. Some cultures still use live candles to keep tradition. It is more common to see electric candles and most often just light bulbs. Who is Santa Claus? The character of Santa Claus is an actual person who lived during the 4th century in Turkey which was part of Greece. Santa Claus, aka Bishop Nicholas , was very religious and generous. He has been called Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Sinterklaas, or Saint Nick. Saint Nick was generally not seen by the public while doing good deeds or giving gifts to the underprivileged. The belief is that he did much of this in the shadows of darkness so as not to be recognized. ​ The giving of Gifts. There are many stories of how modern gift-giving started. The strongest belief is that gift-giving at Christmas was started to honor Bishop Nicholas, as proposed by Martin Luther. The more common belief is that it comes from the gift-giving of the Magi to the newly-born Christ. The Bible instructs us to give to the less fortunate, and what better time than Christmas? t should be with love that gifts are given by a Christian with compassion for others and doing what the Bible instructs. ​

  • Children's Easy Bible Character Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Children's Easy Bible Character Quiz Easy Quiz for Children concerning Bible Personalities. After your selection, the next question will appear automatically.

  • Children's Easy Physical Bible Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Children's Easy Bible Places Quiz Easy Quiz for Children concerning Places in the Bible. Click on the circle of your answer. After your selection, the next question will appear automatically.

  • Lost Bible Books and Scripture | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Lost Bible Books with Facts and Bible Trivia Lost scripture and lost books of the Bible. Biblical scripture, manuscripts, and books that are lost and forgotten. Lost books that are not part of the Bible. The original Scripture was manuscripts, codexes, and letters, not books. The early church condemned much of the early Bible Scriptures for various reasons, such as: being written by unknown authors, their writings being unpleasant, not important enough, contrary to their beliefs, and contrary to the majority of other writings. Some scriptures were not well used or copied and were just forgotten about. Many of the lost biblical manuscripts are known about and referenced in other writings. The modern Bible mentions several lost books. Jesus mentions a book. The Lord mentions the Book of Jashar when speaking to Joshua. David, when he is mourning the death of Saul, mentions the Book of Jashar. The Bible mentions half a dozen other biblical books. The modern Bible does not include any of these books, that it mentions itself. The question one should ask is: If these scriptures were good enough to be used by disciples of the past, our forefathers, so to speak, and Jesus himself. Shouldn't those scriptures be good enough for us in modern times? Believers used many of these manuscripts before 1611. Then King James said, "Slim down the Bible" and "Make the Bible smaller to be carried easily." If not for that event in 1611, the Bibles found at the pulpit now, in modern times, might still weigh a ton and be secured down so as not to fall off the pulpit or be carried off. Something to think about! ​ Here is a short list of some of the most known lost manuscripts . ( There are many more. ) Adam and Eve: The two books tell of the conflicts between Adam and Eve and Satan. The Book of Enoch: This explains the origins of demons and Nephilim and why some angels fell from heaven. The Book of Jasher: Joshua 10:13 of the Hebrew Bible mentions this book. The book is completely lost. The Book of Jubilees: It's about instructions Moses got from God and the angels on Mt. Sinai. The Epistle of Paul: A letter from Paul to the Laodiceans. The Epistle of Barnabas: This letter tells how the Jews misinterpreted their laws. The Fourth Book of Maccabees: A woman and her sons are tortured for not denouncing Judaism. The Gospel of Infancy: The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Syriac Infancy Gospel). It concerned the childhood of Jesus. The Gospel of James: The Early Life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Also known as the Protevangelion. The Gospel of Judas: This tells about conversations between Judas and Jesus. The Gospel of Mary: The relationship between Mary and Jesus with specific knowledge given to Mary. The Gospel of Nicodemus: This writing tells about the trial of Jesus and the acts of Pilate. The Gospel of Peter: Peter tells about the crucifixion of Jesus. Blame is laid on Herod instead of Pilate. The Gospel of Phillip: Phillip tells about devotion to the Lord and refers to baptism, anointing, and marriage. The Gospel of Thomas: Hidden words that the living Jesus spoke, as written by Didymos Judas Thomas. ​ Many other significant documents are lost; they could collaborate with biblical events. They were lost at the hands of humans. It has been human nature to destroy. Leaders always tend to order the destruction of things they hate. Wars destroyed many structures, religious artifacts, and biblical writings. Some documents got lost at the whims of those with no appreciation for conserving or saving. Let's not forget those who were "anti-religious" and destroyed religious artifacts. Adolf Hitler is a good example. During WWII, Hitler ordered that all Hebrew Bibles and anything of a religious nature were to be burned. Mary I of England, another one, made Protestantism illegal, killed hundreds of Christians, confiscated their properties, and had their possessions burned. Smithsonian: This is the top ten list of the most important lost religious documents. Wikipedia: It provides a list of lost biblical transcripts. A list of lost biblical scripture. ​ "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

  • Childrens Comprehensive Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Children's Comprehensive Bible Question Quiz The answers are below the question. Don't look at the answer until after you guess. Well, unless you have to. 100 mixed general Bible trivia information questions for children. Answer these questions about the physical Bible. What is the total number of books in the New and Old Testaments? a. Two (2) books. b. Forty (40) books. c. Sixty-six (66) books. c. 66 There are 66 books in the Bible. What year was the original King James Bible published? a. 1492 b. 1611 c. 1776 b. 1611. The King James Bible was published in the year 1611. Which language was most of the original Old Testament written in? a. Farsi b. Hebrew c. Egyptian b. Hebrew. The Old Testament was primarily written in Hebrew. Which language was most of the original New Testament written in? a. Latin b. Greek c. Roman b. Greek. The New Testament was primarily written in Koine Greek. The first book in the Bible. a. Alpha b. Genesis c. Moses b. Genesis The first book in the protestant Bible is Genesis, which Moses is given credit for writing. The last book in the Bible. a. Omega b. John 3 c. Revelation c. Revelation The last book in the protestant Bible is Revelation. John is given credit for writing. A few Bibles have a third section added between the testaments. What is this middle section called? a. Beatitudes. b. Apocrypha. c. Books of law. b. Apocrypha. The third section of scripture has been added to some the Apocrypha. What are the first words in the Bible? a. "In the beginning ..." . b. "On the first day ..." . c. "God made Adam and Eve." a. "In the beginning". The first few words of the Bible are "In the beginning...". How are the words shown in some Bibles that