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  • Bible Quiz (Medium) | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Difficult Bible Quiz and Bible Trivia Quiz You are allowed to peak because we are not all biblical scientists. Medium-difficulty Bible facts and Bible trivia questions. The word gospel means what? a. Good News. b. Words of God. c. New Revelation. a. Good News . The word Gospel means Good News. Which group of Bible books were written mostly in Koine Greek? a. Pentateuch. b. Gospels. c. Apocrypha. b. Gospels . The Gospels are part of the New Testament and were primarily written in Greek. Which group of Bible books were written mostly in Hebrew? a. Pentateuch b. Gospels c. Apocrypha . a. Pentateuch The Pentateuch (Torah) is the first five books of the Old Testament and was primarily written in Hebrew. Is it true that the Smithsonian has an original biblical manuscript ? a. Yes, but it is not the entire Bible, and not on public display. b. No there are no original manuscripts of any Bible book in existence. b. NO! There are no original Bible manuscripts in existence. What is the Torah? a. These are books written about Jesus. b. The first five books of the Jewish Bible. c. The first four books of the New Testament. b. The first five books of the Jewish Bible. The Torah is the first five books of the Jewish Bible. Torah is translated as five scrolls. In the earliest of there writing they were probably all one scroll. The Bible books are arranged in a specific order . a. Date of their discovery. c. Purpose of the subject matter (history, poetry, etc.). d. Type of prose (essay, letter, etc.). c. Purpose. The books of the Bible are arranged in order of their purpose. Author(s) that wrote the entire Bible? a. Noah while he was on the Ark. b. Moses while he was in the desert for 40 years. c. At least thirty-five known and unknown believers over a 1500-year period.. c. At least thirty-five authors. It is estimated that 35-40 people wrote the Bible. This includes the Old and New Testaments and not the Apocrypha. Which book was written by a doctor ? a. Matthew. b. Mark. c. Luke. c. Luke The Book of Luke was written by Luke who was a physician and one of the original apostles. Who is given credit for writing the Book of Acts? a. Luke. b. John. c. Matthew. a. Luke. Luke is given credit for writing the Book of Acts. Luke was a physician, evangelist, and companion of Paul. He was a disciple but not an apostle. What book was written by a tax collector for the Roman Empire? a. Ruth. b. Nehemiah. c. Matthew. c. Matthew . Matthew was a tax collector and wrote the Book of Matthew. What is the book of Psalms? a. 159 proverbial sayings of encouragement. b. A collection of lyrical poems or songs of praise. c. Writings about the lives of prophets in the Old Testament. b. A collection Poems and songs. Psalms was originally thought to be written by David. Modern consensus now agree that many authors contributed to the collection. Who wrote the most books in the Old Testament? a. Moses. b. Jeremiah. c. Joshua. a. Moses. Most books, in the Old Testament, is believed to be written by Moses or possibly one or more people close to him. The number 666 and the mark of the beast are found in which book? a. Job . b. Revelation . c. Malachi . b. Revelation. Revelation reveals the number 666 as the mark of the beast. What is the meaning of the word testament? a. Covenant. b. Letter. c. Manuscript. a. Covenant . Other meanings for testament are covenant, unbreakable promise, creed, or conviction. Which book talks about "the end times"? a. Ezekiel. b. Acts. c. Revelation. c. Revelation. The book of Revelation tells about the End of Times. It reveals the second coming of Christ, the tribulation, the 1000 years of peace, and the destruction of Satan. What part of the Bible talks about the ministry of Jesus? a. The Gospels. b. The Pentateuch. c. Revelation. a. Gospels. The life of Jesus is told in the books of the Gospel. The Gospels are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Which book records the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt? a. Genesis. b. Exodus. c. Judges. b. Exodus. Exodus reveals the details about the Hebrews escaping from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. I n the past several years, which version has been outselling the King James Bible? a. New International Version. b. New American Standard. c. The Christian Standard Bible. a. New International (NIV). The New International Version (NIV) has been outselling the King James Version because it is closer to the English language now in use. Which section of the Protestant Bible is also part of the Hebrew Torah ? a. The Pentateuch. b. The Apocrypha. c. The New Testament. b. The Pentateuch. The Pentateuch is also part of the Hebrew Torah. It is the first five books of the Old Testament. These books are also known as The Laws of Moses. It is the backbone of the Jewish faith. Where in the Bible does God make the rainbow as a sign of a covenant? a. Genesis. b. Exodus. c. Leviticus. a. Genesis. Genesis tells of God making the rainbow as a covenant with Noah. Genesis chapter 9. Christ comes from the Greek word "Khristos " ; what does it mean? a. Christ. b. The Anointed. c. Messiah. b. Anointed One. Khristos is translated as the Anointed One. Lucifer comes from the Latin word "lux ferre "; what does it mean? a. Light Bringer. b. The Devil. c. Fiery Serpent . a. Light Bringer. Lux ferre has the meaning of Light Bringer. Which book of the Bible was the last one to be physically written? a. Revelation. b. Romans. c. Acts. a. Revelation The last book physically written in the Bible is the Book of Revelation. It was written by the Apostle John while prisoner on the Roman island of Patmos. What Biblical book was the first one physically written ? a. Matthew. b. Job. c. Genesis. b. Job. The first Bible book physically written was the book of Job. How is salvation obtained? a. It is earned by obeying the Ten Commandments. b. Accepting the gift that God gives us for believing in The Good News. c. By taking communion . b. By God's Grace. Salvation is accepting God's gift of grace for the forgiveness of sins. ​ Back to the Menu. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the lite. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

  • Bible Knowledge Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Entertaining Trivia and Fun Bible Quizzes ​Fill in the blank Bible Questions and Answers Easy: Bible quizzes and answers to things we should have learned during our youth. Medium: Sunday School biblical stories with quizzes and Bible questions and answers. Difficult: We learned Bible trivia and information in sermons and light research. Advanced: Intense Bible study or deep research would have answered these Bible questions. How well do you know the Bible and biblical history? ​Physical Bible Info EASY Biblical Information EASY Biblical History EASY Biblical Characters EASY MEDIUM

  • Easy Bible History Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Moses Bible Quiz with Answers. The answers are below the question. Try it without peaking. How well do you know Moses. How many commandments were on the stone tablets that Moses had? God made these tablets with his finger and gave them to Moses. Ten. There were two tablets written on both sides. Exodus 20:1-17 What did God feed the Israelites during the forty years in the desert? The Israelites had to pick it up off the ground every morning except the Sabbath. Manna. Bread from Heaven. Exodus 16. What was the name of Moses' brother ? Aaron. Exodus 7:1-7 What was the name of Moses' older sister ? God gave her leprosy because she wanted to push Moses out of the way and take over. Miriam. Numbers 26 What country was Moses born in? His people were slaves in this country. Egypt. What physical ailment did Moses have? This caused his brother to be his spokesman. Moses stuttered. What river did Moses float down in a basket when he was a baby? His biological mother placed him in the basket and set it in the water. The Nile. Moses was a murderer . Who did he kill? He buried the victim in the sand after killing him. He killed an Egyptian taskmaster. Who or what was Nehushtan ? It would cure the Israelites of snake bites while wandering in the desert. A brass top to Moses' staff. Who was Moses' foster mother ? She found him floating in the Nile river. Pharaoh's daughter. How did an angel and the Lord appear to Moses the first time God sent Moses his message? Moses was attending sheep and was at the base of the Holy Mountain in Sinai. As a burning bush. Exodus 3:1-6 What did Moses do to give the Israelites water when they were murmuring that they were thirsty while wandering through the desert? God told Moses to go to this certain place and talk to this object. He struck a rock with his staff. God told Moses to talk to the rock. Numbers 20: At another time the Israelites were again murmuring for water. They came upon a water hole but it was bitter and undrinkable. What did Moses do? Moses put a piece of wood in the water to make it sweet. How many sets of the Ten Commandment slates did God make for Moses? Two sets. Moses smashed the first set when he was angry. What upset Moses so bad when he came down from the mountain after talking with God? He was so mad that he threw the Ten Commandment tablets to the ground and broke them to pieces. The Israelites had made a golden calf as an idol. ​ What sea did Moses part with his staff? The Red Sea. How old was Moses when he died ? Moses died on the same day as his birthday. 120 years old. Who took over for Moses after he died? God prohibited Moses from leading the Israelites across the border into Canaan. Joshua. How was the Egyptian army destroyed when they tried to recapture the Israelites? They drowned. Moses parted the sea and after the army entered the sea, it fell back to normal and drowned all the soldiers. How many plagues did Moses inflict on Pharaoh before he let the people go? Ten plagues. Back to Menu.