Jesus spoke ? a. Written in italics. b. His words are in bold. c. Words are in red letters. c. Red Letters. The words that Jesus spoke are written in red ink. What are the first four books of the New Testament called? a. Pentateuch b. Torah c. The Gospels c. Gospels. The first four books of the New Testament are known as The Gospels. They tell the story of Jesus' ministry. What are the first five books of the Old Testament called? a. Pentateuch b. Gospels c. Books of Creation a. Pentateuch. The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Pentateuch. What is the Bible considered to be? a. One complete book. b. Two books bound together. c. A collection of many books bound together. c. A collection of books. The Bible is not one book. It is a collection of many books bound together. Who are these Bible Characters? ​ Who were the first humans on earth? a. Abraham and Sarah. b. Mary and Joseph. c. Adam and Eve. c. Adam and Ever were the first humans on earth. What did God create Adam from? a. Carbon. b. The sun's rays. c. Dust of the Earth. c. God created Adam from the dust of the Earth and was called man. How was Eve created? a. From Adam's rib. b. From the virgin Mary. c. From the dust of the Earth. c. Eve was created from Adam's rib and was called wo man. Who did God give the 10 commandments to? a. Moses. b. Noah. c. Abraham. a. God gave the 10 commandments to Moses on two slabs of slate. Who was transported by a big fish? a. Peter. b. Jonah. c. Jesus. b. Jonah was transported to Ninevah for 3 days by a big fish. What was the first murderer in the Bible? a. Adam. He killed Eve for eating an apple. b. Cain. He killed his brother Abel because he was jealous. c. Pontius Pilate. He allowed Jesus to be crucified. b. Cain was jealous of his brother Able because Abel's animal sacrifice was considered better than Cain's crops. Who killed 1,000 Philistines with a jawbone? a. Samson. b. David. c. Daniel. a. Samson hated the Philistines for things they had done to him and in his rage, he killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. Who built a giant boat when God caused a great flood? a. Peter and his brother Andrew. b. Jacob and his twelve sons. c. Noah. c. Noah is estimated to have been 500 years old and spent about 100 years building a giant boat called the Ark. Noah was instructed by God to build a boat. This was in preparation for a flood that would destroy the world. Who was put into a lion's den for praying to God instead of an idol? a. Paul. b. Daniel. c. John. b. Daniel was ordered into the Lion's den by King Darius for not praying to an idol. King Darius was tricked into it by his jealous subjects who disliked Daniel. Who was the wisest King in the Bible? a. Herod. b. Saul. c. Solomon. c. Solomon was considered to be the wisest king of Israel. Who was the mother of Jesus? a. Mary. b. Ruth. c. Hannah. c. A virgin named Mary was the mother of Jesus. Who killed the giant Philistine named Goliath? a. David the shepherd with a sling and a stone. b. Peter with his sword at the Garden of Gethsemane. c. Elijah who called out some bears from the woods to kill Goliath. a. David killed the giant Goliath with a sling and stone. He was a young shepherd. at the time. Goliath was fighting for the Philistines during a battle with the Israelites. Questions about the birth of Jesus. ​​ Who is called the Son of God? a. Adam who was created from the dust of the ground. b. Jesus who was born in the flesh to a virgin. c. Abraham the founder of Judaism, is the Son of God. B Who was king when Jesus was born? a. Saul, the very first king reigned during the time of his birth. b. King Herod, was ruling at the time Jesus was born. c. Solomon, the wisest king, oversaw the birth of Jesus. B Who were the earthly parents of Jesus? a. Mary and Joseph. b. Adam and Eve. c. Abraham and Sarah. A Who told Mary she was going to have baby Jesus? a. Her cousin Elizabeth. b. The Angel Gabriel. c. God in a Vision. B What city was Jesus born in? a. Jesus was born in a barn in Nazareth. b. He was born near Bethlehem. c. The birth took place in a temple in Jerusalem. B What city did Jesus grow up in when he was a child? a. Jesus grew up in Nazareth. b. Bethlehem is where Jesus lived his entire life. c. Jesus lived in Jerusalem during his childhood. A What were the three Wise Men called? a. Heavenly messengers from the West. b. Professors and learned men of magic. c. The wise men were called Magi. C How did the three Wise Men know how to find Jesus? a. An angel told them what city Jesus was in. b. The wise men followed a heavenly star. c. They went and asked Pontius Pilate. B Where did Joseph and Mary stay when Jesus was born? a. At a roadside inn along the road from Nazareth. b. In an animal stable near Bethlehem. c. In a hotel basement in Bethlehem. B Why did Joseph and Mary take baby Jesus to Egypt? a. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. b. So Jesus could be baptized. c. They had to go pay taxes. A Who brought gifts to baby Jesus? a. Three wise men called Magi. b. The priests from Bethlehem. c. King Herod. A Besides the Magi, who else came to visit the baby Jesus? a. Shepherds from a nearby field. b. Priests from the synagogue. c. Believers from Bethlehem. A Questions about Jesus the Messiah. ​ ​ Who denied Jesus three times on the night of his arrest? a. Judas said he did not recognize Jesus. b. Peter denied Jesus before the cock crowed. c. His mother, Mary, said she didn't know Jesus. b. Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed on the night of the arrest. Who betrayed Jesus at the moment of his arrest? a. Mary Magnalien, who wanted nothing to do with Jesus. b. Judas Iscariot, who kissed Jesus. c. Saul, who hated the Jews. b. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane by kissing Jesus on the cheek to identify Jesus to the mob that came to arrest him. What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment? a. Give honor to your parents. b. Love your neighbors. c. Go to church. b. According to Jesus the first and greatest commandment is the love for God and the love of your fellow man. During Jesus' arrest, who cut the ear off a guard? a. Peter with his sword. b. Judas with his knife. c. Paul, using Peter's knife. a. Peter cut off the right ear of the High Priest's slave Malchus with his sword. Peter was trying to prevent the arrest of Jesus. Jesus then had to put the ear back on and heal Malchus. This was probably the last Miracle Jesus performed. After the crucifixion, where was the body of Jesus taken? a. A man named Joseph moved the body to a tomb. b. The priests took it to the temple. c. His brothers buried him in the Garden of Gethsemane. a. Joseph a wealthy man from Arimathea, Judea, claimed the body of Jesus and placed him in his burial cave. Joseph and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus' body in burial cloth and spices. What did Judas do to identify Jesus when they arrested him? a. Judas shook hands with Jesus. b. Judas pointed and said, "That's him; that's Jesus." c. Judas walked up to Jesus and kissed Jesus on the face. c. Judas kissed Jesus to identify him to the mob. When did Jesus rise from the dead after his crucifixion? a. The first day. b. The second day. c. The third day. c. Jesus rose the third day after his crucifixion. He stayed on Earth for 40 days before ascending into Heaven. What happened right after Jesus was baptized? a. The spirit of God descended like a dove upon Jesus. b. The skies opened up with great thunder. c. The ground shook like a great earthquake. a. The spirit of God entered Jesus when he was baptized. Before Jesus started preaching, what did He do for work? a. He was a carpenter. b. He was a deacon in the synagogue. c. He was a fisherman like many of the villagers. a. Jesus worked as a carpenter like his stepfather Joseph. What was the first miracle that Jesus did? a. He cured a blind man. b. He made wine for a wedding. c. He fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. b. Jesus' first miracle was making 120 gallons of wine at a wedding in Cana. The host ran out of wine and Mary insisted that her son, Jesus, make more wine. What did Joseph, the father of Jesus, do for work? a. He was a carpenter. b. He was a fisherman. c. He was a tax collector. a. Joseph was a carpenter. A verse in the Bible says Jesus wept . Why? a. Judas betrayed Him. b. His best friend, Lazarus, had died. c. Jesus knew of His upcoming crucifixion. b. Jesus wept for the sisters of Lazarus when he saw how upset they were over their brother Lazarus' death. Questions about the Apostles. ​ How many apostles were there? a. Jesus authorized six apostles. b. Ten disciples were selected to follow Him. c. Jesus selected twelve apostles. d. Forty apostles all together served Jesus. C What did Jesus do to the apostles at the Last Supper? a. Kept giving them wine until they were in a relaxed state. b. Made them wash their hands before eating the bread. c. He washed their feet. C Which disciple was a doctor? a. Matthew b. Luke c. John B Which disciple was a tax collector? a. Matthew b. Luke c. John A Was Paul an apostle? a. No b. Yes A Jesus had an inner circle of apostles. Who were they? a. Peter, James, and John. b. Peter, Simon, and Judas. c. Peter, Thomas, and Matthew. A Was there a thirteenth apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot? a. No b. Yes B Who replaced Judas Iscariot? a. Mathias. b. Luke. c. Jonah. A Which apostle did Jesus name the rock? a. Peter, because Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, which means "rock". b. James, because he was the foundation of the Judaism movement. c. John, because he was persistent and steadfast in his beliefs. A After the resurrection, which apostle doubted that it was Jesus? a. Peter did not believe the resurrection took place. b. Thomas doubted Jesus was risen until he saw the scars in His hands. c. Matthew denied everything that happened after the crucifixion. B Which apostle was crucified upside down? a. Peter, because he felt unworthy to die the same as Jesus. b. Thomas, because he wanted to suffer more than Jesus. c. Matthew, because he wanted to show defiance to the authorities. A What apostles did Jesus call the sons of thunder? a. James and John. b. Peter and Matthew. c. Bartholomew and Thaddeus. A Quiz about the Boat called the Ark. ​ The word "ARK" means what? a. A boat or ship. b. A chest or box. c. A waterproof container. B How many unclean animals went into the Ark? a. Two pairs of hoofed and one pair of non-hoofed animals. b. A pair of each un-clean kind. c. Three pairs of each kind. B How many people were on the Ark? a. Two people were on the Ark: Noah, and his wife. b. Four people went on the Ark: Noah, and his three sons. c. Eight people, which included all of Noah's family. C Who built the Ark? a. Moses b. Noah c. Adam B How long did it take to build the Ark ? a. One year. b. 40 years. c. 80-120 years. C What was Noah's age God told him to build the Ark. a. 480 years. b. 120 years. c. 80 years. A What kind of wood was the Ark built of? a. Oak b. Pine c. Gopher C What was the measurement used to build the Ark? a. Yards b. Cubits c. Meters B How long did the people stay in the Ark? a. 40 days. b. 40 weeks. c. a whole year. C Where did the Ark rest after the flood? a. Mount Sinai. b. Mount Ararat. c. The Alps. B What two birds flew from the Ark? a. Raven first and then a dove later. b. Pigeon and then a pelican. c. Dove and then an eagle. A After the ARK landed, what did God create as a covenant with Noah? a. God made the sky turn blue. b. God placed the white clouds in the sky above. c. A Rainbow was a sign created to show that God would never again destroy the world with a flood. D Questions about the Exodus from Egypt. ​ Who led the Hebrews out of Egypt when they were slaves. a. Noah, with his three sons. b. Moses, with his brother and sister. c. Father Abraham, with his nephew. B To whom did God give the stone tablets that contained the commandments? a. Adam received the tablets after eating from the Tree of Knowledge. b. Moses accepted the tablets from God on Mount Sinai. c. Joseph was given the tablets, by God, when he was an administrator in Egypt. B How many commandments are there? a. Six commandments are written out on six parchments. b. Ten commandments are etched on two stone tablets. c. Twelve commandments are written out on both sides of one stone slate. B What is the first commandment? a. Honor your father and mother. b. Thou shalt have no other gods but me. c. Thou shalt only go to Christian churches. B What "message" from God did Moses say to the Egyptian Pharaoh? a. "Let my people go." b. "You must repent of your sins." c. "I have been sent to destroy your land because you sinned." A What happened when the Israelites were complaining of hunger? a. God sent nomad merchants to them with food. b. A substance called "manna" fell from the sky. c. Turkeys appeared every morning at sunrise for 40 days. B How many plagues did God put upon the Egyptians? a. Two b. Ten c. Twelve B What was the last plague? This was the one that convinced the Egyptians? a. God killed all the Egyptian "firstborn" children of each family, regardless of age. b. God made it rain for forty days and forty nights. c. God turned all the water into red blood. A Why was Moses angry when he came down from the mountain? a. He saw that the people were worshiping a "golden calf " . b. The people were complaining and wanted to return to Egypt. c. The people picked Miriam , the sister of Moses, as their new leader. A Who parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape Pharaoh? a. Noah to escape the flood. b. Moses to escape from the Egyptian army that was upon them. c. Aaron parted the sea because Moses had gotten old and frail. B The King wanted to kill Moses when he was a baby. How was Moses saved? a. His mother disguised him as a girl. b. His mother put him in a basket and placed it in the river. c. His mother took Moses and his sister Miriam to Mesopotamia. B Moses grew up in Egypt. Why did he suddenly leave? a. Moses " murdered" an Egyptian. b. He went off to "fight a war" for the Pharaoh. c. He wanted to "marry a woman" from a distant tribe. A More Questions about people in the Bible. ​ ​ ​ What musical instrument did David play? a. Lyre b. Trumpet c. Kettle Drum A When David was king, who did he commit adultery with? a. Jezebel, wife of Ahab. b. Bathsheba, Uriah's wife. c. Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. B In what city did God cause the walls to fall when the people marched? a. Jericho b. Sodom c. Ancient Jerusalem A Who lost his great strength when his hair was cut? a. King Saul b. Samson c. David B What did Samson use to kill 1,000 Philistines? a. A two-edged sword of Egyptian steel. b. The strength of his bare hands. c. The jaw bone of a jackass. C Whose donkey talked? a. Jesus on Psalm Sunday when he rode it into the city. b. Balaam when he beat the donkey for not moving along. c. Saul when he was riding the donkey on the Damascus Road. B Saul killed many believers. What was his name after he converted? a. Mark b. Paul c. Judas B How long did Jonah stay in the big fish? a. Twenty-four hours, starting at noon. b. Two days and one night. c. Three days and three nights. C What tribe did Goliath fight for? a. Midianites b. Philistines c. Canaanites B How many wives does the Bible say King Solomon had? a. Several dozen, he had a concubine. b. One, that was all that God would allow. c. Seven hundred, much more than God says we should have. C Who was given a coat of many colors by his father, Jacob? a. Joseph, Jacob's youngest son at the time. b. John the Baptist because he lived as a hermit in the wilderness. c. The Apostle John, because he was the leader of the apostles. A What happened after Jacob gave the coat to his son? a. All the other brothers became very jealous and sent Joseph into slavery . b. The brothers stole the coat and sold the coat at the market. c. The brothers were happy and they threw a party. A How many tribes of Israel were there? a. six (6). b. twelve (12). c. twenty-four (24). B Who is the oldest person in the Bible? a. Moses b. Methuselah c. Adam B Who did God take to Heaven in a fiery chariot ? a. Elijah b. Moses c. Enoch A What were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego forced into? a. A lion's den. b. A fiery furnace. c. A deep well. B And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21