  • God's salvation through grace | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Bible Quiz Trivia Truth and Bible Facts Click on the menu options above or Icons below for Bible quizzes, trivia, and facts. Find out if the Bible is real, if Jesus existed, and if the Bible stories are factual. Learn the Bible facts and be exposed to Bible trivia here. Take a Bible Quiz ​The Bible is about God's love for us, how we should love him, and how we should love one another. The sin of Adam and Eve, God's creation, threatens our relationship with God. Sin is what separates us from God. However, the Bible teaches the truth of the Good News. It teaches us that salvation is grace from God and that Jesus is our way to reunite with God. ​ Want to learn more Bible facts and trivia? Want to take a Bible quiz and see the answers? Want more knowledge about God's love and salvation? Want to satisfy your curiosity about the truth in the Bible? This is a good place to do all of that. Read about Bible trivia, facts, information, stories, truth, and general biblical insights. We present biblical information we all should know and understand. Enjoy taking a fun Bible quiz or answering Bible questions. Bible trivia and facts are presented here with honest objectivity and truth in mind. The views and opinions of this website author may be noticeable. Salvation from our sins is a free "Gift of Grace" through the belief, in God and faith in Jesus Christ the Savior and Messiah. This is the predominant topic of the Bible's New Testament. This is the basis of the Christian Faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 There is intriguing Bible trivia, facts, and ancient history in a very unusual set of books. The Bible informs us of the life, history, revelations, and prophecies of God's early believers in ancient times. The Bible reveals God's love and salvation plan to overcome our sins by grace. The Bible has stories that are interesting, outrageous, and unbelievable, but true that you will want to read and reflect on. The Bible answers the question , "What do Christians believe?". This site has information , facts, trivia, and quizzes that might help develop your interest if you are not a believer. Read our pages for a unique learning experience about the biblical world. How much do you know about Christianity? Do you know your Bible? Visit our pages to gain knowledge of the Good Book and Christianity. Evaluate your knowledge and stimulate your brain by taking our Bible quizzes. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

  • Advanced Bible Character Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Extreme Bible Character Quiz We are not all Biblical professors. It's OK to peak at the answer. Very hard Bible Quiz about Bible Characters. Who approved and oversaw the stoning of Steven, the f irst martyr? a. King Herod the Great. b. Saul of Tarsus. c. Pontius Pilate. b. Saul Saul of Tarsus oversaw the stoning, of Steven. Later Saul converted and became known as Paul the Apostle. Acts 8:1-14 Abraham told the king that Sarah was his sister. Who was the king? a. King David. b. Ole King Saul. c. Abimelech, King of Gerer. c. Abimelech . Sarah was beautiful and Abraham was sure that he would be killed because of that. Abraham told Abimelech, King of Gerer, that Sarah was his sister. So Abimelech took her for his wife. God intervened before Abimelech lay with Sarah. God explained who she was and Abimelech gave Sarah back to Abraham. Genesis 20 Who wanted to be tied to an X-shaped cross instead of nailed to a standard T-shaped cross? This is not authenticated in the bible. Tradition says this disciple wanted to suffer more. He was tied to a cross in Patras, Greece, and was crucified by Aegeas, the governor of the region at the time. Also, tradition states that the X was turned sideways. a. Paul b. Andrew c. Peter b. Andrew. Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, wanted to be tied instead of nailed to a cross. He felt inferior to Jesus and wanted to suffer more. She lived in the temple all her life. She saw Mary and Joseph bring baby Jesus for purification. a. Deborah b. Anna c. Judith b. Anna. Anna was a widow and a prophetess who lived in the temple all her life. She met Jesus as a baby when Mary and Joseph brought young Jesus to the temple. Anna recognized Jesus as the Christ right away. Luke 2:22-40 Who made the contribution to Christianity with the Vulgate translation? a. Isosceles b. Aristotle c. Saint Jerome of Dalmatia. c. Saint Jerome. Saint Jerome of Dalmatia created the Latin Vulgate translation. God put this man to death for "spilling his seed.". The man did not want to impregnate his sister-in-law. a. Onanb. b. Judahc. c. Shemd. a. Onanb. Onanb spilled his seed because he did not want to impregnate his sister-in-law, Tamar. God killed him for doing this. Tamar had no male children to inherit the estate. Her husband, Er, had died and Onanb was obligated to impregnate Tamar. He refused to carry out the tradition. An earthquake opened doors and loosened Paul's chains. Which disciple was in jail with him? a. Silas. b. Timothy. c. Barnabas. a. Silas. Silas was in a Roman prison with Paul because they exorcised a spirit out of a slave fortune-teller who was making money for her owners. Who is the father of Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul? a. Shem. b. Simeon. c. Reuben. b. Simeon. Simeon was the father to these men. While building something, an axe head fell into the river. Who broke off a stick and set it on the water's surface? The axe head miraculously floated to the top. a. Noah. b. Moses. c. Elisha. c. Elisha. Elisha ​fixed an axe head that fell into the river and miraculously came to the surface. Who pushed a dagger so deep into the belly of the obese Eglon, King of Moab, that the dagger completely disappeared and went unnoticed by the guards ? a. Samson. b. Ussiah. c. Ehud. c. Ehud. Ehud ​ pushed a dagger into the obese King of Moab. It went in so deep it could not be seen. The guards were not aware how he died at first and Ehud made his escape. Who slew the Giant at Gath ? The giant had six fingers on every hand and six toes on every foot. a. Jonadab, a relative of David. b. Jonathan, the nephew of David. c. David (he slew a second giant). b. Jonathan. David's nephew Jonathan, son of David's brother Shimeah, slew this giant. 2 Samuel 21:21 This man denied supplies to David's army. The wife of Nabal persuaded David not to kill her husband. David married this woman after her husband suddenly died. Who is this woman? a. Abigail . b. Jael . c. Jehosheba. a. Abigail . Abigail persuaded David not to kill her husband Nabal, for not giving up his supplies. Abigail told Nabal how she intervened and saved his life. Nabal went stone-cold stiff with a heart attack and ten days later he died. After Nabal died, David married her. 1 Samuel 25 This female "double spy" drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera, the Canaanite general. Sisera sought refuge in her tent after retreating from the Israelite army. a. Delilah. b. Jezebel. c. Jael. c. Jael . Jael drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera a Canaanite general. What two midwives were assigned by the Egyptian king to attend to Israelite women during childbirth? Their instructions were to kill all males that were born. They refused because they were believers. Who were they? a. Gomer and Hagar. b. Shiphrah and Puah. c. Oholah and Oholibah. b. Shiphrah and Puah . Shiphrah and Puah were midwives assigned by the Egyptian king to attend to Israelite women during childbirth. The king commanded that all boys be killed. Exodus 1:15-21 This queen refused to appear nude before the court. It was a request of her drunken husband, King Xerxes also known as King Ahasuerus. The king then replaced her with a Jew. a. Simone. b. Jezebel. c. Vashti. c. Queen Vashti . Queen Vashti refused to appear nude for her husband in court. She was dethroned and no longer allowed to be in the king's presence. Esther 1:1-22 Who became king when he was eight years old? He reigned for 31 years and removed idol worship. a. Josiah. b. Amon. c. Jehoahaz. a. Josiah . Josiah was a descendant of David. He became king when he was only eight years old. He reigned for thirty-one years. Josiah started rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem and ordered all idols to be destroyed. 