  • Facts about the physical Bible | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Physical Bible Facts and Trivia Trivia and Facts about the Physical Bible for your education. Here are fun facts, trivia, and general commentary from this author about the physical Bible. ​​ The consensus is that less than 50% of Americans believe in the Bible. The Bible is an excellent source of information concerning how we should live. It is the authority of the Christian faith, written by divine authority and with divine inspiration. The Bible has other names. The Scriptures. Biblical Canon or The Canon. Word of God. The Book of Truth. Divine Scripture. The "Good" Book. The Gospel(s). Holy Scripture. The Word. The Living Word. Does the Bible include any secret codes? Several people and organizations claim to have found codes hidden in the Bible. Their efforts and the evidence they provided have been debunked and disproved by reputable sources. The answer is that there are no hidden codes in the Bible. The Bible is straightforward; however, it does contain many parables. Parables are meant to bewilder the unbeliever while making sense to the believer. The condenses is that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you can interpret the parables. The three most important messages of the New Testament and the entire Bible, for that matter, are : 1. We were created by a supreme being we call God. 2. Jesus, the son of God, sacrificed his earthly life to pay for the sins of the believers. 3. The marriage of believers to Jesus occurred at his crucifixion. Jesus is a bridegroom now away to create a new home for His bride (believers) to live in the afterlife. Jesus told his disciples in a parable at the Last Supper that believers are all part of this wedding. Jesus told them that he would return. These are the three most important messages that the Bible reveals to us. The foundational core of Christianity is: Creation . God created humans , Earth, and the Universe. Sin: God's creation is not behaving to his expectations. Death: All humans are destined to die because of sin. Faith. Jesus paid for the sin by dying on the cross, in place, of the sinners. Afterlife. There is an eternal life for those who believe in the above. The fundamentals of Christianity are: Salvation. The death of Jesus paid for our sins. Repentance. A change in our lives from bad to good. Judgment. What we do on Earth is judged by God. Path to heaven. A gift obtained by having faith in God. The Bible explains why we are here and gives us hope for an everlasting afterlife. "Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God, himself, will be with them and be their God. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21: The entire purpose of Jesus is His "sacrifice" for our sins and His return to "rapture" his believers. God's creation is not following the rules. We are sinning and must pay for those sins. This is similar to the same way, a father must have his child pay for the bad things done while growing up. However, God gives us an escape plan to pay for our sins by allowing Jesus to take our place. We don't have to take a beating for our wrongs because Jesus took the ultimate beating and gave his life in our place. God also will allow believers to live forever in a new world. Jesus will return to earth, gather all his believers (dead and alive), place their souls in a spiritual body, and settle them in a new home. The Bible describes this as the "Second Coming" and the "Marriage" . After Jesus was crucified paying for our sins, he came back to life and went to heaven. At that point, Jesus became the husband and all believers became the bride, according to the Bible. Jesus told this to his disciples. He left for heaven to create a new home for us and when that is complete he will come back and gather us up to take us to our new home in our new bodies. ​ There are well over a hundred translations of the Bible into English. This includes all dialects of English, ancient and modern. The complete Bible has been translated into approximately 724 different world languages. Individual portions of the Bible have been translated into over 2,000 different languages. The United Bible Society is a global fellowship of around 150 Bible groups translating, publishing, and distributing the Bible worldwide. Bibles are created from copies of the original Hebrew and Greek texts and translations of translations. Two versions (NIV and KJV) are the most popular and have had the most effort, with scholars working on them to make the most accurate translations. The New King James Version (NKJV) Protestant Bible is perhaps the most popular. The sale of The New International Version (NIV) surpassed King James in recent years. But not necessarily surpassed in general use. The Bible is not a book. The Bible is a bound collection of "individual books" translated from ancient manuscripts. Facts concerning the physical Bible depend on the translation and which version. Depending on which website was consulted, the Bible used, and the revision referred to yield different results. General Bible Facts and Physical Bible Information. There are 66 books in the combined New and Old Testaments. 39 in the Old Testament. 27 in the New Testament. There are 1189 chapters in the combined two testaments. 929 in the Old Testament. 260 in the New Testament. There are 31,102 verses in the combined two testaments. 23,145 in the Old Testament. 7,947 in the New Testament. There are 788,280 words in the combined two testaments. 609,269 in the Old Testament. 179,011 in the New Testament. There are 1.2 million individual letters in the Bible. These are characters or letters of the English alphabet. There are 150 songs in the Book of Psalms. The Book of Psalms is the only Bible book that does not have chapters. It is a collection of individual, poems and songs identified as simply Psalms 1 through 150. It does have numbered verses, however. There are 14,000 words, more or less, spoken by women. Eight women talked to God. Approximately 200 women are mentioned in the Bible. Not all are identified by name. There are 31,426 words in the Bible spoken by Jesus. This does not count duplicate sentences in the Gospels. Some Bibles include a third set of books called the Apocrypha. There are 14 "approved" books in the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha are books not considered "authorized" as part of the Bible. They are important enough to be valid scripture and are useful for instruction and teaching. The original Latin Vulgate and Greek Septuagint included the Apocrypha. Not all churches recognize the Apocrypha as valid scripture. The Hebrew Bible and many Protestant Bibles do not include the Apocrypha. It is bound in the Bible between the Old and the New Testaments. The Bible has a total of 80 books, which include the Apocrypha. Generally, 14 books are officially recognized in the Apocrypha. Esdras 2 Maccabees 1 Maccabees Prayer of Manasseh The Idol Bel and the Dragon Susanna The Song of the Three Children Jeremiah Sirach or Ecclesiasticus Wisdom Esther Judith Tobit 2 Esdras The original scripture is in three different languages. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The Old Testament is written mostly in Hebrew. The New Testament is written mostly in Greek. This is due to the popular spoken language at the time of the writing. Aramaic was spoken during the time of Jesus. This is the time between the Old and New Testaments. The most popular King James Bible was published in 1611. Before the King James version, three other popular Bibles were written and used. The Great Bible. (published in 1539) The Geneva Bible. (1560) The Bishop's Bible. (1568) King James Charles Stuart, was King James VI of England, aka King James I of Scotland. He was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the great-great-grandson of Henry VII, King of England. He was a converted Christian. James was a writer in his own right and is credited with writing The Book of Common Prayer. He decreed that the Bible be read out loud in church. The Great Bible was the authorized Bible at the time. James decreed that the Bible was to be rewritten and should be the one and only one used. This was mainly due to the Puritan sect of the church having issues with the earlier translations. King James declared the New Bible to be written in the language of the time so that all subjects could read and understand it. The Bible was originally called "The Holy Bible", not the King James Version. That came later. The King James Version included 80 books in total. There are 39 books in the Old Testament. There are 14 books in the Apocrypha. There are 27 books in the New Testament. The short and long of it: The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35. "Jesus Wept.". The longest verse is Ester 8:9. "Then were the king's scribes...". The shortest chapter is Psalm 117. It has only 30 words in 2 verses. The longest chapter is Psalm 119. It has 176 verses. The shortest book is 3 John. It has 14 verses and about 219 words. Some say 2 John because it has fewer verses but has 245 words. The longest book is Jeremiah. It has 25 chapters and about 33,000 words. Some say Psalms because it has more chapters. But it has only about 30,000 words. The first and last books of the Old Testament are Genesis and Malachi. The first and last books of the New Testament are Matthew and Revelation. The first verse in the Bible is Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.". The last verse in the Bible is Revelation 22:21. "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all, Amen.". The original, non-translated Hebrew text has the following: Psalm 119 has 22 sections with eight lines in each section. Each of the eight lines in each section starts with a Hebrew letter in the alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet outlines the chapters from A to Z (Alef to Tav), ordered alphabetically. The longest word in the Bible is Isaiah 8:1. "Mahershalalhashbaz " Mahershalalhashbaz is a Hebrew name or word meaning "swift are the spoils, speedy is the plunder.". God told Isaiah to name his son this name. The Nano Bible is the smallest known Bible. It is printed on an aluminum disk. The disk is 600 nanometers in diameter and requires an electron microscope to read it. It was taken to the international space station by astronaut Eytan Stibbe. It now resides at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, next to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Technion created the Nano Bible. The biggest known modern Bible weighs over 1000 lbs. It was the creation of Louis Waynai of Texas and was completed in 1930. It currently resides at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. It is approximately 43 inches thick and spans about 98 inches when opened. One of the worst things concerning the Bible is that it is the most stolen book in history. However, it is also the most purchased book in history. The estimate is that over 100 million copies of the Bible, all translations, are sold worldwide each year. The first five books of the Old Testament are also called the Pentateuch . The set includes the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The translation of the Pentateuch is a volume of five. Moses has been given credit for writing these books. They are referred to as the Books of the Law as well. The Jewish community calls this section the "Torah" or the "Chumash." . The Torah makes up about one-fourth of the " Tanakh .". The Tanakh is the Jewish Holy Scriptures, aka the Jewish Bible. The Torah is just one section of the Hebrew Bible. The four sections include: the Chumash (the Five Books of Moses), the Neviim (the Prophets), the Treisar (the Minor Prophets), and the Ketuvim (the Writings). The Torah is also one section of the Protestant Bible (the Old Testament). Christians call this section the Pentateuch. The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. The books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are called the Gospels. The Jewish faith does not recognize the New Testament as true scripture. The Jewish faith also does not accept Jesus as the Messiah. The faithful believe that the Messiah has yet to come. As time moved on, many Jews recognized, of course, that Jesus was the catalyst of the Christian movement. They admit that he was at least a teacher. Forty people have been identified and considered to be the main authors of the Bible. However, there is controversy over this between ancient and modern scholars. Other writers besides the forty have been identified as authors or aids in helping. The authors of many books are unknown. Most of the authors of the Old Testament were Hebrew. Many of the authors of the New Testament were Christian Jews. However; Luke was not. He was a Gentile and a doctor. Credit is given to Luke for writing the Book of Luke and the Book of Acts. The Bible was mostly written in Israel, some in Egypt, and a few in European cities. Many manuscripts were not written during the time they happened. The stories were handed down orally for generations without any particular order. The "Books" of the Bible are not placed in chronological order or by the order of their authors. The books were placed in order of their purpose. Law, history, wisdom, poetry, and prophets are the five groups of the Old Testament. Gospels, History, Epistles, and Prophetic are the four groups of the New Testament. Interesting derivatives of biblical words. The Bible comes from the Greek word "biblia" ; which means "books". Christ comes from the Greek word "khristos" ; which means "the anointed". Lucifer comes from the Latin word "lux ferre" ; which means "light bringing". Amen is derived from the Hebrew word "āmēn" ; which means “certainty,” The Protestant Bible is generally believed to be true and accurate. Many consider the Bible to be the literal word of God. Some believe the writers were full of the Holy Spirit when they wrote. Others believe the Bible is a book authored by inspired believers in God. ​ ​ The Geneva Bible is recognized as the most heralded Bible of its time. The Geneva Bible was the first Bible that had numbered verses. The Great Bible was published in 1539. It is named The Great Bible because it is physically large. The Great Bible was the first authorized English Bible by the Church of England. It was also known as The King's Bible because King James authorized it. King Henry VI declared Bibles to be read during services. The Geneva Bible was what the Pilgrims used. They brought it over on the ship, Mayflower. The Geneva Bible was the primary Bible used in the 16th century. It was the Bible that Shakespeare and other philosophers used. William Whittingham supervised the writing of the Bible in Geneva. The Geneva Bible is very significant in history. The Bible was published in 1560. It had an affordable cost. It was small enough for anyone to carry. The Geneva Bible was mass-produced. It came with a study guide and illustrations. It was the first Bible to have its verses numbered for easy reference and memorization. The Geneva Bible replaced the Great Bible. The Great Bible was published in 1539. It got its name, The Great Bible, due to being physically big. The Great Bible was the first "authorized" English Bible by the Church of England. It was also known as "The King's Bible" because King James authorized it. The King James Version replaced the Geneva Bible. These two versions were written 50 years apart from each other. The Geneva Version was published in 1560. The King James Version was published in 1611. America's founding fathers used the King James Bible. ​ There are six most popular and recognized English Bible translations. The succession of complete English Bibles by popular use is: 1535 - Coverdale Bible 1539 - The Great Bible 1560 - The Geneva Bible 1568 - The Bishop's Bible 1611 - The King James Bible 1991 - New Revised Standard Version Today, church denominations use these popular translations as they dictate themselves. Original King James Version. (KJV) 1611 Now published in the public domain. New American Standard. (NASB) 1971 Published by the Lockman Foundation. New Revised King James. (NKJV) 1982 Published by Thomas Nelson. New Living Translation. (NLT) 1996 Created by Tyndale House. English Standard Version. (ESV) 2001 Created by Crossway. New International Version. (NIV) 2011 Created by Biblica. Prior versions were in 1978 and 1984. Christian Standard Bible. (CSB) 2017 Published by the Lockman Foundation. Numbered verses were not in the original manuscripts or the early Bibles. The Hebrew Old Testament Tanakh, was the first Hebrew Bible to be divided into phrases. By Nathan, a Jewish rabbi, in 1448. The Latin New Testament, or Vulgate, was the first Latin Bible to use verses. By Robert Estienne in 1555. The Geneva Bible was the first English version to use numbered verses. Supervised by William Whittingham in 1557. ​ Major Bible misprints. The Sinners Bible . In 1631, a King James version had a misprinted commandment. Exodus 20:14."Thou shall commit adultery. "Fifteen copies exist and are displayed in various libraries and museums. They are estimated to have a value of around $85,000. The She Bible. In a 1611 King James version, there was a misprint in gender. Ruth 3:15 Instead of printing "He went into...", it was printed "She went into...". The King James Standard states, "... and she went into the city.” The King James Original states, "... and he went into the city.” A copy of the She Bible was discovered at St. Mary’s Parish Church in Lancashire, England. Its value is over $65,000. ​ Below is the Timeline of the most used and notable Bible manuscripts and scriptures. Bible Scripture started with oral tradition. It was passed down stories, songs, and poetry from the time of Adam and Eve, in local languages and dialects, from generation to generation up to around 1450 BC. The ancient manuscripts and scriptures eventually started appearing in various forms of languages and dialects. They were written mostly in Hebrew. The best estimate is that this started about 1450 BC. It started during the time of Moses, who was given credit for the first five books. Manuelscripts and scripture in ancient languages. Septuagint ( LXX ) Koine Greek 3 BC 72 Jewish Translators commanded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Codex Vaticanus (B) Greek 300 AD Unknown Scribes. Codex Sinaiticus (S) Greek 30 AD Unknown author. Vulgate (V) Latin 382 AD St. Jerome of the Catholic Church. Hebrew (Tanakh) Hebrew 400 AD Unknown scribes. The Torah. Books of Moses only. Codex Alexandrinus Greek 400 AD Unknown author. Ephraemi Rescriptus Greek 460 AD Unknown author. Ketef Scrolls (KH) Hebrew 600 AD Written on silver. The oldest surviving original text known. Masoretic Text (MT) Hebrew 700 AD Talmudic Academy. Hebrew Bible for 600 years (Old Testament). King Alfred (KAF) Old English 900 AD Parts of the Pentateuch. (1st known English translation). Cdx Aleppo (APC) Hebrew 930 AD Masoretes. (Was torched in the Synagogue riots of 1947.) Cdx Leningrad (LNC) Hebrew 1008 AD Samuel Ben Jacob mostly. (Oldest complete Hebrew Bible). Here is a complete table of all known English translations. Wycliffe's (WYC) 1388 AD John Wycliffe. The first whole Bible in English. Tyndale's (TYN) 1530 AD William Tyndale. (1st printed book in English - only a partial book). Coverdale's (CVR) 1535 AD Myles Coverdale. The first complete Bible printed in English). Matthew's (MAT) 1537 AD John Rogers. Considered a vital link in translations. The Great Bible (TGB) 1539 AD Myles Coverdale. It was once the "authorized" church Bible. Geneva Bible (GNV) 1560 AD William Tyndale. It was once the most popular Bible. Bishop's (BSH) 1568 AD Bishops of the Church of England. Douay-Rheims (DRV) 1600 AD Bishop Challoner supervised translation for Catholics of England. King James (KJV) 1611 AD Decreed by King James VI, 47 biblical scholars as translators. Darby's (DBY) 1867 AD John Nelson Darby. His translation was for the unlearned . American Standard (ASV) 901 AD Phillip Schaff in 1871 as requested by a church conglomerate. Revised Standard (RSV) 1946 AD Created by the National Council of Churches of Christ. New American (NASB) 1971 AD 51 scholars headed by Father Stephen J. Hartdegen. New King James (NKJV ) 1982 AD T. Nelson Publisher, updated to enhance clarity and readability. New Revised Stnd ( NRSV) 1989 AD National Council of the Churches of Christ. New Living (NLT) 1996 AD Created by Tyndale House. English Standard (ESV) 2001 AD Lane T. Dennis of the publishing ministry Crossway . New International (NIV ) 2011 AD Started 1965, first print 1973, rev 1978, 1984, & 2011 by Biblica . Christian Standard (CSB) 2017 AD Published by the Lockman Foundation. The New International Version This is the most popular version in sales, but not necessarily the most popular in use. It is considered the most accurate and readable English Bible to date. Translated by more than 100 scholars. The translation was overseen by 15 members of the Committee on Bible Translation. It is translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Three successive editorial committees translated this version. Biblical scholars, theologians, and English stylists also examined this versio n. Over 500 million copies of the NIV have been sold worldwide since its first printing in 1965. That's about 50 years, equating to an average of 10 million copies sold annually. The King James Version This is the most popular Bible used. Forty-seven translators from six different panel groups translated this version. They were leading biblical scholars in England, and their work was divided between them. Three groups reviewed the Old Testament. Two groups held a review of the New Testament. Only one panel reviewed the Apocrypha. Since its first printing, an estimated 6 billion King James Bibles have been sold. That's 412 years, equating to an average of 15 million copies sold annually. ​ ​ What a blessing to have the Word of God in two of the most accurate and understandable books.