2 Chronicles 34 What did not happen at the slaughter of Amorites in Gibeon at the hands of Joshua? a. Hailstones from heaven killed many Amorites. b. The Israelites killed many with their swords. c. The Amorites committed suicide. c. The Amorites . The Amorites did not commit suicide. A Syrian commander captured a young Israeli girl. She told her mistress to contact Elisha in Samaria, who could cure her husband (the commander) of his leprosy. Who is the husband? a. Rimmon. b. Naaman. c. Mordecai. b. Naaman . Naaman was a Syrian commander who went to Elisha in Samaria to be healed of leprosy. In 1986, a clay seal was found outside Jerusalem. It has the name of a scribe from the Bible. The seal dates to the correct timeline. a. Delaiah. b. Elnathan. c. Elishama. b. Elnathan. A clay seal was found of a scribe named Elnathan. God blinded Saul. Whom did God provide to pray for and heal him? a. Ananias. b. Peter. c. Thomas. a. Ananias . Saul was led to Ananias who cured his blindness. Jeremiah was imprisoned in a Cistern at Malkijah. It was full of mud. Who rescued him? a. King Zedekiah. b. Shephatiah, son of Mattan. c. Pashhur, son of Malkijah. c. Pashhur . Pashhur, son of Malkijah, rescued Jeremiah from a muddy cistern. One of Saul's concubines lost two sons she begot from Saul. David hung them on the mountainside, leaving them to rot and be eaten by animals. Who was the mother who stayed with the remains until God gave her a sign? a. Gibeah. b. Rizpah. c. Mephibosheth. b. Rizpah Armoni and Mephibosheth were sons of Saul and Rizpah whom David killed for their father's sins. The church met in this wealthy Laodicean's house. a. Nympha. b. Lydia. c. Priscilla. b. Lydia . The church met in Lydia's house. Who was the person who traveled far, bringing many spices, gems, and gold to King Solomon because of his fame? This person also wanted to test his wisdom with some tough questions. a. The King of Saudi Arabia. b. The Queen of Sheba. c. The Prince of Ethiopia. b. Queen of Sheba The Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon to learn how wise he was. Which king chose Shechem as Israel's capital? This king also constructed two golden calves. He placed them north and south and said, "This is your God ; stay out of Jerusalem.". a. Rehoboam b. Jeroboam c. Ahijah a. Rehoboam Rehoboam constructed two golden calves as worship idols. There was a drought. There was no water and little food. God told this prophet to go to a certain widow's home in Zarephath and ask for bread and water. Afterward, God provided a flour pot and an oil jug that never went empty. Who was the prophet? a. John the Baptist. b. Jeremiah c. Elijah c.Elijah Elijah went to the widow Zarephath's house for food and water. 1 Kings 17:7-16 Naboth owned a vineyard next to the palace. Who used false testimony to have Naboth killed so that her husband could take ownership of the vineyard? a. Bathsheba b. Potiphar's wife c. Jezebel c. Jezebel Jezebel had Naboth killed so that King Ahab could have his vineyard. 1 Kings 21 The Philistines sent the Israelites a cart without a driver. Two milk cows pulled the cart. The cart had five gold tumors, five gold rats, and one other item. What was the other item? a. A Golden Calf. b. An original copy of the Tanakh. c. The Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments. c. Ark of the Covenant The cart also contained the Ark of the Covenant, five gold tumors, and five gold rats. The Philistines sent the cart without a driver and it went to the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh. 1 Samuel 6:1-18 The king of Syria sent a large army with horses and chariots to Dothan to kill Elisha. They arrived late at night and surrounded the city. What did Elisha do to spoil their plans? a. He caused a great thundering noise in the sky and caused lightning bolts to strike the invaders. b. He caused a firewall to erupt between the city and the invading army. c. He blinded the entire army of invaders and led them away to another city. c. Elisha blinded the enemy army. 2 kings 6 Back to the Menu. ​​For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:10

  • Difficult Bible Character Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Advanced Bible Character Quiz. It's OK to Peak. We are not all seminary students. Links to information are underlined. An advanced difficult Bible quiz on famous people in the Bible. Which was the smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel? a. Levi. b. Manasseh. c. Judah. b. Manasseh. The smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel was Manasseh. What relation was Jacob to Abraham? a. Son b. Father c. Grandson c. Grandson. Jacob was Abraham's grandson. Which king reigned the longest over the Kingdom of Israel? a. Saul. b. Jeroboam II. c. Solomon. b. Jeroboam II. The longest-reigning king over Israel was Jeroboam II. This king's c ruel wife was eaten up by dogs after she died. a. Joash. b. Ahab. c. Josiah. b. Ahab . Jezebel, ​ Ahab's wife, was eaten by dogs after her death. Who was David 's first wife? a. Bathsheba. b. Jezebel. c. Michal. c. Michal. David's first wife was Michal. David put him in the most dangerous spot in a battle. David wanted him killed. a. Uriah. b. Ehud. c. Gideon. a. Uriah. Uriah was placed in battle to be killed because he was Bathsheba's husband. David wanted her for his wife. Who was Abraham’s nephew? a. Lot. b. Job. c. Joseph. a. Lot. Abraham's nephew was Lot. Which prophet rebuked David for committing adultery with Bathsheba? a. Joel. b. Nathan. c. Zechariah. b. Nathan. David was rebuked for having an affair with Bathsheba. a married woman, by Nathan. God reprimanded this man's friends. The man listened to them instead of God . a. Job. b. Moses. c. Joseph. a. Job. Job listened to his friends instead of God to solve his problems. Who agreed to work for seven years to marry Rachel? a. David. b. Japheth. c. Jacob. c. Jacob. Jacob worked seven years for Laban so that he could marry Rachel. W ho was the Queen of Persia who influenced the King to protect her people, the Jews? a. Ruth. b. Bathsheba c. Ester. c. Ester. The queen who used her influence to protect her people was Ester. Which girls were Naomi's daughters-in-law? a. Rachel and Leah. b. Leah and Ruth. c. Orpha and Ruth. d. Orpha and Ruth. Naomi's daughter-in-law were Orpha and Ruth. Who carried the cross for Jesus when Jesus couldn't do it any longer? a. Simon of Cyrene whom the Roman soldiers picked out of the crowd . b. Zaccheus, the tax collector, saw Jesus from a tree as Jesus passed. c. Peter the beloved disciple of Jesus. a. Simon of Cyrene. The cross for Jesus was carried by Simon of Cyrene. Who is the sister of Moses? a. Delilah. b. Ruth. c. Miriam. c. Miriam. The older sister to Moses and Aaron was Miriam. Who owned a bronze snake named Nehushtan? a. Sorcerer of Pharaoh. b. Raah. c. Moses. c. Moses. The bronze snake that could cure illness was owned by Moses. This famous person played the lyre. a. Solomon. b. David. c. Cleopatra. b. David. King David was famous for playing the lyre. Who was David's best friend? He was the son of King Saul. a. Saul. b. Benjamin. c. Jonathan. c. Jonathan. Saul's son Jonathan was David's best friend since childhood. Who was the father of Rachel? a. David. b. Benjamin. c. Laban. c. Laban. Rachel and Leah's father was Laban. Jacob married them both. Who was shipwrecked on Malta island? a. Titus. b. John. c. Paul. c. Paul. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta as a result of a terrible storm. This man took the bo d y of Jesus down from the cross. a. Peter the disciple. b. Soldiers that crucified him. c. Joseph of Arimathea. c. Joseph of Arimathea. After the crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus' body to a cave. To escape from Damascus, he was lowered into a basket. a. Paul b. Rahab c. Two angels d. Lot a. Paul. Paul escaped the riotous unbelieving Jews in Damascus by being lowered down the outside city wall in a basket. Near which city did Jesus feed the 5,000? a. Jerusalem. b. Bethsaida. c. Antioch. b. Bethsaida. Jesus preached and fed the crowd of 5,000 at Bethsaida. During the Exodus, who did they bury in Kadesh ? a. Moses. b. Miriam. c. Aaron. b. Miriam. Moses' older sister Miriam was buried at Kadesh during the exodus. Where did Moses disobey God and strike the rock for water? a. Meribah b. Etham c. Hazeroth a. Meribah. Moses had anger issues and struck a rock at Meribah, displeasing God. The earth swallowed up this person and his followers after they rebelled against Moses. a. Aaron. b. Korah. c. Potiphar. b. Korah. The earth swallowed up Korah and his followers for disobedience to God. On the Sabbath, Jesus healed this person in the synagogue. It was a setup by the Pharisees . a. A blind man. b. A man with a withered hand. c. A woman with leprosy. b. Man with a withered hand. Jesus healed the withered hand of a Mason. God told this prophet to marry a prostitute. a. Samuel. b. David. c. Hosea. c. Hosea. God instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute to prove a point to the Hebrews. He climbed up a Sycamore tree to view Jesus entering the city. a. Barabbas . b. Usiah . c. Zacchaeus . c. Zacchaeus. A short man named Zacchaeus who was a tax collector. Who anointed the feet of Jesus with perfume? Afterward, she dried his feet with her hair. a. Mary Magdalene. b. Mary, the mother of Jesus. c. Mary of Bethany. c. Mary of Bethany. The sister of Lazarus and Martha, Mary of Bethany. Back to the Menu. "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor demons, nor the present, nor the future, nor any powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God..." Romans 8:38

  • Medium Difficult Bible Character Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Difficult Bible Character Quiz. Peaking is OK because we are all just trying to learn. Answer these medium-difficulty Bible trivia questions of Bible people. Who were the survivors of the massive ship the Ark? a. Adam, Eve, Cain, and Seth were survivors. b. Noah, his three sons, and their wives survived. c. Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and all their families survived. b. Noah and family. Noah, his three sons, and their wives survived the Ark. Who is Yahweh? a. Jesus. b. Abraham. c. God. c. God. Yahweh appears more than 6,800 times in the original Old Testament. There was a time when it was only allowed to be spoken by priests in the temple. The most popular English translation is Lord. His rod turned into a snake and ate the snakes of sorcerers in Egypt. a. Aaron. b. Elisha. c. Elijah. a. Aaron. Aaron carried a staff that ate snakes of sorcerers when it was thrown to the ground. Exodus 7:8-13 Who ordered the head of John the Baptist cut off and placed on a plate? a. Herod. b. Sanhedrin. c. Pontius Pilate. a. Herod . King Herod Antipas, a Tetrarch over Galolee, ordered the beheading of John the Baptist. Who allowed a golden idol to be made in the desert? a. Moses. b. Aaron. c. Miriam. b. Aaron. Aaron allowed a golden idol to be made during the great exodus. This was done during the time Moses spent 40 days and nights up on the mountain talking to God. Who was the blind person that Jesus healed in Jericho? a. Bartimaeus. b. Legion. c. Decapolis. a. Bartimaeus. Jesus healed a blind man in Jericho named Bartimaeus. . Who was thrown into a fiery furnace? a. Three young Hebrew men. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. b. Shem, Ham, and Japheth. c. Daniel. a. Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego were thrown into a furnace. Four days after he died, Jesus raised this friend from the dead . a. Peter. b. Nicodemus. c. Lazarus. c. Lazarus. Jesus raised Lazarus from death after being dead for four days. Who was the Jerusalem priest who instigated the trial of Jesus? a. Caiaphas. b. Demetrius. c. Annas. a. Caiaphas. The priest who charged Jesus with the crimes was named Caiaphas. He sat on a donkey that talked to him. a. Saul when Jesus blinded him while traveling to Damascus. b. When Herod plotted to kill John the Baptist, a donkey warned him. c. Balaam, who lived among idolaters and was a prophet of sorts. c. Balaam. Balaam's donkey spoke when he was repeatedly hit with a prod. Who was the thirteenth apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot? a. Nathaniel. b. Thaddeus. c. Matthias. c. Matthias. The 13th apostle, who replaced Judas Iscariot was Matthias. David saw this woman bathing in the nude and later had an affair with her. a. Delilah. b. Bathsheba. c. Cleopatra. b. Bathsheba. David saw Bathsheba bathing on a rooftop and had an affair with her. Who was Jacob's twin brother who had red hair and was very hairy? a. Isaac. b. Benjamin. c. Esau. c. Esau. The twin brother to Jacob, Esau, had red hair and was very hairy. Who was the only female judge in Israel? a. Ester. b. Ruth. c. Deborah. c. Deborah . The only female judge in Israel was Deborah. Who was the last King of northern Israel? a. Solomon. b. Hoshea. c. Nebuchadnezzar. b. Hoshea. The 19th and last king of the north was Hoshea. Samuel anointed him the first King of Israel. a. Solomon. b. David. c. Saul. c. Saul. The people wanted a king so Samuel appointed Saul. He was Elijah's apprentice . a. Elisha. b. Samuel. c. Daniel. a. Elisha. Elijah's apprentice was Elisha. Which tribe of Israel looked after the religious aspects of the faithful? a. Melchizedek. b. Levites. c. Jesuits. b. Levites. The religious affairs of the Hebrews were looked after by the Levites. Who ate locust and honey when he traveled in the wilderness? a. Jesus. b. Samson. c. John the Baptist. c. John the Baptist. John the Baptist ate locust and honey while traveling in the wilderness. What is David's father? a. Jesse. b. Solomon. c. Obed. a. Jesse. David's father is Jesse. Who was a Phoenician queen and wife of King Ahab? a. Bathsheba. b. Jezebel. c. Vashti. b. Jezebel. The wife of King Ahab was Jezebel. Who died when he touched the Ark to keep it from falling? a. Zacchaeus b. Uzzah c. Uriah b. Uzzah. Uzzah died when he tried to steady the Ark from falling off the cart. What Pharisee came to Jesus during the night ? a. Nicodemus. b. Saul. c. Abarbanel. a. Nicodemus. During the night Nicodemus came to Jesus. He asked Jesus what being born again was. Who was Joseph’s youngest brother ? a. Benjamin. b. Judah. c. Ruben. a. Benjamin. The youngest brother out of 12 siblings was Benjamin. Who met the visitors who came to the entrance of Jesus' tomb after the resurrection? He also rolled back the stone. a. Peter b. Mary, the mother of Jesus. c. An Angel of the Lord. c. Angel of the Lord. An angel of the Lord met the disciples at the tomb of Jesus. Back to the Menu. "For it is by grace you have been saved; through faith... it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:4-10

  • Easy Bible Character Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible Character Quiz with Answers. Easy Bible questions with answers about people in the Bible. Who built a giant boat called the Ark? a. Adam. b. Noah. c. Moses. b. Noah Noah was given instructions to build a giant boat. The purpose was to save humanity and the animal world from the destruction of the world that was coming in a massive flood. How many people were on the Ark? a. Two. b. Four. c. Eight. c. Eight . Eight people were on the Ark. Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives were on the Ark. Who is the Messiah? a. Jesus. b. Abraham. c. Elijah. a. Jesus . Jesus is known as the Messiah or anointed one who delivers the sinful ones from their sin. Who is the founder of Judaism ? a. Adam. b. Abraham. c. Jesus. b. Abraham . Abraham is the founding father of the original Hebrew religion of Judaism, which started in Judah. Who was king when Jesus was born? a. Saul. b. Solomon. c. Herod. c. Herod. Herod was king when Jesus was born. Who brought gold, myrrh, and frankincense to young Jesus? a. Shepherds. b. Priests. c. Magi. c. Magi . An unknown number of wise and educated men known as the Magi , came to visit Jesus sometime after his birth. A star in the east guided them. They brought three expensive gifts. Who traveled to Nineveh by a big fish? a. Jonah. b. Daniel. c. David. a. Jonah God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to deliver a message and transported him there by what is described as a big fish. The trip took 3 days. The fish spit Jonah out on the beach. Who was thrown into a lion's den? a. Jonah. b. Daniel. c. David. b. Daniel . Daniel was forced into a lion's den at the command of King Darius, the Mede. Darius was tricked into giving the order, by his jealous underlings. God took this prophet up to heaven in a fiery chariot. a. Enoch. b. Moses. c. Elijah. c. Elijah . Elijah did not die. He was taken directly to heaven in something that looked like a fiery chariot. Elisha was with him and assumed Elijah's ministry. God gave the tablets of the Ten Commandments to this man, on Mount Sinai. a. Aaron. b. Moses. c. Joshua. b. Moses . Moses received two stone tablets. They were engraved with the finger of God. They contained the original Ten Commandments. Who despised the disciples, but was converted while traveling to Damascus? a. Saul. b. Judas. c. John. a. Saul Saul of Tarsus saw to the killing of many believers. While traveling to Damascus he was met by a heavenly being. This resulted in Saul becoming a believer. This woman looked back at Gomorrah. She turned into a pillar of salt. a. Eve. b. Ruth. c. Lot's Wife. c. Lot's wife . Lot's wife disobeyed God. She looked back at Gomorrah as it was being destroyed. This resulted in her being turned into something that looked like a pillar of salt. 1,000 Philistines were killed with the jawbone of an ass, by this famous person. a. David, who faced the Philistines during a battle. b. Samson, after the Israelites gave him to the Philistines. c. Steven, the disciple, after the Sanhedrin came to stone him. b. Samson . Samson killed 1,000 Philistines out of revenge for killing his wife. Who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, over a coat? a. Esau. b. Joseph. c. Benjamin. b. Joseph . Joseph was sold into slavery to an Egyptian guard named Potiphar by his jealous brothers. This fellow used a sling and smooth stone to kill a giant. a. Samson. b. Daniel. c. David. c. David David went to the battlefront when he was a young shepherd. While there, he heard the blasphemous shouting of the Philistine giant Goliath. David decided to answer the giant's challenge. He attacked the giant with a sling and smooth stone. After David slayed Goliath, David chopped the giant's head off with the giant's sword. Who betrayed Jesus to the religious mob on the night of His arrest. a. Simon. b. Thomas. c. Judas Iscariot. c. Judas Iscariot . As Jesus predicted at the Last Supper, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Judas identified Jesus to the religious mob that came to the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus. This man denied knowing Jesus three times on the night of Jesus' arrest. a. Paul. b. Judas. c. Peter. c. Peter . Even though Peter said he would never deny Jesus, he did so on the night of Jesus' arrest. At the Last Supper, Jesus predicted Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed in the morning. This person watched as Moses floated among the reeds along the riverbank. a. The mother of Moses. b. The brother of Moses. c. The sister of Moses. c. Moses' sister. Moses' mother hid him for three months. She feared for his life and put Moses into a basket and placed it on the river. She hoped Moses would be found by the royal court, and spare his life. Moses' sister followed along the river bank. Jesus brought this man back to life after being dead for four days. a. Andrew. b. Lazarus. c. Nicodemus. b. Lazarus Lazarus was Jesus' friend who had died. Jesus deliberately waited four days before raising Lazarus back to life to demonstrate God's power. Who walked on water at the Sea of Galilee? a. Paul and Peter. b. Jesus and Peter. c. It was only Jesus. b. Jesus and Peter . Jesus was on shore and decided to walk on the water to a boat where the disciples were. While walking out to the boat Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and walk toward him. As Peter was walking on the water, he got scared and sank. Jesus had to save him. Who killed Abel because of jealousy? a. Cain. b. Seth. c. Seth's wife. a. Cain . Abel's older brother, Cain , was jealous of Able and killed him. At what age did Jesus start his ministry? a. Twelve. b. Twenty-One. c. About thirty. c. About thirty years. Jesus started his ministry when he was approximately thirty years old. He was probably between thirty-three and forty years old when he was crucified. How many criminals were crucified with Jesus? a. None. b. Two. c. Three. b. Two . At the crucifixion, two criminals were being crucified. one on either side of Jesus. Jesus told one of them that he would see him in paradise. Who baptized Jesus? This man lived in the wilderness. a. Friar Tuck. b. Caiaphas. c. His cousin John. e. His cousin John. The cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist, baptized Jesus in the River Jordan. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. God spoke and said he was well pleased. This prophet led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. a. Moses. b. Noah. c. Samson. a. Moses. Moses was chosen, by God, to lead the enslaved Hebrews out of Egypt. His brother Aaron was his spokesman and Joshua was his right hand man. Back to the Menu. "He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit." Titus 3:1-11

  • Easy Quiz of the physical Bible | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Bible Quiz of the Physical Bible. Test your knowledge of the physical Bible with these questions. The following questions are based on the King James Bible. ​​ What is the Apocrypha ? a. It is a collection of additional text, added to some Bibles. b. A special Bible section that lists all the prophecies. c. It is an expanded appendix to the Bible that explains the parables of Jesus. a. Additional Text. The Apocrypha is a collection of scriptures considered lost or previously believed to be not worthy, of being included in the original King James Bible. How many books are in the King James Bible with Apocrypha? a. Twenty-seven (27). b. Thirty-nine (39). c. Eighty (80). c. Eighty (80). The King James version including the Apocrypha has Eighty (80) books. How many books are in the Apocrypha? a. Forty (40). b. Fourteen (14). c. Twenty-Seven (27). b. Fourteen (14). The Apocrypha has fourteen (14) books. How many Old Testament books? a. Twenty-two (22). b. Twenty-seven (27). c. Thirty-nine (39). c. Thirty-nine (39 ). The Old Testament has thirty-nine (39) books. How many New Testament books? a. Nineteen (19). b. Twenty-seven (27). c. Thirty-nine (39). b. Twenty-seven (27) . The New Testament has twenty-seven (27) books. How many total chapters are in the Bible? a. 220. b. 1189. c. 23,000. b. 1189 . The Bible has 1189 chapters. How many verses are in the King James version? a. 1,000. b. 17,000. c. 31,100. c. 31,100 . The King James version has 31,100 verses in it. Approximately how many words are in the Bible? a. 144,000. b. 501,000. c. 783,000. c. 783,000 . The King James version has approximately 783,000 words. What is the longest word in the Bible? a. Nebuchadnezzar. b. Mahershalalhashbaz. c. Antidisestablishmentarianism. b. Mahershalalhashbaz . The longest word in the Bible is Mahershalalhashbaz. It is a man's name that appears twice in the book of Isaiah. What is the shortest “chapter” in the Bible? a. Genesis 1: "In the beginning, God ..." b. Psalm 117: "Praise the Lord..." c. John 1: "In the beginning was..." b. Psalm 117 . Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible. This Psalm has only two verses. Also, this chapter is in the center of the Bible with 494 chapters before it and 494 after it. What is the first book in the Old Testament? a. Alpha. b. Moses. c. Genesis. c. Genesis . The first book in the Old Testament is Genesis. It is believed to be written by Moses or under the direction of Moses. What is the last book in the Old Testament? a. Revelation. b. Zachariah. c. Malachi. c. Malachi . The last book in the Old Testament is Malachi. Malachi was a minor prophet. It is believed that some other singular writer wrote his book. What is the first book in the New Testament? a. Genesis. b. Acts. c. Matthew. c. Matthew . Matthew is the first book in the New Testament. It is also one of the Gospels. What is the last book of the New Testament? a. Alpha. b. Omega. c. Revelation. c. Revelation . The last book of the New Testament is Revelation. The writer is identified as John. Some believe it to be written by John the Apostle while on the prison island of Patmos. The most recent view is that it is some other unidentified John. What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John known as? a. The Torah. b. The Gospels. c. The Pentateuch. b The Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are known as the Gospels. They tell the story of Jesus' ministry. What section of the Bible is the Book of Esther in? a. Old Testament. b. Apocrypha. c. New Testament. a. Old Testament . The book of Esther is in the Old Testament. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? a. Amen. b. Jesus wept. c. In the beginning... b. "Jesus Wept". T he shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus Wept" . Jesus wept because he saw how sad Lazarus' sisters were over the death of Lazarus. Some Bibles show the words of Jesus printed differently. a. They are in italics . b. They are printed in bold . c. They are printed in red. c. Printed in red. The words of Jesus are printed in RED. Are there any hidden codes in the Bible? a. Yes. b. No. b. NO! There are no hidden codes in the Bible. Who wrote the Book of Luke? a. Paul. b. John. c. Luke. c. Luke. The book of Luke was written by the disciple Luke. Luke was a physician and one of the twelve apostles. What is the traditional Protestant Bible considered to be? a. The Bible is one complete book. b. It has two books bound together. c. The Bible is a collection of many books bound together. c. A collection of books. The Bible is considered to be a collection of books divided into two book sets. What are the first five books in the Old Testament called? a. Pentateuch. b. Books of Samuel. c. Apocrypha. a. Pentateuch . The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch. What are the first four books in the New Testament called? a. Pentateuch. b. Apocrypha. c. Gospels. c. Gospels . The first four books of the Bible are called the Gospels. Who wrote the first five books of the Bible? a. Noah. b. Moses. c. Adam. b. Moses . Most scholars believe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. They are referred to as the books of the law. It is the first section of the Jewish Bible. It is officially called the Torah by the Jewish faith. Is the Bible still the best-selling book in the world? a. Yes. b. No. a. Yes. The Bible is the best-selling book in the world. How does the Bible explain the way to get into Heaven? a. Obeying the Ten Commandments gets people into Heaven. b. Doing nice things, "Good Works", will get you into Heaven. c. "Believe in your heart in Jesus, the Christ." c. The way to Heaven is to Believe in your heart in Jesus, the Christ. Back to the Menu. “Repent and be baptized... in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 ​

  • Medium Hard Biblical Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Medium Bible Facts Quiz with Answers. You can peak. it's OK. We are trying to learn about the Bible. How well can you do with these medium difficult Bible questions? Is Swearing on the Bible in a court of law against the Bible? a. Yes. b. No. c. Only for those of the Jewish Faith. a. Yes . Swearing on the Bible or swearing, any oath is against the Bible. Who had three sons when he was over 500 years old? a. Adam. b. Moses. c. Noah. c. Noah . Noah had three sons when he was over 500 years old. Genesis 5:32 Why was William Tyndale burned at the stake in 1536? a. He assassinated the Head Priest of the Church of England in London. b. William Tyndale committed the crime of translating the Bible into English. c. He refused to say the Lord's Prayer at the beginning of his classes at Oxford. b. Translating the Bible into English. William Tyndale was burned at the stake in 1536, by the church, for translating the Bible into English. The church felt it would lose control of the parishioners if they could read the Bible themselves. This man was dug up by the Catholic Church 43 years after he died. His body was burned, and to add insult, his ashes were thrown into the river. All this was his belated punishment for printing the Bible in English. a. Dante. b. Socrates. c. King James. d.John Wycliffe. e.Shakespeare. d. John Wycliffe. John Wycliffe was dug up by the church 43 years after he died. His body was burned at the stake for his effort to translate the Bible into English. This Prophet went around "preaching unclothed" for 3 years. a. Nathan. b. Jeremiah. c. Isaiah. c. Isaiah . Isaiah was instructed by God, to preach in his undergarments. Isaiah did this for three years. It was God's way of proving a point about how bad the believers were. Isaiah 20:1–4 Who was credited for writing the first complete English translation of the Bible? a. King James. b. Socrates. c. John Wycliffe. c. John Wycliffe. The first complete, English translation, was written by John Wycliffe. Sotheby's Auction sold a book for $14M in 2013, what book was it? a. The Book of Psalms, written by the Puritan Ministers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. b. The first printed King James Bible. c. The Dead Sea Scrolls. a. Book of Psalms. The Book of Psalms written by Puritan Ministers sold at auction for $14M. Believe it or not, many villains in the Bible had a certain hair color. a. Black. b. Brown. c. Blond. d. Bald. e. Red. e. Red. Many of the villains in the Bible had red hair. What was the first complete Bible to be printed on a Printing Press ? a. Geneva. b. Gutenberg. c. King James. b. Gutenberg. The Gutenberg Bible was the first one printed on a printing press. Who was gotten drunk by, and seduced by, his daughters ? a. Phillip by his virgin daughters when he was on a mission with Paul in Caesarea. b. Daughters of Zelophehad because he had no male heirs to inherit his property. c. Lot by his two daughters after his wife died, and the family left Sodom and lived in a cave. c. Lot . Lot was seduced by, his two daughters after they made him drunk. Their mother died as they left Gomorrah and they wanted the family line to continue by getting pregnant. Genesis 19:35 Which of these sets of religions believe in the Old Testament? a. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. b. Christianity, Judaism, and Shinto. c. Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. a. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. All three of these religions believe in the Old Testament. These three religions have their start and roots in Judaism as started by Abraham. What was the first recognized and "Official Authorized Bible " of the Church printed in English. a. Gutenberg of 1455. b. Great Bible of 1539. c. King James of 1611. b. The Great Bible. The first authorized Bible printed in English was The Great Bible. Which situation in the Old Testament prevents a man from going to Church? a. A man who has had sex with a prostitute. b. Gentiles who have not yet been circumcised. c. Someone with damaged testicles or privates that are cut off (Eunuchs). c. Someone with damaged privates. Someone with damaged testicles cannot attend church. Deuteronomy 23:1 What did God "Smite" the people of Ashdod with, in their "Secret Bo dy Parts"? a. Boils. b. Leprosy. c. Hemorrhoids. c. Hemorrhoids God afflicted hemorrhoids on the people of Ashdod in their secret body parts. 1 Samuel 5:5-12. This man called fire from heaven that consumed 50 soldiers, 3 different times. a. Moses. b. Peter. c. Elijah. d. Jesus. c. Elijah . Elijah called fire from heaven which consumed 50 soldiers. 2 Kings 1:10 God gives specific instructions to perform this while in camp. a. Poop outside the camp and cover it up. b. Wash yourself before retiring for the night. c. Set out watches at all four corners to watch for the enemy. a. Poop outside the camp. God gives specific instructions to Poop outside the camp. Deuteronomy 23:12-14 This man prayed for the sun to stand still and for the moon to stop. He needed more time to conquer his enemies, the Amorites. And God did it! a. Abraham b. Joshua c. Moses b. Joshua. Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still and the moon to stop so that he would have enough daylight to finish the battle. Joshua 10:12-14 God instructed this man to take refuge in the Kerith Ravine near the Jordan. Ravens fed him. They brought bread and meat, and he drank from the brook. a. John the Baptist when King Herod was hunting him down. b. Moses when he went on the Lam from Egypt. c. Elijah, to escape Ahab's wrath. c. Elijah. God told Elijah to seek refuge in Kerith Ravine. Ravens brought him food. 1 Kings 17:2-6 In the Old Testament if a wife comes to her husband's defense, and grabs the opponent's genitals, what must be done to her? a. Her hand must be cut off. b. She must immediately go and wash her hands. c. Go into isolation away from her husband for 72 hours. a. Her hand must be cut off. During a fight between a husband and an assailant, a woman must not touch the assailant's genitals. A woman who touches a man's genitals in an attempt to help her husband must have her hand cut off. Deuteronomy 25:11 In the Old Testament, what happens to a woman who marries and is not a Virgin? a. All the village men stone her. b. She must grant a divorce to her husband. c. She is returned to her father and the marriage is annulled. a. All the village men must stone her. A non-virgin who marries must be stoned by every man in the village at the entrance of her father's house. Deuteronomy 22:13-21. Back to the Menu. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

  • Easy Bible Information and facts Quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Easy Biblical Facts Quiz with Trivia Try answering these easy Bible trivia questions and facts. It is OK to peak. We are not all Biblical professors. What is one of the unbelievable things about the Bible? a. Bibles cannot be destroyed by fire. b. It is the most stolen book in history. c. It is, unfortunately, the least-sold book in the world. b. Most stolen book. The Bible is the most stolen book. Who was Jesus' step-father? a. Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth. b. Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch. c. Elijah, the prophet. a. Joseph. Joseph was a humble man and believer. He was a descendant of King David. He lived through the scandal of having a pregnant wife out of wedlock. What ridicule he and Mary must have gone through. Who took the body of Jesus after he died? a. The 12 apostles. b. The family of his mother Mary. c. Joseph of Arimathea. c. Joseph of Arimathea. He was a member of the Sanhedrin and a secret follower of Jesus. He donated his own grave for the burial. Joseph had the help of Nicodemus who also was a secret follower of Jesus. Both of these men came out of hiding and showed their devotion to Jesus knowing the full impact of be ridiculed and the dangers they put themselves in. ​What was Peter's profession before he became a disciple? a. Tent maker. b. Fisherman. c. Farmer. b. Fisherman. He was a partner with his brother Andrew. Peter was also called Simon and often referred to as Simon Peter. What country prints the most Bibles? a. China b. England c. United States a. China. China prints the most Bibles. What does repentance NOT mean? a. Reviewing your sins and regretting them. b. Asking God for forgiveness of those sins. c. Forgiveness of sins by doing good things. d. Repentance is committing to change from sinful ways. c. Forgiveness of sins. . The forgiveness of sins through doing good things is not repentance. How many original transcripts of the Bible are in existence? a. None. b. One, it is in the basement vault, at the Vatican. c. The original Torah is kept in a museum in Jerusalem. a. None. There are no original transcripts of the Bible. What is the way to enter Heaven ? a. Doing good work will get you into Heaven. b. Being a good person is the key to getting into Heaven. c. Obeying the 10 Commandments is the only way into Heaven. d. The path to Heaven is being ethical, attending church, and saying your prayers. e. Believing in Jesus, confessing and repenting sins, and asking God to let you into Heaven. e. Believing in Jesus. The way to Heaven is believing in Jesus. Who is well known for placing free Bibles in hotels and motels? a. The Gideons. b. Knights of Columbus. c. The Jehovah's Witnesses. a. The Gideons. The Gideons are well known for placing free Bibles in hotels and motels. The Old Testament has five classifications. a. Beginning, 2nd quadrant, middle, 3rd quadrant, and ending. b. By the eras of priests, judges, Jesus, prophets, and revelation. c. Pentateuch, history, poems, major prophets, and minor prophets. c. Pentateuch , history, poems, major prophets, and minor prophets are the five classifications of the Old Testament. What is the special name given to the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt donkey? a. Ash Wednesday. b. Palm Sunday. c. Good Friday. b. Palm Sunday. This is when Jesus entered Jerusalem during the week that he was tried and crucified. There was much celebration and people waved and laid down palm branches before him. The people thought he had come to overthrow Rome. Explain the purpose of baptism . a. Baptism identifies a person as a member of their church. b. It's a religious "rite" that permits one to enter Heaven. c. It's a public declaration of religious purification and cleansing of sin. c. It's a public declaration. Baptism is the public declaration of believing in Jesus. It symbolizes the death of one's sin and the resurrection of a new life in Jesus. What is the closest definition of an agnostic ? a. This is a person who hates religion. b. Someone who believes in Satan and Devil worship. c. Agnostics believe that the existence of a God is unknown. c. Agnostics believe the existence of God is unknown. This man believed he wrestled with God and won. a. Samson . b . Jacob . c. Job. b. Jacob. Jacob believed he wrestled all night with God. God pushed Jacob's hip out of place. Some scholars believe it was an angel with a message from God. This "messenger" changed Jacob's name to Israel. As a result a new nation is born. What is the " Day of the Lord "? a. Sunday . b. This is the day Jesus was arrested , crucified, and resurrected. c. A time of judgment on the sinners and preparation for the second coming of Jesus. c. A time of judgment. The Day of the Lord is a time of judgment on the sinners and preparation for the second coming of Jesus. Great punishments will happen such as war. It will be a period of "Divine Wrath." Afterwards Earth will be restored. Explain the "Passion of Christ. ". a. The week when Jesus entered Jerusalem, is arrested, tortured, crucified, and risen. b. The story of Jesus' birth. c. The story of Jesus' ministry. a. The week of Jesus' last days. The last few days of Jesus' life. From when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey to when he had risen from the dead while lying in a burial cave. Give the best definition of an atheist . a. Someone hating to go to church. b. Someone who does not believe in a god. c. Someone who practices devil worship. b. Someone who does not believe in God. An atheist does not believe in God. An atheist will never enter Heaven. The first step to get into Heaven is to believe in God. W hat occurred at the Pentecost ? a. Jesus ascended into Heaven. b. Eyes of fire appeared above the disciples. c. 120 followers of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit. c. 120 followers (disciples) were filled with The Holy Spirit. At the Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. There was a great wind. Tongues of fire appeared above their heads and they began to speak in foreign tongues. Who will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? a. Serial killers. b. Child molesters. c. Atheist church members. d. Murderers, rapists, adulterers, and homosexuals, will not enter heaven. c. Atheists. Atheist church members will not be able to enter Heaven. Everyone else can enter, if they recognize Jesus as their savior, repent, and ask for forgiveness. What is the best explanation of salvation ? a. Being saved from sin and eternal death, by having faith in Jesus Christ. b. Stop doing bad things, and start doing good things. c. Keep the Sabbath holy and attend church every Sunday. a. Being saved from sin. Salvation is being saved from sin because Jesus died for our sins. You must believe in Jesus Christ, ask for salvation, and repent your sins. ​ Back to the Menu. ​ For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