  • Biblical Time Line | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Bible Time Line The timeline of Earth's creation according to the Bible and other sources. The Bible's Timeline of Earth's Creation The protestant Bilble indicates that Earth has existed for 6,000 to 10,00 years. Some scientists, zoologists, archeologists, and other religions have a difference of opinion. ​ Consider the following information gathered from the internet and words from this author: Bible time can be confusing with the length of "time" being argued over. A day in the Bible starts at sunset and ends at sunset the following day. However, the third hour is three hours after sunrise and not three hours after sunset. Days were split into two 12-hour sections, no matter how long the days or nights were. It was 12 hours from sun up to sundown and 12 hours from sundown to sun up. The hours' length was variable due to the year's seasons when nights were shorter or longer than days. Summer day hours were longer (more minutes) than the night hours. The winter day hours were shorter (fewer minutes) than the nighttime hours. The Roman Day (the one we use) starts at midnight and ends the following midnight. During the time of ancient Rome, they had variable hour lengths as well. There are several intriguing things about the calendar and days of the week. Parts of the world, present and past, use the moon to record time. Some use the sun. There are the Julian Calendar, Gregorian Calendar, Roman-Byzantine, Egyptian, Iranian, Islamic, Jewish, Turko-Mongol, and Western calendars. Ten days were lost on the calendar when the Pope decreed to change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in October 1582. The Gregorian sun calendar is used by the modern world in most countries. Most of the Islamic world uses the moon calendar. Removing the ten days allowed the calendar to keep the vernal equinox from March 11 to March 21. In the past, a day in the Bible was of variable length. In some cases in the Bible, a day means a year. In other cases, a day is a thousand years long. Perhaps this is why the Bible has some to believe the Earth's creation was 6,000 years ago, and the scientific community believes Earth was created much further back in time. It is hard to discredit the scientific community. It is much easier to believe that the Bible may not be understood when looking at timelines. "Seeing is believing." "Reading is faith." Reading someone's rendition that an event happened a thousand years ago is hard to believe if physical evidence does not support it. So which is correct, someone's recollection or the physical evidence? In some cases, perhaps neither is being correctly interpreted. In the case of creation, it makes more sense to agree with the science. It is more difficult to believe that a 6,000-year-old story is accurate, understood, and properly translated. So there we have it. There are two ways of looking at the past. Biblical Faith and Scientific Interpretation. Which is correct? Which is the real interpretation? It's one or the other. Science has at times been proven false. Faith, at times, has no proof. Perhaps both are true to some degree. Maybe neither is correct. The reality is that, most likely, it's just that we don't understand either method. The Bible was written over the course of 1500 years. Experts can't decide on the exact years when the ancient manuscripts and Biblical Scriptures were written. Also, it is not known who the specific authors are for some books. The early Biblical Scriptures and Old Testament writings date from around 1650 BC to 1000 BC. Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC. Moses or Aides are acknowledged as the authors of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible). Moses somehow was aware of all the things before his time. He most likely learned through traditional, oral stories passed down from generation to generation. Or perhaps it was given to him on Mount Sinai by God and the angels during the Exodus. Then again, there is evidence that written language was used as far back as Abraham. It is not known for sure how the Bible stories got to Moses. If we believe the story of Noah and the Flood wiping out the planet, everything flows from Noah. All people on Earth (and all animals) drowned except the eight in Noah's family and the mammals God told Noah to take aboard the Ark. It is believed that all of humanity is the descendant of Noah and his family, consisting of only eight members. All the animals, as well as the human race, are descendants of the Ark. Noah, like Moses, had to have been knowledgeable of the entire Biblical past from the beginning of God's creation up to the time of the voyage on the Ark. There is no evidence that his knowledge was in written documents. Did he have manuscripts on the Ark? We don't know. It is most probable that all stories and traditions were passed down from Adam and Eve through each generation orally. The assumption is that all Biblical history, knowledge, and traditions were passed down orally to Moses through the ancestry of Noah after the great flood. We can only speculate, as the earliest known written artifact found dates back to 3500 BC. So, the theory is that the creation story would have been passed down orally through the generations of Adam's descendants to Noah, and then from Noah's descendants to Moses, who put them in writing. Noah was born approximately 700 years after the creation of Adam. There would have been at least 700 years of oral pass down from Adam to Noah. The lineage was Adam, Seth, Methuse lah, Lemech, and Noah. Lemech was Noah's father. Methuselah was Noah's grandfather. Seth was Noah's fifth grandfather. Adam was the sixth grandfather. This oral pass-down is believed because no ancient documents were found that were written before the existence of Moses. It is a common belief that written language did not exist before Moses. Another theory is that God told Moses about ancient times, from the time of the Creation to the Exodus, when Moses talked with God and the Angels on Mount Sinai. How are we to know? This is where it takes faith to believe the documents of Moses, to be real, true, and authentic. No matter the method, Moses had to have gotten this information somehow to write about it. If stories were passed down orally, how accurate were the 1600 years of oral tradition from Creation until the Flood? I remember in grade school, the teacher whispered something into the ear of the student near the right side of her desk. She whispered it to the student beside her. The whisper went around the room until it ended up at the last student, in the room near the left side of her desk. Of course, you know the outcome of this little demonstration. Instead of the dog getting a treat from the youngest boy in the family for doing good tricks, the young boy got a dog from his family because he didn't play tricks on his family and was a good boy. There were 22 students in the class. That's only twenty-two renditions of the story. How many renditions are there in 1600 years? One would expect an entirely different story after 1600 years of being passed down. But the amazing thing is that the story has not changed. Writing documents accurately is one thing. Telling a story orally for 1600 years without variations is something else. Just thought-provoking. Something is amiss when putting the Bible creation up against the science creation. It always comes down to putting faith in the Bible or the scientific community. Which is real? Maybe neither. However, we must recognize that the scientific community has been slowly but continuously proving the Bible over the past 100 years. Is science 100% accurate? Surprise! It's not. It turns out that all these dating methods have flaws. They are not exact sciences. They do not agree with each other and can be thousands, or in some cases, millions of years, in error or apart from one another. The scientific explanation of Earth's creation started as a "theory" in the 1800s by one man, a mathematician, that others bought into. The theory didn't evolve based on scientific evidence but only on "reasoning" to explain Earth's creation using the logic of the day. One geologist bought into it and developed the radiometric dating system. Two geologists in the 1950s bought into it and developed a radiocarbon dating system. Since then, several other dating systems have developed, using uranium, samarium, potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, fission track, uranium-thorium, chlorine-36, luminescence, beryllium, and others. It turns out that many dating methods have significant inaccuracies and inconsistencies, with discrepancies spanning millions of years. The dating systems are improperly applied. The scientific community uses these dating systems to support their "theory" of a 5-billion-year-old Earth. "Darwin's evolution" nonsense has been disproven and debunked many times over. Scientists cannot agree with a single theory about the Earth's creation. They are still arguing over it. is one source. There are several theories. You can read about them on the internet. The two prominent theories are the Core Accretion and the Disk Instability Models. The U.S. Geological Survey is the nation's largest biological science and civilian mapping agency. It collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides a scientific understanding of natural resource conditions, issues, and problems. They are the ones that have "scientifically" determined the age of the earth. Here is the direct quote from their web page. "So far, scientists have not found a way to determine the exact age of the earth." When you read their website, you find out that the age of the earth is determined by rocks that are not from this planet. Note that there is a limited sampling of those rocks from a limited number of sources. The theory is that the Earth must be the same age as other materials found in outer space. Really? ​ ​ Here is a theoretical story to ponder: ​ Henry Bessemer created a thin sheet of steel in 1881. The sheet was stored for future use. In 1981, Ford Motor Company purchased that sheet of steel. Ford created a new prototype vehicle that never went into production. They used this piece of steel, created in 1881, to manufacture a prototype in 1981. Don't get ahead of me in this story. ​ In the future year of 3981, a construction crew excavated a plot of land in Detroit to build a high-rise building. The workers dig up a weird-looking vehicle. They have no idea what it is. They are curious about its age and call in the science crew. The dating system used during the year 3981 is very accurate and precise to the exact year. How old does their dating system say that the vehicle is? Are you ahead of me yet? Their dating system showed that the vehicle was built in 1881, not in 1981, when Ford built it. Do you get it? The dating system determined the age of the steel. It did not determine the age of the vehicle. Do you see the correlation of this story to Earth's creation? The rocks are older than the planet they created. Another interesting piece of trivia is that some moon rocks are older than the Earth. ​ ​ How accurate is the scienetific community. As always, with the scientific community, anyone who goes against their "Golden Standard" gets unheard, ridiculed, shunned, and laughed at. Pythagoras theorized that the earth was round. He was shunned by the scientists of the day for making that statement. The scientist said, "This can't be real." Aristarchus figured out in 300 BC that the earth revolved around the sun. This revelation was against the "Scientific Norm" of the sun rotating around the Earth. And they said, "Not true." The scientific community shunned Aristarchus, laughed him out of the meetings, and discredited him. Copernicus went further. He proposed that we are part of the solar system and that all the planets revolve around the sun. It took decades before the scientific community finally accepted it. Semmelweis, an obstetrician, published evidence that when doctors washed their hands before examining or treating patients, there was less illness and mortality. It went against the medical approach at the time. No one believed him. Yet, in his hospital, he was proven correct. Our human nature was at its finest. And the list of "scientific misinformation", goes on and on, until someone is brave enough to challenge it. The scientific community still has the self-egotistical "We know better than you" and "Don't challenge what we think we know" attitude. The evidence is there to challenge the scientists if we look. According to the Christian interpretation of the Bible, Earth was formed 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Since then, life was created, the flood happened, and Jesus came and went. The Genesis creation story is a viable explanation of the scientific world. Modern "rogue scientists" , like those listed above, are going against the egos of the mainstream scientific community, but are being proven to be correct in showing that the Bible creation is. The mainstream scientific community does not want to look at the evidence and admit they are wrong. A side note, watch the documentary " Is Genesis History ? " There are also several books out. Scientific Timeline Timeline of American geochemists Patterson and Tilton, using their dating system: Earth's timeline. Below is all speculation. Different historians and learned people have different timetables. The assumption is that scientific radioactivity and carbon dating are accurate. A belief is that the ancient Biblical year equals the modern year in length. Earth was Created. Microbe life is evident. Fungi life found. Plant life Formed. Land animals. Fish came about. Dinosaurs appeared. Primates on Earth. Apes appeared. Caveman. Stone tools found. Fire and cooking. Modern Humans. Oldest pictograph. Oldest hieroglyphic. Oldest Hebrew Text. Oldest Cuneiform. Chinese inscription. Hebrew manuscripts. More "scrolls" written. Oldest text in Ink. The oldest paper text. 4.4 bil. yrs 3.5 bil. yrs 1.5 bil. yrs 800 mil. yrs 600 mil. yrs 500 mil. yrs 100 mil. yrs 65 mil. yrs 8 mil. yrs 4 mil. yrs 3 mil. yrs 1.5 mil. yrs 800 th. yrs 5.5 th. yrs 5.1 th. yrs 4.3 th. yrs 4.0 th. yrs 3.3 th. yrs 3.2 th. yrs 2 th. yrs​ 2 th. yrs 900 yrs ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Irish physicist and mathematician Lord Kelvin, are scientists who believe the Earth was created 20-40 million years ago. Buddhists believe that the Earth has no beginning or end. Muslim Koran indicates that Earth was created 50 thousand years ago. Hindu Text suggests that Earth was created 150 trillion years ago. Christian Bible implies that Earth was created 6-10 thousand years ago. ​Timeline according to the Christian Bible (Best Estimate). Get the complete timeline here. ​ God created Earth. Genesis:1 Year 1 4004 BC Cain Killed Abel. Genesis:4 1000 3004 BC Lamech sired Noah at age 182. Genesis:5 1056 2948 BC Noah built an Ark at 600 years old. Genesis:7 1656 2348 BC All Humans on Earth die in a flood, except Noah's family of 8 adults. Noah Died at age 950. Genesis:9 2006 1998 BC Amram sired Noah at age 65. Exodus:2 2477 1527 BC Book of Job written. Job:1 2504 1500 BC Moses led the Exodus at age 80. Exodus:1 2557 1447 BC Ten Commandments revealed. Exodus:20 2604 1400 BC Moses died at age 120. Deut:34 2597 1407 BC The Hebrew Bible was created. 3400 400 BC​ It consists of 24 parchment scrolls. "The Silent Era". Nothing was written for 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. ​ Septuagint Bible Greek Text. 3974 30 BC Jesus is born. Luke:2 3945 1 AD Jesus is crucified. Matthew:27 3977 33 AD The last apostle John Died at 93. 4070 66 AD According to the Hebrew Scrolls ​The "Dead Era or Betrothal Era" began at the Crucifixion. Since then, the world has been waiting for the return of Jesus. ​ Vulgate Bible Latin Translation. Handwritten. 4386 382 AD The Hebrew Bible -Tanakh. It is finalized and authorized. 4454 450 AD Catholic authorized Latin Vulgate. 4504 600 AD Latin Vulgate (First printed Bible). The first Gutenberg printing. 5359 1455 AD Tyndale Bible The first English translation. 5434 1530 AD King James Bible The most popular Bible. 5515 1611 AD Revised Standard King James Revision. 5805 1901 AD Since 1901, hundreds of translations have been made. There are 6,000 years of Earth's biblical history, divided into the first, middle, and last years. During the first 2,500 years, there has been no discovery of any biblical documents written. The assumption is that all scripture must have been passed down by oral tradition from Adam and Eve, through the family of Noah, and finally to Moses. Biblical scripture or manuscripts were only physically written during the middle 1,500-year period. Moses is believed to have written down all this orally passed-down scripture. He wrote this history down in manuscripts and codices. That scripture makes up the first five books of the modern Old Testament and is called the Pentateuch. This is the foundation and source of the Jewish religion. During those middle 1,500 years, there were 400 silent years between the writing of the Old and New Testaments. There is no evidence of documents being written during the years of the silent period. These "silent years" were between Malachi at about 430 BC and Luke at about 50 AD. It is assumed that eight men wrote the entire New Testament between 50 AD and 95 AD. During the last 1,500 "dead years," there have not been any newly written documents. Copies and translations have been made, but no new revelations, manuscripts, or documents have been made, according to the mainstream Christian community. Other religions recognize new material, and the mainstream Christian fellowship is skeptical of its authenticity. The Mormons have the Book of Mormon, and the Islamic world has the Koran, to name two. Are they the real truth from the heavenly maker of the earth and humanity? The believers think so. During those past 1,500 years, since the apostles' deaths, no "new" documented written biblical history has come forth. This is because of the "wedding story" Jesus explained to his disciples before his crucifixion. Jesus is the "groom" and has left to go and prepare a "new home" for his "bride" (the believers). All will be quiet during this "betrothal period" until the day Jesus comes back to get his believers. That day is unknown and determined by God. The Bible even states that Jesus does not know the day. During this betrothal intermission, we are to straighten ourselves out with God. If someday people standing or sitting next to you instantly disappear, you need to worry.

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