  • Medium difficulty Bible history quiz | Bible Quiz and Facts

    Answers are at the right or below the question in "Light Blue" . It is OK to peak; because we are not all Biblical Scientists. Links to information are underlined. Medium Difficult Bible History Quiz It is OK to peak. We are not all Biblical scientists. More information is available by using the underlined links. Work on these Biblical history questions that are a little difficult. ​ What do John Rogers, William Tyndale, and John Wycliffe, have in common? a. They were important priests who conserved the Latin Bible during the religious reformation. b. Their bodies were all burned by the "church" for translating the Bible into English. c. Together, they started what has become the protestant religion. b. Their bodies were burned. The early translators who wrote the Bible in English were all burned at the stake. How many languages were the original codices and manuscripts written in? a. One. b. Two. c. Three. c. Three. The original scriptural manuscripts were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. What was the first English Bible "authorized" for use in the church? a. Geneva. b. Bishop's. c. The Great Bible. c. The Great Bible . The first authorized English Bible used by the church was the Great Bible. Which language below were the "original" biblical manuscripts not written in? a. Latin. b. Hebrew. c. Greek. a. Latin. Latin was not used to write any of the original manuscripts. Latin was used later in the creation of translated versions. What is recognized as the first Bible to use numbered verses and chapter divisions? a. Geneva. b. Vulgate. c. King James. a. Geneva. The first version to use verses and chapters is the Geneva Bible. Why were one hundred Bibles called the "sinners Bible "? a. The Gideons placed these Bibles in prison libraries. b. A printing error that stated, "Thou shall commit adultery." c. A priest in 1611 placed Bibles in prostitute brothels. b. A printing error. "Thou shall commit adultery ", is in a Bible version that is called the Sinners Bible. Which Bible version is considered the most popular Bible ever? a. The New International Version. b. The King James Version. c. The Vulgate. b. The King James Version. What caused several Bibles to be called the "she Bible "? a. Mother Teresa translated this Bible. b. All the words spoken by women were printed in red. c. In the book of Ruth, a verse states "she" instead of "he.". c. In the book of Ruth . A misprint in the sex of the person in the text of Ruth made this particular version of the Bible be called the She Bible. What language was the Vulgate version written in? a. Latin. b. Greek. c. Hebrew. a. Latin. The Vulgate is a Latin version of the Bible written by St. Jerome in 382 AD. Who killed the most people in the Bible? a. God. b. Devil. c. Herod. a. God. God killed the most people in the Bible stories. Many people defied God, disobeyed God, and mostly bowed down to idols. Which Bible was used during the time of Jesus? a. The Hebrew Bible. b. Vulgate. c. Septuagint. a. Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew Bible was used during the time of Jesus. It was the Old Testament. What is referred to as the biblical "silent years"? a. The years that the Israelites spent captive in Egypt. b. The first 30 years of the life of Jesus before he started preaching. c. The years between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament. c. Years between. The 400 years between the writings of The Old and New Testaments are known as the silent years. Which version was written under the supervision of William Whittingham? a. Geneva. b. Bishops. c.The Great Bible. a. Geneva. The Geneva version was led, by William Whittingham. Several other scholars were involved in the translation. What was the first complete Bible written in English? a. King James. b. Tyndale. c. Bishops. b. Tyndale. The first complete version of the Bible written in English was the Tyndale Bible. What was the first "bound" complete Bible written in any language? a. Cloverdale. b. Vulgate. c. Septuagint. b. The Vulgate. The first bound set of books called a Bible was the Vulgate. This was the first "unbound" collection of manuscripts made into a complete Bible. a. Vitus Latina. b. Dead Sea Scrolls. c. Masoretic Text. a. Vitus Latina. The first collection of manuscripts called a Bible was the Vitus Latina. Which prophet is known for turning his rod into a bronze snake? a. Moses. b. Elijah. c. Aaron. a. Aaron. Aaron and Moses were before Pharaoh asking him to let the people go. God's instructions to Moses was to tell Aaron to throw his staff to ground and it would turn into a snake. This was to be miracle and show the power of God when this snake would eat all the snakes of Pharaoh's magicians. Exodus 7:8-13 Who killed King Saul? a. His son on Mount Gilboa. b. He committed suicide after loosing a battle. c. He was killed by the Philistines during a battle on Mount Gilboa. b. He committed suicide. During a battle with the Philistines his sons were all killed. He lost the battle and was afraid that if captured alive he would be ridiculed and made fun of. Therefore, he killed himself so that he wouldn't become a spectacle. 1 Chronicles 10. What king made the decision to cut a baby in half to satisfy the wishes of two women who claimed the child as theirs? a. King Solomon. b. King David. c. King Ahab. a. King Solomon. King Solomon is considered the wisest king ever. He told these two women that he would cut the child in half and divide the child between them. The hope was that the real mother would give up her claim so that the child would not be harmed. 1 Kings 3:16-28. Why is Martin Luther important in history? a. He started the original Protestant Lutheran Church. b. He was a civil rights leader who challenged the government. c. He challenged the church and nailed 95 complaints to the church's door. c. He challenged the church. Martin Luther was a German priest in the 1500s. He found fault with the church and nailed 95 complaints of how the church strayed from scripture to the church house door. Which Bible was translated by 72 Jewish translators commanded by Ptolemy II? a. Vulgate. b. The Tanakh. c. Septuagint. c. Septuagint . The Septuagint was translated by 72 Jewish scholars commanded by Ptolemy II. Which Bible did the Pilgrims use when they first arrived in America? a. Vulgate. b. Bishops. c. Geneva. c. Geneva Bible . The Geneva Bible, the most popular Bible of the time, was brought to America by the Pilgrims. Who are the following persons? Aristotle, Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, and Tacitus. a. High priests during the period that the Bible was written. b. Most influential biblical writers who wrote many books of the Bible. c. Well-known and respected historians that, in some manner, corroborated parts of the Bible. c. Well known and respected writers. Aristotle, Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, Flavius, and Tacitus.were respected historians who corroborated the Bible. In what year do scholars believe the Torah was complete? a. 1100 BC. b. 400 BC. c. 120 BC. b. 400 BC. The Torah was believed to be written in 400 BC. How can one be saved from going to the furnace called Hell? a. By praying daily, especially repeating "The Lord's Prayer.". b. By going to church every week; and keeping the Sabbath. c. Faithfully keeping the Ten Commandments. d. Praying for forgiveness and accepting that "Jesus is Lord.". d. Praying for forgiveness is part of keeping out of the fires of Hell. Back to the Menu. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10: 8

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